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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. Picked up a DH bike on ebay this weekend and it happened to be only 35 miles from where I went visiting for the 4th. Wife gave me a hesitant green light.

    Phil, thx for the direction via email and I'm looking forward to letting this thing loose. Banshee Scream, gonna get some tinkering DH in this week and trhen seek a full lift assisted day to let it run and get my mtb rust off.

    I got the black frame with other components that the guy built from the frame out.


    If anyone is in EAst PA and looking to ride I could use soem pointers looking to add some air to the repetoire (sp?)

    Looks like huinter and diablo are my best options for now.

    Later Greg

  2. Phil

    Check your mail.

    Big deliberation is deciding whether I want full DH or an all-mountain. I still have a dual suspension custom Ted Wojcik that serves me for XC and trail, but looking for something to do DH (when local races occur) and hopefully learn small jumping and rhythm stuff.

    Wife doesnt dig it , but She should know by now, I'm not sitting on the couch during any season and I had a bad cross-stitch accident a few years abck so any type of sewing or craft is out of the question.


  3. Folks

    Looking to get back into Mtb racing and DH but was wondering if there is a reasource that offers a listig of all lift assisted DH locations.

    I can find them indiviudally, but then you have to get into reading the fine print b/c some of them on have lift access on days of special events and festivals.

    If not, back to the www and phone calls


  4. Folks

    Looking for input on DH decks. looking to build some new ones this summer and concepting. I love the look of Rayne's and seems Landyatchz would work very well conceptually. Also love the 313's form over the pond, all priced way too much.

    Only asking because the standard 42" deck I have been using on most of my previous higher speed DH's left me with speed wobbles at 41 MPH over the weekend on a new hill. 1st decent run of the season but I have had that set up to about 51mph with no problem.

    I did change some of my truck wedging but didnt think that would make a huge difference.

    I would go to silverfish but toooooo many opinions there.

    Any input would be cool.

  5. I'm never one for getting excited about shoes. I love work boots, but I was visiting friends this weekend (without the kids) and we were at the mall, had some time to kill so I popped into a shoe store to check out some athletic shoes.

    Normally, I get something trail runny thats on sale and those will last me 3-5 years when cycled with other pairs from years b4. I have been working out like a madman lately so I thought I might treat myself. One pair caught my eye and the kid came over to see if I needed help. He fetched a pair and brought them out. Now normally I am price driven but as soon as I put these shoes on it was like heaven. light comforatble, sturdy, etc. He says these just came in yesterday and they are getting great reviews. But at $160.00 I had to walk away.

    Doing some research this morning I found a few websites with prices ($62) that I have trouble believing they arent knock offs. Tell me what you think. By the way the shoe is the Nike Air Max 2009 running shoe. I am not normally a Nike supporter but these shoes felt great. I like them for many reasons but they are built more like a trail shoe than normal running shoes, especially the tread. its pretty meaty.

    Are these knock offs.


    I found at least 4 other sites with extreme discounts and the exact pics from site to site.

    If anyone knows the true answer please help this new shoe addict out before I spend $$ on shoes that will feel like wooden clogs.


  6. The foam need to partially support the weight of an adult male knee in a kneeling position. Be stiff enough that it doesnt collapse but soft enough for it to shape to the knee. Hoping to have a triangular shape about 4-6" tall, 2-3" wide and 3-4 " deep

    I would imagine a closed cell with a nice feel to it. Thats why float foam came to mind when I had the boys at the pool the othr night. Stiff, good feel, right shape and soft enough to absorb a boney knee without collapse.

    I was thinking of taking two of those swim float blockss and gluing them together then shape as needed for the prototype.

    see here.


    Dont want to say what it is until I proceed further.



  7. Anyone know what kind of foam is used for the foam pads you see on kids floaty belts at the YMCA, kick boards or the yoga blocks?

    Working on a side project and that kind of foam would suite the purpose. Trying to find a large block of it instead of paying for pricier individual blocks. Gotta cut it up to shape.

    Or any other fairly rigid yet pliable foam? It cant squish only slightly dent if kneeled on but still maintain primary form.



