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Posts posted by Ernie00

  1. Je le répète encore, quelque soit la machine, l'entretien de celle-ci est super important. La pierre pour le basegrind doit être remis "flat" régulièrement. Les disques pour les edges changés etc.


    Ishhhhh un board après 2-3 base grind tu es à la fin !!!! pas trop souvent.

    c'est sur une true bar c'est un bon investissement... une fois que ta base est droite... une cire réguilèment.. avec des pierre de diamant tu maintient l'angle des edges c'est le best.

  2. Last year I injured my back teaching at my high school. Since then things have been pretty bad, I had to stop work May - June and now it's still pretty bad. I've ridden once this year for a few runs it looked OK. I need to keep on stretching everyday. I need to pass and an MRI soon and now seeing a back specialist. Looks like my hip flexors are way way way too tight and it brigning my hips out of alignment creating a lot of tension in the back muscles.

    I'm also worried about my seson... and I have a new coiler to try !

  3. You can fly to eagle or Denver for cheaper, I'm sure landing to Aspen is very expensive. Then you take a shuttle from CME that will drive you to aspen. They are a little costly but you don't have to drive or anything and they have a shuttle right at the airport. That's what I did when I went to glenwood springs close to aspen. Worked out great. Then in Aspen they have a very godo shuttle service for free from mountain to mountain.

  4. I'm a PE teacher / College volleyball coach so I see myself as in Constant training when I ride. I like to approach everyday of riding with little things I want to work on to challenge my riding and bring it to another leve.

    I take a lot of information from reading articles here, talking to other carvers and looking at them so I can spend some time thinking about the mouvement mechanics and understand it properly.

  5. J'ai été a st sauveur aujourd'hui.. rien de spéctaculaire comme j'avais prévu mais maudit que ça fait du bien de faire 2-3 carves.. La piste était pas large et était comme un cube de glace ou avec des grosses bosses à certains endroits mais après 2-3 runs j'avais spotté les bonnes lignes et j'étais capable d'enligner quelques carves de suite. Faut en profiter en début de saison ! :)

    Au moin je sais que les choses vont s'améliorer avec le temps !

    j'y pense y retourner demain ! hehehe

  6. Well Bruce did it again.. I got my board after a long wait and the board looks perfect.

    The board is a Custom RC 180 Titanal board. Bruce tweaked it a little for a tall and skinny dude like me.

    I must say my first experience with Bruce was beyond my expectations. Bruce is very professional and he always took the time to answer my e-mails or phone calls. He really took the time to explain what he did and why he does it that way so you can understand things a little better. Definitaly I would recommend everyone to get a custom board, it's a fun experience being involved in the process.

    Really can't wait to put this one to the test. !


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