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Posts posted by oldkey

  1. ....thanks Trent, Karl et al for setting up the gates and the day. The snow was awesome. I have a number of pics, Dave, if you want to give me a place to put them. But....I could really use some help getting these massive files down to a size small enough to get here on bomber without losing quality.





  2. ....that Chris is right...our conditions are tough here in MN (although he beats the edges up pretty good when he trains at Copper as well). However, his F2 boards ride the same tough conditions....I dare say tougher because he rides his F2s when the conditions are bad and we want to "save" his Priors. I really do think that the edges are different between the two boards. But....he's never liked a board better than his Priors......so a small price to pay. I work on them enough, though, they they seem to be holding their edges less and less....as if I am doing something wrong....possibly inadvertantly rounding more than I think. There are now sections of the edge that seem permanently rough. I suppose it's about time for a PTC tune to get "back to normal."

  3. My son just got a Prior Metal this year (173) and has never ridden better. His typical falls are now few and far between....the board bites and holds, especially in ice (very little real snow here in MN).

    But....it seems that I need to work on his edges after most every practice/race. Maybe it's me, but the edges seem "soft," much less forgiving than his other boards. Though I use stones as often as I can, it seems I use the file more often than I ever have before. Anybody else notice this about Priors?

    All in all, an unbelievable board for a racer.....would/will buy again. Just wish the edges would stay clean longer.

  4. ....were polite. They mentioned spending some time with another hardbooter...must have been you. Thanks for spending time with them.....they really love meeting adults on plates....and the ribbing that can go back and forth. They're good kids and becoming very good riders.

    Patrick on the Prior Metal is my kid. He sold most all of the equipment that he has collected over the last four years to get his long Prior....best investment we have made so far.....has really improved his riding. He looks forward to seeing everybody again for the last races in February. Training at Copper this next weekend so no races.....but a few of the other members of the team will be down.

    Thanks again

  5. ....5 kids from MN went down to the USASA races today at Tyrol and had a great time. Jon and the crew were friendly as always. Brent won as usual, but by only 4/10 of a sec in GS......one day they're going to catch him! Brent spent some time with the kids and made them feel at home. They were glad they went.....conditions were acceptable considering the lack of cold and snow.

    You guys run a respectable series.....hope that things go well for you when you visit MN this week.

  6. .....stop laughing. :)

    Any advice on how to save a few bucks for MLK weekend at Keystone? Can get the peaks discount, but it still seems insanely expensive for 3 days. (this will be our only trip to Keystone this season....usually prefer Copper...but bringing the entire family and they love Schoolmarm)

    Also, what is the cost to just ride at night? (after 5PM, correct?) We always love the less crowded slopes at night.

    Thanks in advance

  7. ....in snowboarding, the girls were mixed in with the guys....kinda tough if you ask me. Was this the case with the ski groups?

    I do not think that the one run format (round 2 & 3) would have been necessary if we just started earlier.

    But....still a great opportunity and lots of fun. We are appreciative for the opportunity. Same time next year would be perfect. Maybe even another race this year???

  8. ....is that he and Troy stole the show.....and the money! :)

    Great job to both in their coaching and riding.

    Many people qualified this weekend for USASA Nationals. As Karl noted, "wildcards" may not be as plentiful as in previous years. A national ranking system seems geared towards truly bringing the best riders from across the country. Should be interesting.

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