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Everything posted by DiveBomber

  1. Id join you unfortunately I wont ever go on the weekend, Will be doing the Night riding at keystone though
  2. Only thing i dont like about the skwals is the SCR,
  3. How was it?? I dont think theres enough snow for my tastes yet
  4. Im sure what ever you've said TinyWilly, it was very clever!! You're the Champ!!
  5. Nah TinyWilly, Is #1 , but stand proud you're a very close second... Its a bit Ironic isnt it, They say second is just the first loser... But in this case First is the number 1 loser :lol: arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win, you're still a retard! And you're the Champ Willy!!! Hold your head high!!!.....NO!, your other head...retard!
  6. Lately standing in my board/bindings, just getting back into the feel here in the living room, I kinda feel like i want my front binding steeper, at, if not almost 90deg. Gives me the feeling it would be easier to go straight. Kinda makes me want to try a skwal..
  7. what would be cool is a top sheet that was actually usefull...actual map...signal mirror...dog tag..nail file... conversion tables thermometer.... what else could you put in/on a top sheet?
  8. Just get your MP3 player and some speakers and play the same sound that the Snowcats make :lol:
  9. Oh hes just having some adolescent fun
  10. WHAT?? WHAT??? I cant see what youve typed OH thats right you're on my ignore list!!! LOL
  11. HAH, tinywilly, Man you're trying way too hard and it shows!! following me around, pointing out typoos?? Thats just Sad LOL.... Arguing with an idiot would make me just as big of an idiot as yourself, besides you'd clean my clock with all the experience you have in idiocy :o Don't you have any friends to annoy?? (wait, thats a bit oxymoronic isnt it? ;) ) You're on my ignore list, so from here on out.... I won't have to feel sorry for you any more..... Stupidity is only funny for so long, then its just sad.... BUT I'll have the last laugh because one day when you're older you'll see what a loser you were (still are??) and there will be nothing you can do to change it :lol: what? what are you going to say??? come on, give it the old middle school try!! Have a nice life! (well, you have to get one first! :lol: )
  12. Nah.... go ahead "we name names!" (ala Seinfeld Hop Sings)
  13. let do Taos , its been a LOOoong time But i kind of liked ski santa fe, Might have to try angel fire
  14. Basically you just have to watch out for EVERYBODY, Ive been right next to people and had them turn into me, with out even looking first. but thats why I NEVER go on the weekends, But when you get on the lower sections where it starts to funnel everyone together, Just try and keep your didstance from anyone 15ft is good, you never know when the person in front of you is going to do something un expected. Most bigginers that youll find on the lower sections are just trying to stay upright and arent paying attention to much else
  15. Well looks like the decision was made for me, by the time i wend back to check the 183 was sold out (You bastard, whoever you are !!!!!) so i got the 177, for 240 inluding shipping and some free glasses, sweet! For a board with titanal I think im going to strip the top sheet see if i can get it all wood.
  16. um... i dont think i could bring my self to ride a board named tinkler
  17. oh yeah not to mention the $50!!!!! shipping for the first one
  18. I guess i should just have every board length in 5cm increments huh?
  19. Well FWIW I liked my 173 volant more than the 162, But the 177f2 and the 185 burton have about the same SCR, so would they feel similar?
  20. board one kind of funny that BOTH bidders with ZERO feedback, just signed up after the auction stared and on the same day no less!!!! Similar deal with this one, Great Username!!! board 2 :(
  21. Yeah i suppose.... you think the board check guys would be pissed if i hand them a bag with 5 boards in it?
  22. Ok youre not making this any easier. Does anyone still ride shorter boards much after moving to longer ones?
  23. any particular reason you wanted to replace the burton? Im definately going to ride the Burton, so what do you think as far as the size i should get in that case?
  24. So im picking up a burton speed 185, Thinking about a speedster, But wonder if its kind of redundant to get another board in a similar length?? was looking at the 177 and the 183 F2 speedster, I have a 173 board... Only thing is the Burton has a 15m SCR where as the 183 F2 has a 16M SCR... I'd appreciate and input thanks!
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