  8. Yes I agree with all the great comments on the PENS. I think they might make it interesting this season. They certainy faced tougher teams thru the playoffs.

    I get more nerveracked during Pens playoffs than the Superbowl, ten fold. But then again we dont have Mario and Jaromir anymore.

    GO PENS!!!!

  9. Mouth piece I use plastic tooth picks to dislodge and scrape.

    To clean the hose. I get an 8' length of cotton string, feed it thru tube. If tube is dry it should be able to work thru but if wet you may need to weight some fishing line and drop thru.

    I then tie the string to a door knob and work the tube back and forth at heavy angles to rubbed the accumulation from the walls of the tube. You have to move along the string once crud starts to build up on it be sure not to rub through the hose itself so I sorta roll it whie moving it back and forth. it doesng et 100% but get s a majoirty of it.

  10. intend to complete the final 5 weeks. If anything it has got me focus on shredding those last handfull of fat %'s. I can see my 6 and even 8 pack for the first time in 15 years, but there is still a slight layer of blubber out front. I carry my fat in my kidney area, and my neck and head. My facial structute even shows, I get pumpkin head when I put on weight.

    Chnage in eating habits is also a big piece of the program but once you do it for aonths you leanr how to move thru it. tons of protein in the beginning then shift to more carbs for NRG in Phase 2 and 3. the whoel menu e book helps tremendously.

    Stay away from sugar, carbs and fat for 3 months you will natrually lose weight but add the workouts , look out. Its wierd my skin is loose on my neck, fdace and midsections but slow getting tighter.

    Geoff, I have never really felt any pain sinc eI started because you dont really rest and even day 7 is a stretch day. I also take L glutamine, which has help with muscle rebuild and whey protein shakes. Its good pain if you do feel it.

    I wouldnt recommned the program to someone who has been on their a$$ for several years.

    While the wieght stuff has firmed me up, the items that have pushed me to my limits and improved are the Plyometrics (jump training, they have a low impact role model in the vid's), yoga has opened my eyes to that world (my fav work out even though Warrior 3 still kicks my rump). Kempo karate is great for toning up arms shoulders and hip flexors.

    Ab Ripper x is 16 minutes of abdominal hell but I am nearly sticking with the video for all 300+ repetitions. Some excercises just deliver some pain but I get stronger each wor out and those come on non-cardio days (3x per week plus, Yoga belly 6 excercises on yoga day.

    Seraph mentioned the non breaks. Tats what optimizes the time frame of one hour. Plyo gives you longer breaks but you need it. and the thing is that each workout you can increase intensity if you choose so it snot like you can plateua. yesterday I did Plyo and achieved a goal of doing Jump knee tucks, double time for 30 seconds and then repeat in the next cycle. The first time I did Plyo , I had trouble getting my knees above mid thigh height.

    Lastly, during my break I intend to conitnue with Plyo, yoga , kempo and then head to the gym for some wieghts for something different. Throw in a little rock climbing, hook up with JBS for some paddling , a little downhill skating will keep me occupied until the next cycle and then I intend to do the lean version, just to get as ripped as I can. If the wife lets me I may sign up at the local MMA gym for a taste of that arena.

    Plus as you learn the routines, you can add your own little touches to get deeper burns. The firsy 90 day cycle is survival in month one, survival/exploration in month 2 and I would imagine month 3 is just pushing your mental and physical limits.

    All in all, it has given me the eneregy and confidence to go do anything I want without worry of taxed and tired.

  11. Its that time of year that the legs have deflated from lack of day to day excercise linking turns and thinking I was in decent physical condition at the end of the season. Legs like tree trunks and making turns top to bottom for a few hours. Thinking I am king of the world

    My wife got a hold of some old highschool pics, some with my world class mullet and others when I was in the best conditioned period of my life poolside. I did have a 6-pack once. I have always been an active (gym and outdoor activites) person but conditioning took a back seat to kids, work, beer, marriage you name it.

    I'm pushing 40 and the wife says, do you think you can back into that shape again. Yea if you give me the time and support (ie meals, time and push me on days I am dragging a$$).

