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Posts posted by oldkey

  1. Did you have the edges done or base structured at/after purchase? Do you still have the Lexan plates - would you consider selling with the board?

    Sometime last year Chris started filing down the edges of the metal topsheet to avoid "chipping." Does this board have the filed edges?

    Thanks in advance


  2. ....below 146. Race team has a number of smaller kids starting....always looking for gear below 146cm and kids' size bindings. Always buying burton race plates when they are cheap. Boot needs always depend on kid (stopped buying them in advance...always seem to have the wrong size). If you have small boots I'' post availability on team website.




  3. Any WI riders here involved with this event on February 3rd? I've heard the term "banked slalom" before but really don't know what it means.....is it like a boardercross course? Will the regular crew that races Monday nights be there? Worth the trip for the G-Team riders from MN?

  4. Some of the pics I took this weekend (yes, I need to get them out of the camera) suggest otherwise.... you can beat everyone on any given run....

    We look forward to seeing you on Sunday giving the "young guys" a run for their money.

    Mimi will be back as well making everyone look silly...

  5. .....for when we get the money saved! We'd like to try a few used boards first then I'm sure next year we'll be in the buying mode....or maybe we'll just buy your boards every year. :) Are you getting a 162 for SL? Are you still riding cants back and front? Will you be putting something between the cant and the boardd? Patrick's Prior Metal got damaged traveling to RTTC - topsheet buckled slightly at the cant....wonder if I should have either 1) taken it off before travel or 2) had a rubber piece between the board and the cant.

  6. Hey Mimi

    Yes - let's put Patrick on Erica's board at Welch. It has standard inserts, correct? Did you see the new Kessler SL board on the for sale classifieds? Based on the reading I have done, January would be very, very quick to get your new boards.....but let's think positive!

    We look forward to seeing you at Welch. Hopefully your mom will ride as well.....like old home week!

  7. We certainly apprecaite all of your efforts in putting this together. Our team does a Rev Tour stop at Spirit Mountain and we know it is a major undertaking. We have considered adding alpine to that event, especially for the juniors (our team stops at 18 year olds). Maybe next year.

    Look forward to seeing you and Garrett on your home turf.......

  8. I did notice the board, but at new prices it is outside of our budget. As importantly, I am worried about the stiffness of the board for my 134lb rider. Most used Kesslers in the racing circles are going for $500 or so and have seen some softening......was hoping for one of those.

    Looks like we're close to ordering a Prior Metal 163.....will keep saving/hoping for a Kessler GS (175/177).

    Thanks for looking out for us. I'll keep my eyes open for extra bails.....I am assuming that you tried the Klug site? That's where I got my spares. Do you change them on a regular basis.....or do you wait to see some wear?

    Thanks again

  9. ...but there are still a group of kids/riders one or two steps back from the major teams that are good - but not as vested in the sport. Long weekends are possible, but full weeks off school for this next set of riders is very hard. Your basic high school doesn't understand. I've always thought that the numbers would be higher for these races if they could be on/back up to a weekend. But understand the hill constraints.

    Maybe we'll skip Steamboat and just ride in


    The USASA race is always a great experience - icing on the cake.

    Thanks Phil for pushing the junior opportunity. I talked with Abbi (sp?) at Copper and she suggested that junior racing belonged to USASA. I didn't get the feeling that she wanted to do any additional junior races.....hope that I am wrong.

  10. ...my question is should I have one made? The kessler SL boards do work well.....would a Prior Metal be comparable.....or much softer, I wonder? My son rides a softer WCR race now and loves it.....just needs a longer one. Thought that stepping up to the Metal in a SL configuration would be easier than trying to actually get a Kessler this season. But....am I comparing apples to oranges?

  11. ....is 135 lbs. His current WCR 155 was made softer....and it really absorbs crud well.....at least seeming to allow him to not get tossed out of rutted courses. We kinda thought that a typically configured Metal would do the same. Are you suggesting Chris and Kent that for SL a damp board is a bad idea? The most noticeable "new" thing at RTTC this year was the number of Metal Kesslers - though certainly a different board, I only heard rave reviews. Thought that a SL Metal Prior might be the answer to a Kessler now, with hopes of a used Kessler when possible. Looks like I need to understand the physics better......

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