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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Yea we arent the most well liked people anywhere we work, becuase we are trying to get people to change their habits and processes for the better.

    They dont call us "Safety Dicks" for nothing. Had I known any better I wouldnt have chosen it as my major for college. Its not a bad gig but knowing that everything you suggest is stuff that no one wants to do tends to get a bit demoralizing.

    I've had a couple workers/friends get killed while I was their safety dick and sad thing is that both I had only seen them a couple days before each incident and discussd with them the importance of tying off. Both fell to their death, one 30 feet the other only 12 feet. i can also say i have influenced 100's for the better over the years and made difference in getting them home each night.

    Nothing sucks worse than heading to their house to tell them their husband or son got killed that day.

    Home for dinner every night for everyone.

  2. I could only wish to wipe myself with Jennifer Aniston's grandma's knitting or quilting work. And it wouldnt be so bad to grab/smack a hand full of her cake either.

    Yea I am Him except I do it with construction companies and large projects, buildings, bridges, tunnels, stadiums, highways. We even have our own version of the risk master 2000 or whatevr it was called. I didnt hold that view until I came to the dark side, but hey I get to work from home, make my own schedule, see my kids during the day, pop out every so often and get a few morning runs in.

    I have also been blindsided by straight liners and near clippings from kids jumping back into the trails from the woods where jumps form. Its like watching for deer during hunting season while driving at night. You know one is coming but you dont know when.

    I dont agree with the cases that show up in court, but thats the reality of the society we live in. I bet McDonalds neve thought they woudl serve a

    $3MM cup of coffee one morning when that lady split it on her lap. Or Winnebago had to rewrite a section of their operating manual to include instructions not to leave the driver seat when it is in cruise control to go make a cup of coffee. It happened.

    I'm all for good fun for all levels, but when it comes at the expense of others then it may need regulated just a bit.

  3. I would consider knocking down jumps made by young rippers to be lucky for us as riders.

    Maybe its my age (39), my occupation (Risk Engineer), my disdain for the youth of today (I have 3 young ones, but still cant stand kids), maybe its all of them combined.

    I would deem it lucky because knocking down those jumps, keeps little timmy who thinks he is a "ripper" from taking unecessary risks like getting 18 (useless) inches of air on a busy slope and keeps him from meatwagoning himself or any other passer-by, which leads to your large dollar loss, in a law suit by his parents (even though it was his fault) or the person that gets plowed.

    By reducing the risk, i.e. removing makeshift jumps, the resort not only removes the "hazard" but also shows good due diligence, which will be needed in a court of law, when timmy's parents still think they have a case. "Oh Judge , our Little Timmy couldnt have done anything wrong, he is our boy" Even if the resort doesnt pay out to Timmy parents, it creates, nuisance costs (legal fees, time etc.), which shows up on their annual loss summaries( Net Incurred), all of which is factored into their annual insurance rating costs AND if your local resorts insurance rating goes up in cost, guess who gets to pay for that insurance increase.................We do, the skiers and boarders of the resorts, lift tix cost more, passes cost more, everything. Also, the more a resort pays towards insurance premiums, the less money there is for expansion, that would give all of us more room to rip it up.

    Anyway, 95% of the boarders out there shouldnt even be looking to jump off a makeshift jump, they should be learning the core basics of riding, which include, actually knowing how to set an edge and make a turn and knowing the basic components of existing on the mountain. Those riders who can actually "rip" wait until the park is open, because makeshift jumps are for chumps. with that, I also think that boarders and skiers should demonstrate certain skill levels b4 they are permited in certain areas of the mountain.

    I wish my local mountain would do more enforcement for idiot straight liners, handkercheif (sp)wearing Shaun White wanna be's and any other pinheads that dont observe the rules that are actually spelled out on the back of the ticket of pass. They are there for a reason.

    At Blue Mountain, PA, where I ride, they have one of the largest Ski Patrols memberships in the east , if not the USA, yet the only time I see them doing something is when they are toting someone off the hill in the meat sled. They never stop anyone for anything else. The incident rates at the mountain was one of the factors is choosing them to be the featured Ski Patrol for the reality show on Tru TV this year. Not anything to be proud of.

    Here here for bamboo poles and some Patrols actually doing their job.

    The only thing that would scare me in doing so is that the couple of us carvers who do ride in control and pick our spots, would get yanked first because alpine riding tends to turn heads more readily that anything else on the mountain.

    There's my 38 cents.

    Now I have to go put my future pinheads to bed:biggthump

  4. Great feedback from Bruce...........now get back to the factory!!!!!!!!;)

    Cool to know about the data building. Just wondering if and when Bruce is going to take in a "grasshopper" to learn the ways of the Bruce and continue his legacy 100's of years from now. If I were young again, I'd volunteer for a summer internship

    PA variable conditions have been warranting a Chubz 77T wink wink nudge nudge

    the waiting is killing me.

  5. I observed that whole scene from about 30 feet away. He looked like a kid walking up to his Dad to tell him that he shot and killed their prized hunting beagle on his first solo hunting trip. Just a queasy, green look in his face, well both looked queasy and green.

