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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Folks

    While we did have 435 pics to choose from, I picked and cropped one of each of us that I thought were good shots. Its seems some chowed up in front of the lense more than others;) Great time and I included one extra shot of THE Mr. Smith , because the smile on his face represented the day for me and I think everyone there.

    What was weird taking the shot is that I usually dilute my viewing focus when I look through the lense to try and optimize the framing of the picture, but when I took the shot, his smile beemed into the camera and I said to myself, "Good reason to be smiling!!!"

    Also thanks for letting me get some time behind my camera. Ireally enjoy taking photos and it seems Mike does too:biggthump

    The remaining shots, I dont know if it would be easier to email or just burn 8 discs with each of your own pics and mail them to you.

    Any how here they are




  2. Great day in many respects

    Attendance Record (8): Jesse, Joe, Joe, Tony, Dave, Glenn, Mike and Greg

    Good grooming, sticky snow, afternoon potatoes were fun and no one on razor.

    laughs, ball busting

    That thing Mike talk about know the situational awareness of your ding dong and Anal Fissues of something like that.

    I heard many compliments, questions, stares and some of the best were waiting for other riders making turns watching heads turn on the lift to see what the hell is that and why are there so many. got to see that from two perspectives, Top of Challenge and waiting over on Razor while you guys came down Challenge.

    mike trigger happy on the camera, must have been the 5-hour NRG.

    Glenn going in the woods. got pics.

    Sun came out in the afternoon

    Glenn making it even though he was dead on his feet AND he did RAZOR, nice work.

    All that contribute to having a great day at the hill with other HB's.

    Some good pics and I will post when I get some time to resize and crop. I was gone 10 hours today so I am sorta on BOL detention, but all well worth it. Next year, a few weeks earlier to ensure good stiff snow. Even though I had penty of days out this season, today took the cake and well worth burning a PTO day from work, thanks for the turn out.


  3. Folks

    For anyone arriving later, I will leave the remaining discount passes on top towards the back right corner of the Liquid Lighting Energy Drink Machine in the valley lodge. If they are not there, then I put them on the vending machines which is a little more hidden so ppl cant see those getting the tix.

    If we run out we run out, sorry.

    See you in a couple

  4. Bryan

    Not much night life at the mountains. blue does however usually have some happy hour stuff going on at the lodge up top. For night life, the resorts are fairly quiet at night form what I know, you would need to head south into the lehigh valley. Bethlehem Brew Works is a good place to start, but..........

    if you stay in Easton, which I suggest if your buddies want to got out and actually have a fun time on Saturday.:biggthump, there is a Holiday Inn Express there (25 minutes from Blue), fairly reasonable rate (some other less clean hotels in the area too. and take a cab downtown (3 miles), center circle of easton has about 6-8 bars/restaurants within 100 yards of each other and they all have different themes, from sports bar/dance club (Drinky Drinkerson's) to martini to cougars to straight up drinking bars, plus spoiled Lafayette students on Dad's plastic. I would say its the highest concentration of close bars in the valley, other areas require cabs place to place

    If you can spend some cash, I recommend Sette Luna for food and drinks. Its 1.5 blocks from center circle. Get the Chix ceasar salad and any of the wood brick oven pizzas.

    I will however strongly advise you and your friends to not wonder too far from center circle, eAston is not the hometown of Ward Cleaver and our murder rate is up this year, NOT JOKING

    Whereever you go, DO NOT drive, take a cab, the paper is filled with DUI listings everyday and they are not shy about enforcing it.

    If you are staying north of Blue toward Route 80 and need some gentlemen entertainment. The Grandview, let me repeat, the Grandview. It may be out in the sticks of the Poconos, but they carpool smokin hotties from NYC. only there once and 95% of the girls were 8.5 and higher. There are alos some new casinos in the Poconos off of 80 (Mount Airy, nice place, but only slots, plus crowds from NYC and NJ).

  5. I will get there early too about 8. Today was the best snow of the season too bad they butchered Razor so bad that the top was unridable. So bad, that no one, and I mean no one was one it except those who hadnt been down it , but they didnt go back and I called customer service to let them know that having it that way may lead to unwanted accidents. hopefully they spend some time on it tonight.;) Challenge, swithcback and Dreamweaver were just unreal and its FAST!!!

