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Posts posted by Chubz

  1. If anything, it should be a Viagra or Cialis Ad.

    Paint the scene:

    After a few drinks, John introduced himself to Susan at the Summit Lodge bar. Many drinks later, feeling saucy and frisky, John snuck off to the bar bathroom, popped a Cialis, and invited Susan for a drink at his valley condo. SHe accepted. :1luvu:They felt it would be best to take the lift down, instead of riding and risking the waste of a Cialis Pill.

    John then wisely used his board to cover up any embarrassing PSI buildup. Little did John know, Susan also took a Cialis only to find out later that she was also covering something up with her board BECAUSE

    Susan is a man

    or something like that......................

    John certainly is displaying the " Woo hoo, getting lucky tonight " look while Susan the devilishly grins knowing the suprise she hides behind her board, we can only help it goes well for both.

    Banking? NO

    Plumbing Pills? YES

  2. Folks

    Seeing if anyone here owns or has test ridden and models of Stockli. Got back into skiing this season and love carving on skis too. I have read great things about the skis, but wanted some real feedback.

    Wouldnt hurt if anyone knows a Stockli Rep either. Pricy skis looking on the cheap, if feasible.



  3. I had that epiphany in my second season of hardbooting and it sent my confidence level thru the roof. Feels odd at first but once you get the timing and confidence that your board will hold thru the turn, its key.

    Picture linking cresent moons together. The turn starts at 12 noon instead of 3 or 9 . Sometimes you will see pics of ppl right after the edge switch adn they are falling downhill, but the board comes around to catch them.

    It also helps with managing speed and avoiding skiers downhill from you particularly on steeper stuff.

    Enjoy the new discovery

  4. I picked up the GoPro based on Shawn's input last summer. Not High quality but things I like about it

    • Fits fairly nice into an upper chest pocket
    • convenient for capturing the expereince as long at you have a good angle, mount too high(top of helmet) and it doesnt offer good perspective
    • lower $
    • PLenty of mounts avaible for different angles, wrist, helmet chest, handlebars(but that is more $$ depending on what you get)
    • Underwater shots on family vacations at the pool or in the water
    • Battery life is fairly decent, but follow their rule of removing batteries at end of each day, lithiums arent cheap
    • Mount adhesiveness if fairly good, but Shawn indicates they wont stick to boards to well

    Thing that I could improve

    • If mounted on helmet, no method to really determine if camera is on and recording. it makes slight beep, but very hard to hear
    • Gotta learn the language of the camera for settings
    • Batteries drain if left in
    • Mounts not 100% on adhesion, so I came up witha leash for mine, especially DH mountain biking

    Oiverall, good capturing camera and fairly convenient. You can even go so far to tinker with putting mounts on items to capture other angles, camera unipod like photo dad mentioned

    I'm glad I got it and enjoy capturing footage but it get boring too. Thus explains the volution of SHawn doggies sweet angle on the board


  5. Next time give us a heads up. If I am going to be on the hill, I would be more than happy to offer a few on hill pointers. As I was learning on hill advice went about 1000x better than electronic teaching.

    Keep low binding angles to start. Early on toe and heel drag wont be an issue then as you get the concept, angles and go up little by little.

    I would also start with big open arcs, by "tilting", tight arcs and deep carving will not come right away. Its not as ez as JBS makes it look:biggthump

    What board are you on? That can be influencial.

  6. Check here, kinda hard to beat the price.


    Been using BA for about 5 years now, plus full face helmet. My suit has shoulder, collarbone, spine, chest, elbow and forearm protection with kidney type belt. Can't even feel I'm wearing it. Once in a while the collarbone cover catching bottom edge of full face helmet, but I can take those off.

    As far as shoulder protection, I only see being put to use if you hit trees (which it helps me during the summer for downhill mtn biking racing and hitting trees). It stays cool enough in winter and summer, but also offers layer of warmth in the winter. I can also see shoulder put to use if you need to ( not that you want to) lower your shoulder to brace for any straightliner or ill turning impacts.

    I have been plowed and buried by straightliners at least three times over the years and glad I had it.

    I love the upper body suit with everything and feel susceptible without it.

  7. From what I heard

    Gimme an "R"

    Gimme an "A"

    Gimme a "Z"

    Gimme an "O"

    Gimme another "R"

    Whats it spell?


    Say it Again



    Ridiculous:barf: in a great way, from what I heard;)

    I predict stiff razor like cord Sat morning, as long as they use the winch cat and later.

  8. Hate to see it go, I love this board, but it gets no snow time from me


    POGO Blitz 177

    $520 USD SHIPPED

    See Pogo website, I do not have the specs for this board.


    POGO Blitz AL /alpine board 177cm 969.00EUR *

    177 cm

    Design: unicolor

    Terrific, narrow GS/Super-G raceboard with extreme grip and incredible stability. Merciless shape only suitable for high speed and top fit boarder!

    Really only for experts and racer!!!!

