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Everything posted by DiveBomber

  1. well i got my hot blast 162 for $25!! yeah its 4 bolt, im looking for new soft bindings for my soft boots, im thinking about adding a 3rd strap and maybe this might be a good place to use it
  2. found a Hot "spot" 165, but its asymetric, looks almost wide enough to use with soft boots, for $50??? interesting play toy, or junk?
  3. Yeah I dont go to bed as early as id like (2am) so getting up really early doesnt work for me all that well. Besides I always ride till the lifts close anyway. I dont get it, Morrison?? whats close to there?
  4. well i just checked, my front is 69 and the rear is 62 or 63, board is 180 wide. its weird, in some ways i want them steeper, but that would be only in perfect conditions with really wide open terrain and no other people around. But other times i want them slacker when it gets choppy and i have to try not to get hit by other people
  5. Some times i feel like i want to put hard boots on my freeride board. I can carve fairly well on it, its alot more comfortable. I almost feel like I want a super stiff board thats wide like a Freeride board, something that makes it feel like your riding powder on hard pack. I seem to recall old burton catalogs where it seemed like guys were riding big mtn on hard boots and freeride boards. or atleast their front foot was like at 40+ deg Im going to try to try out some stuff, but until then, im just thinking out loud, so I can get closer to figuring out what exactly I need. the the boards i have now are 180 wide
  6. how much is one of those?? where do you get them?
  7. so I can hide in the trees and wait for you to get someone to stop right?
  8. both those mags suck, they should call it teenysnowboarding
  9. yeah i just went and looked. I guess I just got tired of breck, AND the drive, why didnt they make that Ski train on I-70???? But I havent been to any place yet, that well... is like the commercials... you know... I see ads and videos and im like "where is that???" I thought berthoud was closed?? it boggles my mind how vail can be rated #1
  10. well youre lucky you live out there. Im sure if i did, i wouldnt bother with the most other places either, But Im thinking im going to give loveland a try this year. And I'm leaning towards the 5 mtn pass, just for some variety plus still cheaper at vail, but last time i never used all my days there.
  11. how tough are those boards to turn?? Id think it would be like driving and 18 wheeler
  12. yeah it does, cause theres only 2 passes to choose from, and neither of the options thrill me. Now if lift tickets were priced at $25 a day like they should be, i wouldnt even bother with them
  13. Times running out and im not sure which I want. Im really tired of breck, not to mention the people that go there. (could there be any more stereotypical snowboarders??) I dont really go to a-basin anymore, didnt go at all last season. Keystone is OK but its a little small, but atleast they have night riding. and Vail... well... eh... havent been to BC in ages, but I liked it and think it would be the best out of the 5, with the exception of the drive, and ill mostly be doing day trips(less anyone wants to split an overnighter) Then with the other pass Copper is ok, but still not thrilled with it, and WP, dont really care for the drive, so I probably wouldnt hit it more than a hand full of times. someone sell me on one or the other. if i had to choose it take Keystone and copper. But it i had my choice id take Aspen, BC, steamboat. help
  14. nah it wasnt that much, the weather people out here, need to be shot.
  15. ok so what are some guidelines as far as these baords go? are they longer or shorter than racer boards? sidecuts? anyone have a deal on anything?
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