    It is suppose to rain all next week so tommorrow is a go. Get down to 32 tonight, maybe firm it up and should be good. It was still holding up very well until 2pm otday with direct sun on it. Bring your trail mix and some h2o becuase no lunch breaks . Mind you, the ticket office at the valley was closed today, not sure if the valley automated machines are working. I will get there earlier to hand out discounts, but not going to mtn top lodge. See you folks there.

  6. What a b1tch!!!!!

    From what Iheard, today was VERY NICE!!!! Thursday should be the same.The groomers stiill dont know how to groom, many ridges, but hopefully it sets up for Friday.

    Keep an eye on the weather channel. morning showers but I'm still going. Tonight and thursday night should kepp it solid and a little sprinkling will just settle it in.

    Get it in now becasue rain all next week. BLAH BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Mom nature :o ba-lows

  7. Where does one start:

    Biting wind

    Slow natrual snow that felt like riding on sandpaper

    Crust/ice under blown fresh

    loose compressed death cookies that bottoms out when you carve too hard

    Too many variables that can lead to an unwanted incident, my "get out of here" indicator went off which tell me to leave b4 some bad happens.

    That snow should offer some good tidings thru the week and later in the week.

  8. In light of what beans says, my days of "White Knuckle Fever" are over, since I got my new Metal Coiler 77T, but it is in a good way. What I have discovered about my new ride is that I can now really focus on my technique without having to worry about getting jacked into the trees. Some of my other boards, it seemed like I was riding with my hand on the emergency brake, "just in case". Also in relation to what you say beans, about pushing yourself to your limits that is how I had ridden the past 7 years and it has put me in a variety of scenarios, most commonly shotguning into the woods at least 6-7 times. I have purposefully bought boards a bit too stiff for me just to see if I could tame them. Some worked out, others didnt. I was all about stressing my riding limits. The 77T has still given me that pop when I push it, but I know coming out of it, it will allow me to get back to business. others boards would have jacked me with whiplash or slamming me to the deck. I find myself popping more air out of turns and picking lines thru questionable things, which make sit fun. It has also allowed me to get better at picking lines in mid turn and read the snow, bumps, trenches, etc.

    It has made my riding easier, at the same time, given me the confidence that it will hold on anything, thus allowing me to fiddle in beginning, mid turn, end and transitions. I have had it for about 5 weeks now and can say that I am only beginning to learn what it can do. It reminds me of the fun I use to have on my MADD 158 b4 it snapped.

    Also riding on the ice coast it made days that I would have normally packed in (boilerplate, compressed death cookies, crud, slop, moguled up headwalls, etc), fully fun and pleasurable. Today was a prime example, JBS and I rode at Blue, it was 55* yesterday, slop on the hill then rained last night past 10 pm. When we arrive this morning it was a brisk 27* and that wet potatoes that they groomed before freezing froze into the hardest conditions I have seen in 30 years of skiiing and boarding. Riding over it, you only truly saw a pencil thin line, if that. JBS was on his fiberglass Coiler and he is not shy about getting on it and for the first time in 7 years of riding with him, I saw him feathering his way to the side in certian parts of the run adn not getting on it. He indicated he had a tough time flxing the board that was built to his specs. The frozen cord was a bit to get use to, but once I did, the Metal Coiler held on it and I was actually carving on ice, but you had to be precise with your technique or the eddge would pop and you would slide until the ice gods decided they wanted you to stop. I would have stay into the afternoon on the hardest day, but had to run. I also love how it doesnt even know those icy scrape areas from skiers exist. That in itself is the reasson to buy, especially if you ride into late morning and afternoon, once verything gets scraped.

    I sorta miss those white knuckle days, but since on the metal, I will never go back. My days of grinding my teeth down when taking a run are over. My legs thank me as well.

  9. Saturday Morning.

    All that rain that came in Friday night was kindly frozen into solid solid solid groomed cord. virutally impenetrable (sp?)

    JP1 has mentioned making pencil thin lines, well this was the first time I had ever truly seen it. Less than 1/4 " thick. The Metal Coiler hung in there and actually tracked for turning, but the scary part was once you lose an edge, tough to recover and you would slide slide slide. I went into the woods only once after about an 80 foot slide and that was enough for me to say bag it.

    JBS who will ride anything even said it was just a touch too stiff. His MADD 158 would have done much better.

