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Everything posted by skywalker

  1. Hi, maybe you didn't read my personal messages on EC, did you? ;)
  2. Hi to all, as I don't have a lot of time at the moment, only one short point about it: What you want to show is linearity or progressivness of flex. Your suggested test has nothing to do with dynamics. Taking away the load suddenly and measuring the board's movements would be a dynamic way of testing. This would lead to another important characteristic of snowboards which is dampening / hysteresis. I would like to have a system consisting of two charts. One would be the arc a board shows along it's axis when loaded with a given force. Maybe a differential diagram would show very precise the stiffer and softer areas of the board. Second chart ould have to show torsional stiffness, of course also as an arc along the board axis. My 2 cts Tom still believing that estimating a board's characteristics based on numbers / diagrams must be possible. I would be in the wrong profession if I would not ;)
  3. Wait another ten years... ;) well, viagra might help from that, but so does Ibuprofen or a beer when snowboarding is frustrating.
  4. 6min up and down. possible. nearly. all I said ;)
  5. You can Snowboard a whole day without a break. You can do it with your best friend, having some beers afterwards. You can have nearly 100 runs a day. Snowboarding has no headache and can be done 4 weeks a month ;) You can do it on perfect groomers or deep pow under the beautyful winter sun. I had days in the pow or on some glacier slopes, when I was laying in the snow shouting and nearly crying from joy. You can snowboard at the ECS, ECES, SES,... with some of the best snowboarders around. I would not like to do that in sex. Did anybody say that sex was better??? We're not talking about love, right? I'd never think about my GF, but hardly anything beats the perfect run / wave / ...
  6. Hey D-Sub. Sorry to hear about your stolen boards. Hope, you get your babies back! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. BTW: a friend of mine once got back his MTB by staring WTB Threads at some online makretplaces and the local classifieds magazines. He not exactly described his bike, only mentioned the brand and two similar and some models. The guys who had stolen his bike were stupid enough to contact him... he visited them with two cops and found the hole house full with stolen bikes. My best whishes! Tom
  7. On issue about spray on carved turns I think is this: If I go through a totally relaxed cerved turn on firm snow, there won't be much spray. There also won't be much decelleration and much control. I just stay centered, change the edge, apply some angulation, some inclination and let the board follow it's path. Other image: On a steep slope I force my board to bend with a proper aount of vertical dynamics, some forward lean and some pressure in front of front binding. The edge between the nose and the front binding will create huge forces and the whole edge will bend in an "uneven" arc. Add some high edge angles and you will end up with a lot of spray, especially on soft snow. You know, only 2 ct ;) Tom
  8. I've been racing on bycicles for almost 17 years now. Last year I decided to race much less, I think, there will be some MTB Marathon races this summer. No more road racing, you do it with full power or you have to leave it :(. I do a 10 Km run sometimes, just to prove myself. Maybe a 42 Km this year later in summer, let's see, how my knees will perform over the year... Oh, I will tell you about car racing later this year...
  9. I still remember this day of the 2002 Olympics. I was sitting in front of the TV with a good friend, snowboarder like me, and was so exited, that my sport made it to the big Olympia TV. I was so ashamed afterwards to be a hardbooter!!! The Halfpipe contest really ripped, there were cool guys doing extremely high and skilled jumps, which was obvious for everybody. But the hardbooter contest looked like some folks locked in their hard boots fighting gates, which obviously did not fit to either the material the riders were on or the sport they performed. If I watch a ski race today, I can see them carving clean turns in a beautyful way, much better than a decade ago. And if I look at their courses I have the same thoughts like Tim: Make them bigger ;)
  10. Hi Bordy. Sorry for that, as I don't have nearly as much posts here in this forum and not any WC experience. What I strange kind of hierarchical thinking is this what you show up here? I had this thought on some others of your posts before, but how much a better person are you than James Ong????? I think, we all are just hardbooters with a lot of passion for our sport. You know, this is a free country ;)
  11. Nobody can do, it's physically impossible. Don't ever believe anybody telling you anything else ;) http://koti.mbnet.fi/cmachine/mig/index.php?currDir=./EC2005&pageType=imageℑ=100_0086.JPG&startFrom=1 count: two
  12. I think, many advanced carvers can do a more or less fully laid toeside (correct, dear D-Sub?) turn. So I would estimate (forgive me this word) the percentage to about 33% to 50%. About the half of them might even master it properly carved. It's hard to define "advanced carvers", but according to Bordy I would call someone, who really knows how a carved turn feels like and who can master it in different ways and conditions advanced. Is this an answer to your question?