    She leaves for the Pittsburgh with the kids 7 weeks ago for a week trip to visit friends. I stayed for work and decided to dust off the P90x program I bought 4 years ago in a Sunday morning slugfest.

    I had my doubts, but 7 weeks later with 5 weeks to go, here is what I have to share. Not to brag but to simply say it has worked for me physically but psychologically, even greater impact and wanted to share with others.

    Lost 25 lb of fat, added about 5 lb lean muscle (started at 215, currently at 195). I still get to eat a good bit each day, if not more.

    21.8 % body fat- now about 11-12 %, maybe less, if I did my calculation right have not remeasured with device.

    Size 36 waist to start, now can fit into tight 32, heading for 30.

    Balance, endurance, flexibility and overall energy way up.

    Quit drinking superbowl sunday

    Energy to run and play with my 3 and 6 year old everyday.

    Best shape I have been in since the age of 18, entering college.

    While I started the program to get my youthful body back, I have found the program offering so many other things.

    Its 90 days of 1 hour per day (except yoga 1.5 hours) and regimented meal prep and adherence. With investment in food, dumbells, chin up bar and yoga mat. all worth the investment (about 5-6 months of gyn memebrship) and its not boring, like going to the gym. My gym time was a 2hour investment every time I went between the travel, cardio, weights, water breaks and shower. I see that I am saving time and enjoying the progress in physical results and the "response" from my wife. Not that I am looking for it, but even her friends now nag their husbands to get off their a$$.

    I will complete the first full cycle at the beginning of July, continue intermittent work outs (3-4 times per week) during my break then back on the horse in Sept to prep for next carving season.

    I know many of you are physically fit and at it with your own regimin's, but I needed a canned program to keep me going and it has worked great. Just thought I would share b/c I see other folks sharing things that help them along in this thing we call life. Feel free to drop me any questions on the expereince or program.


  12. Man I thought I was doing well with some of my downhills, but that stuff takes the cake. Between speed, cornering, man-hole covers, traffic, a ton of driveways at the bottom, sidewalk cruising, minimal protective gear.......thats' down right nuts.

    Great video!!!! They are so relaxed during the whole ride too.

  13. Thanks for all of the input.

    I think I would like a laptop just for mobility. I'm confined to my home office enough with my job. I would assume a laptop could offer me enough gumption to get the work done.

    Heres one I found on craigslist.

    Brand new, next-generation, in the box Apple MacBook Air! This laptop comes fully loaded with manufacturers warranty and also has the full 3-year Apple Care on it!!

    Specs: -1.86 Ghz Processor -128GB Solid State Disk Drive (Boot Computer in seconds) -NVidia Graphics Card - See for all the other technical details - http://www.apple.com/macbookair/ - Apple 3-Year Care Program

    Software Installed: - Full Adobe Suite CS4 ($2.5k+ package) - iWork - MS Office for Mac 2008 - Aperture - Final Cut Pro - Full iSuite - Fusion - Toast 10 - Quickbooks Pro 6

    Little pricey at $2800, but with the some programs I was looking to buy anyway.

  14. Folks

    Looking for feedback on MAC's. Planning on moving from PC into MAC .

    My main desire to have is the following:

    Converting 20 +years of old 16mm football film to MiniDV then to DVD.

    Converting 50+ MiniDV Tapes to retain family and vacation footage.

    Shooting and editing new MiniDV footage in family videos for Bdays xmas and such.

    Photo Editing.

    Any suggestions would be great, I took a long look at Apple last night but there are so many options.

    Budget?????? Going high $2500 staying low $1000 (even used might be an option)

    I know I will aslo need to set aside some cash for periherals and programs too.


  15. My mind is going stir crazy, its been over a week since Blue closed and the idle mind is making me nuts.

    Heading out to Camelback SAturday to get some last turns in for the season then possibly considring a road trip north for a day $9.99 tix unless you have a season pass then free.. Taking board and skis this weekend. I could have kept riding until august.


  16. Folks

    I am considering taking a day off next week while my wife is out of town with the kids and scooting north from PA to get one last day in in VT. Anything left up there worth riding and spending $50 on alift ticket?