    I felt bad for both parties, because it sux fessing up for doing something wrong with bad results and worse.........finding out your dog is dead.

    BV stayed quite composed considering.

  6. Loud and Clear I was out late morning thursday and Wednesday morning.


    Challenge was rock solid cord, inpenetrable (sp) side slipping down it on my blitz sounded like an F22 flying directly overhead, literally, it was loud!!

    Main Steet and Race was nice, tight granular


    Didnt get there until 10:30 for any early lunch break and only a few runs.

    Piled up granular over frozen snowcat track, would have been a good day for metal.

    Didnt get out this morning because baby was up most of the night, but I will have the OD lined up for take off on Sat, Sun and Monday hopefully.

    Funny you should say stalking the UPS. I can hear them coming and I peek out the window to see if they are going to stop, nope. According to Bruce construction was scheduled to start yesterday or today with full assy by early next week. I was going to have it shipped to Pittsburgh while I am out there , but BV advises to just get it after the new year. I should have been pestering him all summer but the benefit is that all of the other T's he is building helps him refine his process, not that it needed help.

    I was really digging that light blue and white flame job on the one posted.

    I should be out in the morning unless heavy rain or if the wife pulls my plug.

  7. Any folks out there that like to tinker? We have some snow headed to PA and I have no sleds for the boys, nor do I want to buy one of those hunks of sled junk at the store.

    Anyone have suggestions of coming up with makeshift sleds. I was thinking length of lexan with rope in the front to pull up front of sheet.

    I got the idea from a flexible back board I saw in the hospital a few weeks ago, but waytoo expensive, close to $200.


    Also worse comes to worst, does waxing the bottom of a sled make it go any faster?

    Let me know

  8. Folks

    Bruce indicates he may have my build out of the press by early next week (Dec 23-24th). If he is on schedule, I am contemplating having him ship the board to my friends house where I am staying Dec 27th thru Jan.3 and riding my original home mountain while there. taking my other board anyway.

    Anyone know the turnaround time for a board to get from BV 400 miles (Pittsburgh) directly south of him thru customs, or whatever they do in shipping.

    I am partially motivated to have it sent there b/c if it shows in my neighborhood while I am gone, my neighbors wont be there during normal delivery hours and I dont want the thing lifted, if you knwo what i mean.

    Plus trying it on my original home mountain would be a belated x-mas gift.

    I'll take guestimations.


  9. You guys are killing me. All of these new Coiler metals showing up and I get an email from BV that assembly of my new custom stick starts today or Friday, doenst look like it will make x-mas, but i'm still jazzed for the day that long skinny box shows up on the front porch. I will be like a dog running tot he front door when I hear the big box truck rumbling down the street.


    Have fun on them.

    Any one know if BV has elves that travel south for turnarounds to try and get it out for x-mas................I wish!!!

  10. I would go the 163 as long as it holds your weight and not too noodlish If you can find a MADD 158, and you have the cash, thats a sweet ride. I miss mine horribly. plus it can ride like a longer stick too.

    In relation to what Jack says, get some thing that rides differently. I currently hop between my POGO Blitz 177 and POGO Overdose 162 and love going from riding a bucking bronc (weekdays) that loves speed to a tight turner that accomodates those days of tight trails, meat gates and other such slope hazards (weekend).

    good luck in what ever you choose.

  11. I could be wrong but it looks like a Donek, either way, great example of what a board goes thru on a turn and relaxed great form by Jack.

    I hate seeing pictures of Jack because it looks like it would be the same face he would have reading a book in the library. I cant imagine the distorted face, tongue wagging, bottom lip biting faces I make when i ride. Thats why I wear a full face helmet.

    Nice explanation on the feeding the board thru the turn.

    Practice practice practice. If carving were e-z it wouldnt be the great sport that it is. It's like rock climbing, learning each time you go, somedays are good, others great and some suck, just when you think you are kicking butt, someone one you have never seen b4 comes in and clears a route you have been working for weeks. ARGH!!!! Keep in mind you wont be perfect everytime you head out, but know that for some reason, when hero snow shows itself every once in a while on the east coast, more than likely, the head clears and you will ride flawlessly. those are the days I bide my time for.

  12. updateCarp

    One thing you said that sends red flag up in my mind is that you try to drive your shoulder down on toesides. If anything, similar to keeping your gloves off the snow, I have always read and learned that on alpine one should try and keep shoulders level as much as possible with the pencil pinch drill and a little bit of gunslinger stance. Also do not reach for the snow, once you have the proper snow, slope pitch and skills, the snow will come to you. All of these can contribute to ridding yourself of the heel release.

    Another thing to consider is the board angle and sequence through the turn. JBS offered me some advice years ago when I was having heelside trouble. I was trying to be angulated the whole way thru the turn. I found that if I come into a HS from a TS more relaxed and begin the turn still fairly upright, board mostly flat (6 o clock) and begin to angulate on the heedside edge while moving across the fall line of the hill compress the legs with angulation (4:30)progressively more angulated (3:00- 2:00) thru the turn and then start to release out of the turn at 1-12:30, it tends to hold for me. Its easier to observe than explain.

