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Everything posted by DiveBomber

  1. interested, but can you assure me on the height? I have a set now and they are only 12mm high
  2. No this is for GS racing, and they dont seem that stiff
  3. no, its not foot pain im ok there(not great but ok) its just the way they make me ride, which is not good! My set up feels fine any home and I think "ok this is going to work" then I get on the slopes and it just feels all wrong
  4. SO im still fighting these UPZ's and it always feels fine at home then I get on the slope and spend 85% of my time adjusting **** in stead of riding:boxing_sm
  5. yeah but the thing is ill have to sell 3-4 boards to pay for it. (if i dont get rid of these UPZs)
  6. Not if there isnt any snow left to ride it on!!
  7. I wanted to Have Bruce build me a board, but he never answers the phone and im sure I wouldnt have it till next summer anyway.
  8. well lengths 165-175 preferable freecarve/all mtn If i could find and ATV 171 cheap enough id be intrested, but wish it were metal.
  9. can anyone give me a list of 23.5 wide boards??
  10. thanks unfortunaley i had to pass, max stance width of 21.25 and i need 23.5 and it actually a 228 waist not a 235, so taht and the fact that id have to add 4 inserts made me have let it go. I still want that kessler you got.... how about just loaning it out??
  11. Really?? YOU bought it??? hands off the speedcross!!! I know youre looking!! HOARDER!!
  12. Maybe I should clarify, its actually the other way around, the UPZ's have a higher toe. SO its kind of like the difference between standing in sneakers and on your bare feet. I actually do have a 1/4" rubber spacer on the rear intec receiver. but I have a plastic one i may switch to.
  13. Ok, well I think the problem pretty much boils down to the UPZ's being more level than the heads. I raised the heel of the catek to the point it would be unsafe to ride, as both the King pin, and rear set screws are only holding on by a couple threads. But just to get in position and see if it was the answer. It seems like the UPZ's have approx. 3deg LESS heel height. As I put my head boot on my front foot and the UPZ on the rear foot which has the footbed, and a 10mm dense foam heel wedge. and NOW they feel about level with each other. SOOoooo, that would mean I need another 10mm wedge to make it like it was with the Head boot was naturally. SHeesh. any opinions on the best solution?? Because the problem is I can make it with work with the cateks (though I need to get an XL kingpin and set screws) but other bindings wont work. Then again how can I adjust the boot???
  14. I do have the BTS on my Heads. Ill bet you have a bit narrower stance, and are probably less affected by the differences.
  15. Ok another thing I just fooled around with that seemed to make a difference: I opened all the buckles except the very top on and the strap, and that seems to make a difference, it let me spread my knees especialy when I did both boots... what does that say? (these boots arent good enough to be this much trouble!)
  16. Yes and no, I did actually "rotate" the front cuff by moving the outer pivot backwards, made no difference. But I THINK I've narrowed it down, I tried switching my rear boots between the UPZs and heads, and for what ever reason the UPZ is making my rear leg feel like it wants to straighten. but as the same time its forcing me to ride with my knees together, which seems the opposite of what id expect. Ive even maxed out the rear heel lift on the bindings (catek) the boot flex seems comparable and enough. im guessing its sorta like if you are trying to get in that "starting block position, but your heel is being held to the floor. anyway I think this may be the issue, actually its what I thought before but the adjust ments i tried didnt seem to make much differnece
  17. Nah, im pretty sure its all about body positioning, im having a hard time rotating my core.
  18. I give up, its not working. I went one notch wider to 22.0" stance and it still feels to narrow, its not that it feels a little narrow, it feels like im riding a 17" stance, how can that be!?!?!? I took one run and just said screw it. What other possible difference could there be?? PS there may be a pair of barely used 29.5 Rc-10s for sale soon!
  19. I dont crank tight on them either, I'm on the first notch on the first 3 buckles, but id like to shoot the idiot that placed the 3rd buckle, I had to go to a shop and get a longer hookset, with the original one I was crushing my foot(with my foot bed in the boot) however what I did do today (inside) is straighten the front boots upper cuff and lock it down, I think the natural lean of the boot is too forward and that was pulling my legs apart. ( at least I hope that helps) and they I went to 22.0" stance. seems ok. But I have to say overall, im not super enthralled with these, aside from the issues I have, I dont like the fact that you almost have to take the tounge off to pull the liners, I think the plastic toe peice sucks ass, im putting shoe goo on to make it have some traction. (why cant they make it like the burtons???) I think the 5 buckles is a waste, and the ankle pivot should be lower, and the position of the middle buckle could be more around the ankle. and Im starting to really not like the "shorter sole" because it now is a huge pain if i want to switch boots. OH and I didnt think they were that stiff, my Heads with the stiffest tounges (i have 4 different ones) are stiffer Grrr... money i could have put towards a custom prior BX
  20. didnt I sell you a pair of Reactors while back?
  21. Damn, still no good. WTF is the deal?? how is it that I can feel like my stance is too narrow(21.75), and at the same time like my hips are being pulled open??? One thing Im thinking about, about the upper boot cuff. Im thinking maybe I can't rotate in the cuff. In my heads I usually pull the tounge on the front boot to the inside (shift to the right) so I can lean into more, and can adjust my body to face forward more, while till having a more stable front foot angle. Becuase one thing I notice , is that in the UPZs it feels like I want steeper front angle, but I know that would then make me less stable how the heck can a boot cause this much trouble?? :(
  22. He Phil, Know anyone who has a pair in size 29.0-30.0
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