    Oh and looking for floor space to sleep if there is anything worth riding. You wouldnt even know I was there. I'd get a hotel, but wife watches the debit card and Scratch and Itch Hotel in Whereever, VT would give me away.

    Trying to stay mid to south, but if I need to go further north, I might consider.

    Any feedback would be great.

    If its mush, not interested and dont mind morning hardpack to mush later. Chalky preferably.



  17. Last I checked, my new coiler had a fairly rounded tail on it. Sad thing is, is that most, if not all alpiners are more cognizant of what is going on around them on the hill and more precautious than 95% of the ppl on the hill, I hope this is not epidemic.

  18. Serge

    not being a braggard (sp?) but these are on of my fav pics of myself, b/c I try to overemphasize the obliques stretch(pencil pinch on left hip) on the toeside. the temptation is certainly there to reachfor the snow, but resist and pretend the snow is hot lava and no touching. The snow will eventually get to you.

    Normally, my right elbow is squared up a bit higher to stretch my right rib cage but it was nice on this day and on the Coiler 77T makes it more relaxed ride. Less optimal days bring out the exaggerated elbows squared. Same on the next photo, inside elbow up gun slinging, it could have been up more, but snow on this day was just getting hero, so i got a little lazy.

    Third just an open shot of big open relaxed carves with penicl pinch on the left, rib cage stretch on right.




  19. Shawn

    Can I come visit? maybe not this season but next? Just looking at the pic, I can feel how pleasant it would be on the edge of a board and sun on it. UGH!!!!

    Our local hill close dlast week and the survivors close today but it was raining.

    Spent the day cleaning out the garage, blah!!!!

    I miss turning:(

    Enjoy the rest of the season and I am still shopping for POV camera. Watching out for the VIO POV1.

    Have a good one.


  20. While I am a snowboarder at heart, I took my 5-year old out skiing for his first time ever on Sunday. He did well and we both had a great time in the beginner zone. I had on a set of used Head Monsters that I picked up last summer for $100 including skis boots and bindings. My first time on shaped skis and first time in 16 years on skis. The beg. zone didnt offer much in the way of trying the stix out.

    Bear with me and I will getting to the alpine part of this thread. Sunday gave me the itch to go back out and give the skis a true go and so I did yesterday afternoon. Much to my suprise after 3 runs of feeling the difference, I ran them like I would run an alpine board. Tilting the boots over to angulate and wouldnt you know, they tracked thru nice big arcs, within 5 runs I was laying down some nice big ski racer type turns. :eek:

    I attribute it back to what alpine has taught me about truly setting an edge and running thru a turn. I used very smiliar body position and using the hands pushing toward lead boot, hips, little pencil pinch to drive thru the arc. I'm Hooked. I will still carve but it was super cool to carve turns on skis. Its why I quit skiing years ago, straight skis sucked..

    My question to those who do both, are skiers divided into varying levels of getting the most out of their equipment, like alpine riders? I see a majority of skiers sorta just shooshing down the mtn and then some are really ripping, running edge to edge, butt almost on the snow. Is it b/c most people are not aware of what they can get out of a ski?

    I could feel the natural tracking of the skis yesterday (170 cm 15m SCR), which was a very cool sensation, even in slop and finsihing the turn. It seems most skiers do not finish their turn or maximize their potential.

    My other discovery is that alpine snowboarding could possibly help ski racers in certain aspects, balance, weighting, body position. I just didnt think that I was going to be able make the ski race type turns I was making yesterday, with it being the first day out on them and I give alpine full credit.

    Add that hobbie back to my list and skis are coming for those days that are less than carve optimal. Too bad the season is over.

    Now when is bruce gonna make some skis?:biggthump

  21. Folks

    Last day JBS and I were out together. Saturday, but I went skiiing sunday and JBS got one last carve day in couple shots from the day, which was great, once it got to 1pm.

    I love the first shot that Jesse shot, because it shows the both HS and TS track, wish I had a sequence. It was my last turn to set up for the pic in the next post.




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