  13. For sure he is ;). But also for sure, there is no "luke" in my nick *LOL*. I'm seriously thinking about Palpatine as Anakin's father, the other option would be the "no father" theory...
  14. ooops, something disappeared here ;). So very sorry for the maybe not totally correct quote! Thanks, exactly my thoughts! I just counted them as a "me not", otherwise it would have been hard to stay cool about that... ;)
  15. ...of men or women? ;) Hey, just kidding. It's o.k. to be sensitive, but please don't be oversensitive.
  16. actually it's physivally impossible! So don't believe them *LOL* http://koti.mbnet.fi/cmachine/mig/index.php?currDir=./EC2005&pageType=imageℑ=100_0052.JPG ((Sorry Pokkis, I decided to edit the address now in my post. But thanks for the hint ;))) o.k, let's count: one ;)
  17. ...don't you think the term "male chauvinists" places blame, that there are only male chauvinists??? I have no problem, calling a (male) guy fat, if this is a fact. If he was 220pound on 5ft, I guess, it would be a fact. So if I am male, is it evil calling him fat? And if I'm female???
  18. I'm <=150 / 68Kg, but anyways broke the bails of an old F2 Race (ProFlex Vario). As Patrice told me, that he kills the front bails of his rear binding about once a year, I just ordered a spare pair of front bails for the Titaniums I'm using nowadays. I would vote for a bail vs. step in poll, too. Also for a model/brand poll of standard( bail bindings, which means, we would need two more polls about bindings. Anybody with me? Tom
  19. Hi Doc. My little sister owns a Knifer, which also lost ist's edge. We did quite a lot of work to fix it. First like Nils described just from "outside". As that did not last, we removed a piece of the base, fixed the edge and reassembled the piece of the base. What I saw when the base was removed made me decide not to spend any single minute of work for that piece of crap. The whole edge showed corrosion (not only the splitted area), thin layer of fiberglas wich was not laminated properly and so on. My advice to you is: Get any other alpine board on ebay and forget the WD :( Tom
  20. Sorry Jack, it was not my intention to make this something personal!! Tom
  21. Sorry, what does BSME stand for? hmmm... You were talking about a wall with zero energy absorbtion. I'd rather say it's like one car with the speed of 100mph hitting another (identical) car without speed and WITHOUT a wall behind. Remember: Sum of the speeds of both cars is 100. You have total absorbtion energy of both (2 times car #1). So in sum 2 times the absorbtion energy of car 1 and in sum two times the speed of car 1... will end up with the impact of car 1 hitting a wall without any energy absorbtion with 50mph. Sure ;)
  22. Hi Jack, sorry for that, but you're as wrong as one can be. Car No1 will be decellerated from 50 to 0. Car No 2 will be decellerated from 50 to 0. You could put a wall between them and get the same result... or a sheet of paper. This is not at all true for two different cars!
  23. I think it's something different to like the style of someone you watch going down the slope and to like a style to perform yourselfe. For me it's not possible to put into such narrow categories what I like and what I don't. I like watching anything pure and clean. This may be Jacques EC-Style, but also some totally different riding technique. I don't like any move, that doesn't belong to the carved turn essentially like the uphill arm up or any Albatros style. Even sudden moves of the legs to various directions during one turn look kind of wrong to me... What I like when riding is not always the same. Some days i just want to feel edge pressure, another day maybe lay down as far as i can. But I always like to do one turn with one sequence of moves, while it feels like a mistake, if I have to start a second part of a turn, to correct my board's direction with some force, etc. steering and control is nice, reacting and trying to recover control isn't. Tom
  24. This is a awesome thought!!! There are some guys out there, who learned snowboarding mainly from me. My little sister's style is so similar to mine, that you might call her riding "skywalker style" ;). So maybe in a few years when carvers meet, there will be some saying: "Look at this guy, I think he was trained by Jack." Or "This one is riding more like Jacques than like Patrice, maybe he liked Jacques' style better than any else"
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