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Posts posted by D-Sub

  1. I, too, wondered how long it would be 'til someone took issue with the 'Cougar posting.

    Bad joke, pure sexism, and really cruel.

    it is neither sexist nor cruel. Ridiculous, stereotypical people leave themselves wide open to be poked fun at. Are you aware that plenty of women call themselves cougars?

    This is being taken way, way too seriously.

  2. I kinda dont know why you got so mad about JGs thread...it's not sexist. He's a man, and doesn't really notice the male idiots, just the female ones. The term cougar certainly doesn't apply to all women, or all women of a certain age even. It applies to middle age prowlers and shouldn't be taken so seriously.

    I am told to lighten up a lot on here, or was before my hiatus....if you're really that angry about the cougars thing...you might consider it as well.

  3. I don't mean to jump on the bandwagon, but...

    D-Sub, in your original post you even referred to Tanner as a ****-up, because in addition to his amazing performance in the cage, he was kind of a ****-up.

    not even kind of. Almost complete. He managed to do a few things here and there, but he was clearly a two steps forward three steps back kinda guy.

    People like Tanner invite controversy (and since it's on the internet, you just have to deal with it :D)

    I acknowledged all this...I just think it's kinda cruel to bag on a dude in a tribute thread, especially when the OP already said "yeah, he was massively flawed" with the intent of getting that out of the way. Like I said...in death, do we not celebrate the light?

    - they have great stories of great feats, but those great feats arise out of bad judgment and bad choices. e.g. not very many people have stories about bailing water out of a boat all night long to survive, but that's because the vast majority of people don't jump in a non-seaworthy boat for a long sail without a lot of boating experience; do you know what I mean?

    you're honestly not telling me anything I haven't already thought of.

    Do you admire a guy for successfully disarming a grenade, or do you note that he was the one who pulled the pin in the first place?

    LOL, well, both? Both.

    I don't want to bag on him too much as he is no longer with us.... You're right - I read this thread with interest when you first posted it a few days ago, but have been refraining for replying, as I kind of have a problem with the glorification of guys like him, probably because I have some personal chip on my shoulder.

    I absolutely do not see this as glorification! Even the Men's Journal article acknowledges how stupid he could be.

    I knew a few guys like him growing up; they just happened to not have the physical gifts or the luck to end up as mma champions, and instead of ending up famous with an article in Men's Journal, they ended up drifting around, lost, a drain on society, and forgotten.

    aside from the "drain on society" Im one of those dudes. directionless, lost, and will be forgotten. I don't think Tanner was a drain, either...

    The only thing about them is that they have this weird mystique of "marching to the beat of their own drummer", or "trying to truly test themselves against nature and find their spiritual place in the world", or whatever, except really (imo) they just can't get their crap together, be responsible, get a job, and apply some kind of foresight to the way that they live their lives.

    This is where it gets difficult, because..."getting your **** together" is a modern concept, and there are people who just don't fit. Yes, they are often screw ups, and probably immensely frustrating to deal with, but...to just dismiss them critically...I can't do it. Some people just don't fit.

    Apologies, D-Sub - I don't really mean to rant; it's just touched on a sore subject for me (the glorification of stuff like this).

    Again I don't see it as glorification. Just celebration of an extraordinary life. That dude did more in 37 years than 100 men combined do in their entire lifetimes. Some of it was STUPID, and haskins is right...the dude was a drunk and clearly had some serious mental issues, but again...in death...

    If you read the comments on the mensjournal site, there are lots of comments about his "inspirational story and message", etc., and to me, I just think: What's inspirational about a guy who has no goal in life, and keeps ending up in life-threatening situations because he lacks foresight?

    Im not sure why it annoys you so severely, but I do see your point.

    What's more inspirational about that than the thousands of mothers and fathers who safely and successfully take their kids on trips to the desert after making sure their car is in good working order, making sure to pack extra water because they read up on the dangers of desert heat before they left, and letting friends and family know before they left?

    Tanner took all those precautions. He made one massive, stupid mistake though. He thought a spring was there that wasn't, based on outdated satellite data. He did let people knwo where he'd be, AND, it must be noted that he went alone. He didn't jeopardize anyone but himself.