    On those heelsides ( regular stance), I find keeping my left elbow up (stretching my obliques) and exaggerated and driving my right hand towards my front boot help the board angulate. This is especially true on less than stellar boiler plate days. when its hero snow, I find myself get lazy and allow hands to drop and touch the snow. toesides are a pencil pinch on the left hip and heelsides are a pencil pinch on the right hip.

    This photo of Prentice on a toeside shows good level shoulders, he was on fire that day. The next one is me on a toeside with the elbow thing, not reaching for the snow and pencil pinch on my left hip.



    for heelside, this one of prentice shows level shoulders, his lead hand up away from the snow, not worried about reaching for it and his right hand pushed forward and not out in la-la land like a rutter. Keep that hand in and rive it towards your front boot. good bent knees, scoping his path, chin up and if you could see thru the jacket, he could probably pinch pencil on that right hip.


    Here is another great shot of Prentice on toeside using shoulders level, pinch on left hip, elbow slightly up on right arm, left arm drving forward past front boot and not worried about reaching for the snow.


    Put some six shooters in his hands and youhave a real maverick there. Gun slinger stance has always worked for me and seems to work for ole Prentice too.

    He was on fire that day, it was a great day!!!!

    I hope this makes sense, but I went thru some rough heelside release for a while.

    good luck.


  13. Keenan

    +1 for Blue Mtn.

    JBS and I ride there, would be more than happy with some pointers. For PA, Blue would be more than happy to push you to your riding limits to prep you for other trips. For some reason eastern PA resorts love their tight trails but Blue does have some stuff that allows you to open it up when conditions permit.

    I think that is why Blue is on Tru Tv this season for their ski patrol, rumor has it that they had one of the highest incident rates in the states. Its a place that that your head better be on a swivel and pick your spot properly.

    Certainly improves one's situational awareness. Get there early, get your runs in and go home.

    Phil is down at Bear and carries a very high level of skill, I just think its worth the extra 35 minutes in the car to goto Blue.

    Post on the ride board if you are coming up, we are always trying to get folks to come out and yuck it up.


  14. I wont be getting in until the 28th for the Steeler Game and then in for that week 29 thru end of year so if any of you stick around, keep an eye out for me, I will be mostly on North face, Tyrol, Stowe or avalanche.

    I will keep an eye out. If anyone is staying in the burgh and is heading out, maybe we could carpool. I am staying in Irwin with friends


  15. Geoff

    Great finished product, it would kill me to get pics a finshed board that BV has in his hands intended for me. I have a new build in process with graphics hopefully on the way to bv as we speak. seeing your completed product just gets me more figidty (sp?) to see the box show up.

    Once you get it enjoy the ride.

  16. Kex

    If you are looking at it for yourself, I would say avoid it. Knowing you are going to PSU and a student, your budget may be tight. If you have any reasonable budget (varies among riders), I would lean towards finding something reputable, not wallet gouging but reputable, Coiler, MADD, Donek, Priors, F2, (I always dug my Aggression, Volant whatever it is called.), there are plenty of older boards here to get you going. Throw in some Raichle boots and TD1's, you should be able to get set up for under $400

    I know you cant charge for the cup at keggers at PSU (never understood that, but I was a big dummy who went to IUP for 1/3 the price, but made a killing at hosting parties for $2 a cup. Until cops show up) What is the going rate for a cup nowadays? So I hope you are working. Sell anything in your room.....anything in order to get the cash.

    Post a Wanting to Buy ADD in classified and see if anyone has an older board they simply wont ever use that will help you out.

    Good Luck

  17. I will be in Pittsburgh the week b/tw x-mas and new years and riding at 7 Springs, which I would imagine you will be home, unless you work at the cafeteria during break. Sorry poor taste in joke.

    If you can pick up some gear though, JBS and I are at Blue most of the time. As far as west conditions, that doesnt matter as long as your are on hardboots. It makes trips west that more enjpyable. Blue is as close as you are going to get to stuff in the west in PA besides 7 Springs. Trust me, there is more than enough stuff there to keep your thighs occupied.

    Drop us a line on the PA ride board anss see if we can hook up.


  18. Kex

    What part of PA? If any where that you can get to Blue Mtn, near and north of Lehigh Valley area, JBS and i would be more than happy to give you some pointers.

    I got rid of most of my excess equipment, so I cant really help you out there.

    Good luck to you and maybe see you around.

    Drop me a private messag if you want any pointers on stuff I have ridden. While i'm not a 20 year alpine vetern I have move thru some varying boards over the past 6 seasons and have come to be pleased with what I have in the quivr and what hopes to be coming soon. Hint hint wink wink, Metal Coiler.

    Welcome to the sport and you will never regret it!!!!!! I took it up 6 years agao after 20+ seasons on softboots and I should have come over sooner.


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