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Everything posted by rwmaron

  1. Skiers have trouble avoiding us now, so we're going to adopt a lower profile? Does it come in Titanal? Will it make my heel-side turns better? How long is the wait for the Coiler version?
  2. rwmaron

    Spirit Mtn

    Bob; Thanks for hooking up with me on Friday; I tried to e-mail you through your Bomber profile, but I get a message that you won't accept e-mails..... Message me through my profile and I'll send you my e-mail address - I'd like to see the video you did; here's an example of the helmet cam video I mentioned: http://media.putfile.com/Sunapee-2-2-06 Maybe we'll catch one more day before the season ends. thanks
  3. 53 - started snowboarding when my (then) 7 y.o. daughter decided to trade in her skis and take a snowboard lesson. I figured that if a 7 y.o. could learn, then a 51 y.o ought to be able to as well. 2 years in soft boots, transitioned to alpine this year and it just keeps getting better and better......
  4. Too bad more of us can't ride this much, so we'd have better advice to give...
  5. Here's the specs on the Alp 169 I bought last year (from BlueB): Nominal L = 169 cm L (measured) = 167.5 cm Contact L (measured) ~ 147 cm - 148 cm Camber (measured) = 1.6 cm Nose (measured) = 26.8 cm Waist (measured) = 21.5 cm Tail (measured) = 26.6 cm SCR (calculated) ~ 10 m - 10.5 m BOBSI = 9.2 It's been a great first board for our small, local area, but I'm starting to think that it's time to try something a bit stiffer......
  6. #1 Boating - breakthrough days, good days, and days when nothing works. Boarding - breakthrough days, good days, and days when nothing works. #2 Boating - keeping your wits about you while holding your breath, upside down, underwater. Boarding - keeping you wits about you while far outside of your comfort zone for speed.
  7. Sorry for the confusion. The boots are mondo point 25.0
  8. I have a pair of MP25 Burton Reactor boots that you can have for the shipping.....
  9. Two Burton Stat5 slalom boards for sale: Running length 1350mm Turning Radius 9.9m Sidecut Sym Radial 23mm Waist Width 213mm $35 each or both for $60. One pair of Burton Reactor boots, MP 25. $25.
  10. Miguel - Outside of one trip to the southeast, my stomping grounds are nothern Wisconsin (Red, Wolf, Peshtigo, Pike) and NE Minnesota (St. Louis, Kettle). Opportunities to practice both in the same weekend are a bit limited in this neck of the woods........
  11. After posting, I realized that this might not resonate so well with folks not familiar with both pursuits....... Yes, I'm referring to kayaking, using hard-shell boats. It also applies to the even more arcane realm of whitewater canoeing (except for the spray skirt reference.)
  12. Why alpine boarding is like whitewater boating: Arrangements Calls, e-mails, posts - whatever it takes to gather the brethren; getting your kitchen pass punched. Appointed Day The flush of pleasure at waking in realizing that today is the day; the building anticipation as zero hour approaches. Gear Boating: boat, paddle, PFD, spray skirt, helmet. Boarding: board, boots, shells, mitts, helmet. Travel Meeting place, ride arrangements, vehicle attachments to carry the gear; getting caught up with your companions. Boaters don't tempt the river gods by putting a boat on the car backwards; I carry my boards facing forwards, just in case. Arrival Donning the battle armor; making the final adjustments. The Act Intensity and challenge to keep the normal stuff cluttering our heads pushed aside; attending fully to the demands of the moment; dealing with conditions (water levels/snow character); the easy stretches and big drops; spending time in killer settings. Afterwards Basking in the glow of the day's activities, fueled by food and drink; plotting the next opportunity. Off-Season Still thinking about it every day.........
  13. The local hardware store had a whole rack of clear vinyl tubing; I slit and layered 3 successive sizes around the bail on the side my boot was moving towards, sealed with plastic tape. Works like a charm. Total cost:less than a buck. Thanks again for the help!!
  14. Got a nagging problem that I can't figure out - I'm 5'10", 175 lbs, ride an Alp 169 with Burton plates (goofy), front 60, back 54; as I get back on the lift after each run, I notice that the toe of my front boot has 'crept' a bit to the left. At the top of the run, I re-center the toe of the boot, but by the bottom of the run it has shifted left again.......Seems like it moves enough to essentially change the angle of my front foot. I went through this last year with a beater set of Burtons, but moved to a newer set this year with the same result. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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