    Why is somebody like him to be admired? What about that nerdy kid in high school who did have a goal in life, spent a decade learning deep esoteric knowledge on the intricacies of chemistry and biology, and is now trying to cure diseases for millions of people? Isn't that more worth appreciating than this one troubled guy?

    Im having a hard time figuring out why you're so vehement about this. Yes, your example should be celebrated. Absolutely! But..why not BOTH? Both are equally human. Both are points on the spectrum of human experience, and both are worthy of celebration.

    All that being said: dude was a wicked fighter for sure. That David Terrell fight was brutal and entertaining.

    It was actually kinda sad. Terrell had a promising future and was never the same again. Tanner owned him, and completely destroyed his will to fight. Demoralized, thoroughly. It's actually really contradictory that someone who seems to love people so much would be so...brutal...

    I wonder if he ever talked to Terrell after that.

    I wish I'd recorded yesterday's UFC. I'm going to try to avoid finding out who won, as I'd love to see the Franklin/Henderson fight fresh.

    I won't spoil it for you, but I will say DO NOT PAY FOR IT. It wasnt worth $55. Franklin/Hendo was good, but should have been better. Davis/Lytle was FOTN for sure. Coleman/Shogun, well....and you'll be surprised at the result of Kang/Belcher.

  4. D-Sub, There has never been an recognized scientific study linking Autism to vacines. The dramatic rise in reported cases of autism over the past couple of decades is almost entirely attributable to the broadening of the recognized spectrum of autism related conditions and improved diagnostic techniques.

    I also have several family members with Asperger's syndrome (3 who are formally diagnosed and several others who showed the signs but never had a formal diagnosis due to age - nobody knew what this was in the 60's and 70's - they just called you "hyper"), some of whom had full series of vaccinations and some who did not. Based on my reading and my own observations, there is a much stronger case for genetic causes than for environmental causes.



    Two major studies published in JAMA showing no evidence of relationships between thimerisol (sp?) and MMR vaccines to incidence of autism

    There are also "studies" that show aspartame is safe!

  5. I think you may have overreacted in reporting to the management. While yeah, washing another guy's back may be a touch on the odd side, especially in a public place, so be it. If nothing overtly sexual was going on, why be concerned?

    I'll use massage as an example. I was in an airport recently and a guy was giving a girl a massage. That, just as much as the washing of the back, could be construed as sexual.

    What's the big deal anyways?

    were they unclothed?

  6. D-Sub, sorry I said something wrong about your hero. My hero is Aqualung, a guy I could look up to. Stomp on him all you want. Call him a tramp, a bum, whatever, see if I care. You know what they say about getting upset/fighting on the internet. . .


    Snot is running down his nose...

    dude, I wasn't trying to fight, and you're actually right about Tanner...it just seemed like you were trying to shut down a tribute thread and if you were...why?

    If not, I misinterpreted.

  7. If you had hollered at them or kicked someones ass you would have overreacted.

    It's quite clear they were gay and there are several problems with the scenario.

    1)the age difference

    2)the public display of sexuality

    3)showering together

    4)public display of sexuality while showering together!

    you would have been equally dismayed to see two women, or even a man and a woman. The public showers at the Y just aren't the place for that.

    No, you didn't overreact.

  8. The article tho clearly describes a depressed, fairly anti-socal individual. Having a few miles on my sorry butt, I have met a lot of very sociable and anti-social individuals with terrible self-destructive tendencies and Tanner seems to fit the mold. I have seen alcohol destroy many a person. One does not just stop drinking and be over the addiction or the reason for the addiction.

    agree with all this. but, not all people can be "fixed" either.

    Tanner could politely be described as "complex". I can admire his early fighting career, some of his single mindedness, but not much else.
    You don't really have to admire any of him. If you see him as a wreck and a loser, well, that could be justified.
    And my post is just as unnecessary as yours. It is, after all, the Internet.
    nonsense. I posted something celebratory and you contradicted it, although now you say you didn't mean it that way, so case closed :)
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