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Everything posted by scotts.Scheinman

  1. The canyons is a bitcin mountain. the lift layout is incredibly agerevating
  2. yup billy's video got me pretty psyced also
  3. does anybody know if there is going to be durpaz or pogo demos after The SES?
  4. D-sub how about a opionin from you or bobdea or Jack
  5. When i was in utah i used burton's i couldnt figure out how to adjust the size. also the back toe bail was a pain in the @$$ to get down.
  6. its a pretty sexy board if you ask me
  7. that is the most alpine riders that i ever seen at one time.
  8. i dont do too many crazy things so i dont see the retionality of it. If i think of doing somthing crazy i dont do it.
  9. heh i got really sick the day before i went to vail. oh did the most of the trip suck! but youre there so might as well board. you dont want to get sick in summit county i have seen it first hand at it really sucks
  10. ar)angel you are too obsessed with silberfeils. your aim is F2silberfeil. its just a plank of wood or w/e its made of
  11. Yup there is a binding. i toght it was the shine of the boot but it isnt.
  12. The hardbooter guys will meet you anywhere. TRUST ME THEY KICK @$$. check out the canyons while youre there
  13. Where does it start? I havent been there in about a year or so. I think its by peak 8. I would love to see it.
  14. isnt bob jenny the one who desinged the TD2 and TD?
  15. Who thinks Fin should create a plate binding for powder days?
  16. You got that right! Disco Demolition and Old Comiskey parl(NMU Alpine Boarder you loved that!) This year its the cubs year!!
  17. and there is still more canting options!
  18. I dont know but D-sub,Bobdea,fin and michele would be my best bet to ask. there are a lot of other poeple who will know. good luck.
  19. I got the OS2's . the reasons ethat swaywed me were the canting and the toe peice didnt stick out as much.
  20. like a think lay of basicia ( the stuff they make thoes wood airplaes are made of) wood I think its called and laminate it. Magnetic bindings Rollable,light and effective.
  21. they sound better than the TD2's, or are they not or just diffrent
  22. shred gruumer- that is hallarious!!
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