    We can only hope that temps stay down and dont moisten it up too much with refreeze. because today was not something I want to be on again anytime soon. Ridable but not worth the risk of losing an edge and visiting the pines again.

    Maybe they will make one last coating of new snow to help with grooming. Keep the fingers crossed.

  10. Folks

    Just an FYI for anyone outside of our ride board for NY, PA, NJ. trying to get some folks together if your willing to make the trip. Info in both threads.



    Weather looks like it should hold up for at least the 6th. I think a handful are showing up for each date. No too many HB's in our area so we welcome outside influence.


    The Guy who rides with Jesse Smith

  11. Keeping up???? I think its going to a personal choice. I'm not one to wait up excessively for ppl b/c Blue when its good...........chair, top, bottom repeat. Well now that i think of it thats every day we ride. no pee breaks, no snacks, no drinks, etc. And the pack of riders stopping mid run to watch each other is a huge consumption of good riding time. You are certainly welcome to tag along but we try not to lollygag.

    I would offer some time towards a pointers session, maybe from 9:30-10:30. I think JBS would offer his time too. He is a bit stuffy but he may help;)

    First chair on weekedays is 8:30. That would give time to warm up chew up some of the fresh groom, then a pointers session for an hour, just in time for the sun to be lighting up Razor and rip the sch!t out of it.

    I hope a nice pack shows up this should be fun.

    Some suggestions if you are coming.

    Park at valley lodge (it is not accessed thru the main entrance at top of the mtn) drive to valley floor and enter thru yellow gate. this avoid mtn top crowds.

    Get there early (8am to get dressed and tix)to get fistful of runs b4 crowds flock. There is a little side locker room inside to change and nice benches in the bathroom.

    Eat b4 you get there, bring snacks b/c lodge food is pricy. Lot is close enough to go eat at your car.

    Hydrate the night b4 so you dont have to drink and take pee brakes even though cafer has no trouble dropping trow mid run in the pines.:biggthump

    Bring a friend

    If it holds up plan to stay into the afternoon b/c when blue is good, its a delight.

    If folks are interested, I will bring other boards to try but I wont be coming back to the car to manage the change out (drivers license and you break you bought policy) I only have POGO Blitz, Riot Velocity and OPSIN 3800 to try.

    Wear your best garb b/c I may pull off from tiem to time to snap some shots.

    In regard to personal safety, Blue has its pockets of straightliners and just dumbfounded ppl. Pick your carve pocket, dont drop in in front of anyone, keeping your head on a swivel and check back up hill periodically (especially on RAzor), JBs and I have been plowed more than once on it.

    Just a wink wink;);), if you have a season pass somewhere else that is a white card with your photo, bring it and just let it dangle in VIP line, but make sure your ticket is attached somewhere that you can tuck it in your pocket. Having both dangling may create some suspicion. Season pass holders can use the VIP line, which minimizes standing around in the crowds. I can bring some of my old passes (5-6) but they are a sentimental collection so if you borrow one, please give it back b4 you leave.

    DO NOT use it to try and get through the entrance gate, use your ticket. Its rare they check the card at the line but sometimes if its super crowded.

    Runs you may consider:

    Advanced: RAZOR (Best run), Challenge (similar to Razor but tight, it sometimes messes with your head, maybe its all the trees right off the trail)

    Intermediate: Dreamweaver, Raceway, Paradise (slow ski trail but has nice pitch for green slope), Switchback (keep your sped in check b/c it serpents down thru the woods)

    Beginner: Lazy Mile, Paradise

    See JP1 (John Philkill) about the discount voucher, John can you score any more?

    I would have reserved a slope for us, but I didnt have and extra $1000 for the 3 hours.

    Hope to see a good turnout. Call in sick:barf:

  12. Cool story, at least for me today.

    I work from home and I was on a customer call when my wife comes in the door from BJ's with a box in her hand. She holds it up to my face and I see its a box of ice cream sandwiches. Great another gut grower in the fridge. She points to the logo and it's 600 Lb. Gorillas.

    I finished my call and go back out the kitchen to check out the box. Cool thing is that a guy, Chris I worked with and hung out with when I worked on the Big Dig in Boston was getting 600 lbs. started back in early 2000-s with his wife Paula.

