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Everything posted by marz

  1. Only one ? It'd have to be a not so giant freeride ( wish I still had a Doughboy though, instead of being one :) ) mid 170's with some flexy Raichles. It'd be fun for pow, pipe, & lock down the boots for groomers. Unspectacular, but fun, better 75% rage than 0!
  2. marz


    You're absolutely right about Slot!! I used to go up 1st. chair with the Patrolers before lesson lineup. 1995: early mornin' trenchin' on the K2 Skinney with Slot all mine :D , what a wake up :D ! It used to stay pretty quiet, with all the lemmings going to the Burn. I agree about Highlands & Buttermilk vs. Ajax. We couldn't ride Ajax back then, but SCXed it a couple times. It was fun from a historical sense. Definitely more fun to trench at the other 3, more space / fewer Loolies to dodge! I can't believe I haven't been back since '96, sad to hear about the grooming the only place that groomed better then was Beaver Creek. Thanks for jogging some great memories, have fun ! Hope to be in Breck late March. Yesterday our 3 1/2 year old daughter skied all day without help! Our dream come true !Looking forward to meeting & making some turns with the Bomber crew.
  3. If they're the newer ones with the dual density tongues (2 color) they shouldn't be too bad, unless your under 150-160 lbs. The older single density usually only worked well for tubs like me :D If the flex is close to ok, you can try riding with the top buckle lightly closed. This decouples the tongue & cuff, the ankle strap should still hold your heel well if the boot fits right. You might also spray silicone between the shell & cuff to reduce friction. Another trick is to remove the oval cant doughnut, that'll also ease some friction between cuff & shell. There are ways to chop the shell & tongue but you'd need to find a boot fitter familiar with 'em. Hope this helps. Mario
  4. marz

    Raichle 423 M27

    you have mail!
  5. good luck skiing or riding anything without heel/toe pressure!! :D the infinite # of setups are one of the things I love about riding, more ways to widget than skiing! what's right is what works for that person, which will be different depending on the day, equipment, snow conditions etc. the best riders rip no matter what the set up: I remember a kid leaving trenches on his 140 lunchtray in the days of "no backs & Burton Loafers", & watching Will Garrow float a 540 into switch Euros on his 190 Rossi at Snowbird. it's all GOOOOOD!!! ;)
  6. There were a couple pairs on ebay. I don't know if they've ended yet. Hope this helps, good luck!
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