    70 – 100+ kg

    Measured by hand

    Nose 22.75 cm

    Waist 18.00 cm

    Tail 22.76 cm

    I would estimate that it rides about a 13/14 SCR

    This thing is a rocket and loves to projectile vomit you into the next turn. Great snap!! Holds well on stiff/scraped conditions.

    Runs are a bit tight where I ride, along with too many people. Need funds for other considerations. If you have the room on the slopes and like to push it, this thing flies.

    Top sheet concentric cracks on left tail that doesnt affect ride and nose base scrapes from running over unseen object in snow that also does not affect ride. Edge was not affected except at nose edge joint, which I placed a dollop of West System epoxy and clamped just for good measure. Remainder of base, tops sheet, siderails and edges in good+ condition.

    Here it is in action:


    Osin $135 shipped

    Riot $200 shippedSOLD

    up for sale again





  9. JBS and I are arriving Tuesday evening, ride Wed-Fri and drive home Friday evening.

    Still dont know if I want to do the banquet or not. I came up empty handed and some folks came away with heap, cough cough organizer tix picked for new pair of TD2's AND two boards, which he was kind enough the throw back in the hat after chidding from the attendees.

    Count us in to be there and to throw down like we should and represent. fingers crossed for clear skies, cold and natural stiff snow.

    Blue has been decent so far this year, let us know if you are ever heading down.


  10. From what I heard;)

    Main Street:biggthump:biggthump:biggthump

    Razor:o marbles as john said, with some bits of hope

    Nightmare to dream weaver:biggthump:biggthump:biggthump such a great rhythm (sp?) section

    Challenge is half mogul field.

    Switchback:biggthump:biggthump:biggthump. Better today than all season last year.

    All enough to make one grin

    I get a sense that challenge might be the new mogul slope and leave main street open and smooth, nice!!!!!!

    They puffed up the Big air bag (BAB), looks to be a cool experience.

    John, I heard someone kept trying to catch you but they didnt hook up and then you were gone.

  11. Folks

    Just wanted to extend an invitation to come visit Blue Mountain in PA for our annual gathering, no events, just riding. Trying to bolster attendance. We had a good turn out last year and hope to be just as good this year.

    Blue Mountain Site


    BMES 2010 Poll for Dates (please dont vote unless you plan to attend)


    BMES 2009


    Any questions, drop me a line at gregtroxell at hotmail.



  12. Folks

    Looking for input for this years gathering.

    Suggesting a Thursday and Friday to allow flexibility for folks and more time together. No formal events, just getting together to ride.

    It seems February event calendar is pretty chocked full of events that would impede use of Razor and possibly other runs.


    March is more open with only Nastar on Thursday.


    Keep in mind, ECES is the week of March 1 and I know a handful of us will be there.

    Hope to see an even bigger turnout this year. If we get enough, I will contact Bruce at Coiler to see if he would let me borrow a few boards to test ride.

    Thanks and hope that the season is settling in well for everyone.


  13. Great stuff!!!!! I caught a the new and improved Nitro Circus Marathon last week, I forget what network, talk about some gnarly and funny stuff.

    Jackass on Steroids. Johnny Knoxville is one of the producers for NC now and bigger budgets.

  14. Dy

    What's a pony panel?

    Even though my Dad has various items that would heavily contribute to a preparedness plan, I can see that I need to step up on my action planning. Lap of luxury makes us soft and I need to tighten the cage a bit


  15. Thanks for the feedback. I am looking along the lines of self-efficiency to start. Not full blown paranoia. My goal would be to have a higher level of awareness and sustainability than most ppl out there, because I dont want to be one of the ones, feeding from limited resources should they start to "dry up".

    Once I prepped at a level one , then I would move towards the next level based on sensibility and budget.

    I know resources exist and feel I should take the necessary steps to move myself and family to that next level of preparedness.



  16. Folks

    Stumbled across the subject of Prepping this evening and it struck a deeper nerve with me. I have kicked around the idea of this for several months for my family, but reading tonight many of the things preppers do for disaster preparedness, I am no where near where I need to be if something goes awry in our system.

    Anyone have specific experiences from self preparedness to survival camps, etc. I now have a deeper interest in being ready, but need to take that first step.

    Interested in any real feedback.



  17. Count me in as long as the the dates jive. It's cool you are getting some attention from the mountain. Could be the beginning of the end:freak3:

    Here's is what we have each year at Blue, but no support or attention from the mountain personnel, most is directed at ski team. Turn out better each year. You could entice some of these folks to go.


    I looked into reserving a slope for a 4 hour session at Blue........$1,000 at least.

    I would volunteer for on slope pointers and guidance on lift rides up.

    Look forward to any updates.


  18. APV

    If you are ever at Blue again, I would be interested in tryng out that burner for a few runs.

    JBS and I are at Blue regularly, turning heads with turns, but the pond skim is something I wouldnt do on hard boots, seems a higher level of succeptibility to something snapping.

    Plus thats a better time to be carving at Blue, when everyone is gathered around the skim pond.

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