    I was never really sure if they took off, but it seems like they have gotten traction and I can say from the Tubs of doughballs I use to buy when living in Boston, they are tasty. Check out their website. Just cool to see someone I knew who had the guts to go out on his own and make it.

    I have a ton of ideas but not enough guts to break away from my corporate gig.


  13. Brad

    nice collection and cool to see. I hope they are insured. If ever in the Lehigh Valley Area be sure to tour Martin. My cousin is maintenance manager there and he has taken me behind the scenes to see how they are made. Pretty impressive process. I hear the tours are good as well. He is always getting called in to fix the conditioning systems that house some of the material used in making them. Very intricate process.

    I wish I knew more about guitars but alpine takes my interest.

  14. In my mind it has already been determined for me and then I will try to show on other dates.

    My scheudle is more fleible than most so I can do that, but I would put in for the 6th. Next weeks forecast is sunny monday thru friday and overnight temps at upper 20's to low 30's and then to mid fourties during the day. Hopefully those night temps will be enough to refreeze it and provide gooc sitff groom at least in the morning.

    I will be ther the 6th. Come one come all.

  15. Wednesday afternoon

    chalky/sticky in the afternoon and still pretty stiff. Should have groomed nice for today , but didnt go becuase of other arising commitments. I might head up later tonight while my wife is feasting on ugly betty, greys and private practice, still no hot lesbian scenes on any of those shows, I'm done with hand holding thursday night.

    With slight snow changing to rain this morning and temps skyrocketing into 50*it sgonna mush up and then freeze again overnight. tmeps to 55* on friday with rain. Two days of that means mush corn slop with some death cookies. and below freezing at night should hope to make it frozen granular and stiffen up thru the weekend.

    Save you cash and wait for next week to set up, which it should.

  16. Glenn

    Should be there about 10 as long as work adn wife dont hold me up


    What time were you there, I got in about 2pm until 4pm and it was still sweet, only rode razor.

    Should be rgeat for thursday thru sunday.

    Let us know whenyou are coming back always welcome new folks to blue


    Met a guy today named bruce who knew you. he asked if he could just follow me for a run just ti watch.

    Had an encounter with a teenager (15-16)todaywhose only language was "yo... yo.... yo pal, yo, yo, .......whatis that thing?" I was feeling wise cracky so I told him "I dont respond to YO and when you learned some manners, like "excuse me, what is that thing" then come back and ask."

    Great I just gave Glenn something else to chid me about besides my other issues.

  17. SW

    Do you work? you have posted more stuff in the last month on everything and you are keeping me from getting my work done.;)

    As far as lowering of the angles, I think it would get to a point (which I cannot emperically give you a number) that then starts to factor out other things that influence being able to ride properly, i.e. body position, pencil pinch, spine torsioning (going gunslingers at 0* would hurt), hip dipping, opening/closing of knee, etc

    I think you may have the JP1 disease, too much reading and chatting and just ride, ride ride ride ride ride, rid with others, ride some more, eat, sleep ride ride ride.:D

    Good luck to you.

    Have you been on a Metal coiler yet???

  18. Scott

    I have been on HB's for 7 years (27 yrs snowboarding)and during that time, especially the first season on HB, I started low angles and ever increased my angle placement to eventual 71*front and 69* back. Since I got my new Metal Coiler over a month ago, JBS suggested to me to lower my angles to which I did to 66*/64*. this was the lowest I could go on the 20 cm waist without overhang, otherwise I may have dropped to 64/62

    BAM!!!!! First set of turns at 66/64 gave instance boot to board response and angulation results. While the board has done wonders, changing my angles has also contributed to my board turn initiation, engagement, release and into the next turn. I ride gunslinger for the most part and the lower angles has not created any challenges with that. It just seemed it took less effrt to get the board to rollover to engage the edge at lower angles and it locked into the turn. I guess its more of the heel toe response rather than left/right side of calf on boot cuff. I have even found when my cuff is not as tight, the board still respsonds very well.

    Lastly, I would do yourself a solid and give Bruce a call, when considering a new board. Dont beleive em, cmon up to BMES and I'll let you try my 77T. It would work great for you at 220, I am 215.


  19. I'll take them. I'm not in any hurry to get them, just looking for a back up pair of boots and looking to keep shipping costs down. Also, will you take money order instead of paypal? My "fluff" $$$ account s not set up with paypal.. Send me a PM

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