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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. So using your stat of one added person every 12 seconds... how long do we have before we have to build houses on the snowboarding slopes?
  2. Your answer to your Question. I have a couple of all mountain hard boot set ups and my soft set up has sat in the storage room for two years now. Your comment/question on how "Handling late in the day crowd beaten, refrozen icy trails?" , no problem they slice thru that crap like a knife thru butter specially my shorter Prior 4X4 174. So give it a try.
  3. This goes off Auction soon.. it is a good deal.
  4. Better jump on my Volkl on Ebay -- it has a 12.5 side cut and rides great and it is cheap. Better hurry
  5. Well , I gotta tell you the C5 is not much of a carving machine with it being Flame Red and looking like it is going 60mph when it is parked. It is a red flag to all the cops out there so I don't drive it too fast these days. I think the fastest I have had it is 125 once which just about as fast as the the Volkl 178 I ride. Most of the time I keep it, the C5, under 80. If I want my road speed fix I take out my older silver blue Mercedes SL Roadster and go cuz it blends into the masses on Interstates. All of us should live life to the fullest and when it comes time to slide into the grave your body should be worn out and all used up.:D
  6. I am planning on Sunday - 9:00 - I usually hang out on the Quad closest to the parking lot.. Skyline I think is what it is called.
  7. As long as I can ride as an old guy and have money in the bank I will continue to buy more boards , boots, bindings than I really need. Since I will still hopefully ride when I am 80 years young - 23 yrs from now - I will support the industry for a long time to come, in fact my goal is to spend more on Alpine gear than I do in taxes. I also support the auto industry, kayak industry, fishing industry and actually have spent my kids inheritance on golf gear. Scategoat- My bet is when you run the numbers in your marketing report you'll find you should have pulled the plug a couple of years ago. Thanks to many of the businesses who have stayed- Coiler, Prior, Bomber, Donek, Catek, so that we may enjoy a unique sport for years to come.
  8. Being a size 12 or 30.0 Mondo , I ride boards that are 18cm to 25.4 cm wide. Don't think boot size has much to do with it. My 2 cents
  9. I would doubt any wood core alpine board could loose its camber simply by sitting around or laying around flat or upright. In fact I bet ya you can lay it FLAT ON A FLOOR WITH BOOKS ON TOP of it and it will be the same camber come December 2005. Wood is not a fluid material:rolleyes:
  10. For those of you that frequent Whistler, which restaurants do you frequent when you go? Need some input for new dinner places when we go later this month. We like Sushi Village, Brew house, Araxis, Val D Sire what is your "good" list?
  11. what do you mean you are done at Crystal...??? what has happened? I though we had many ride days left
  12. I second Art's suggestion.. Sean at Snowperformance is excellent guy with whom to hook up. BTW at your young age you can take many bumps and bruises- hang in there. I started in my later years also. I go to Stevens and Crystal quite often as do many others on this board, may be going to Stevens Pass on Sunday - let me know if or when you go up I look for you on your Wide.:D
  13. I can't offer a comparision but can offer I ride a 174 4X4 and it is a wonderful ride and well constructed. I have demo'd the WCR but have not added one to my quiver yet but hope to soon. Had I been more experieced riding longer boards when I bought the 174 I would have gone the 179 route I think. But I weigh 210 lbs or so , my son who is around 150 would do well on the 159 - I wish they made a 164 or so in this board for him.
  14. You can check the web site for Demo days on the mountain, email them and let them know what size you need to demo so they can bring it up. But if not a demo day check with the local bus route that goes south to Function Junction and see how close they come to the factory or better yet email the factory and ask them how to get a demo if you are car-less. they are extremely nice people there. AL:)
  15. No Borrow just Fact -- I think you probably got it off of an older post I wrote years ago on the old forum... It is ok if "You" borrow my material since you are east of the Mississippi :D
  16. C5 Golfer


    Like Budge above says.. measure your foot in Cm and that is your Mondo size. My son is exactly that size in Raichles and so am I= He measured a 26 Mondo and AF600s in that size were perfect and I am Mondo 30 and ride AF600s in that size and they fit perfect. Hope this helps
  17. Mine is usually the one where the guys says "Tell me more about that square tail on your snowboard" I told him " I got tired of it falling over when I stood it up against a wall so I cut it off square on my bandsaw" But since I was on the chair with him I was able to tell him more about alpine boards.
  18. Anyone up for a ride at Stevens Pass on Sunday the 7th of March. Al;)
  19. Don't think I would agree -- maybe the village you need an umbrella but up top of Blackcomb is usually about 24° F. Snow is usually great on upper half of the mountain. I go about once a month and have never been in rain at the top. March is a good month to go. I agree with other comments - go to Prior's place and demo some of his fine gear, but bring your own alpine gear and rent the soft stuff or take a Prior 4X4 and do it all. A couple of suggestions .. bring 2 way radios to keep in touch with your group it can get foggy and it is a very very very big mountain or ski patrol if you need them, bring a ski lock they have the racks that use the "Ski Key" locks and work great. Don't think the weather in the village is what the mountain has -- it is totally different up top. I have seen where the village and lower mountain is socked in and you can't see anything and the upper half is totally blue sky. BlackComb in my opinon is a better mountain to ride because it absorbs the crowds better than Whistler and you can go as fast as you want - on Whistler you can't because it has too many people most of the time. The lower cat track to 7th Heaven is ok to go on a board - keep your speed up and beat everybody - it is nice and wide and fast. Ride Panorama, Cloud Nine, & Ridge Runner and go the learning center off of Solar Coaster early morning for first tracks on this marvelous carving run before the newbees get there, take the first turn at the entrance as fast as you can - it arcs about 230°. Have a good time.. I am up there March 21-25th.:D
  20. I have ridden a lot of Arbors-- The Munoz in 166 and 170 and the regular Koa in 166 and 170, and their wide board. First, I agree with Bola that you do not need a wide. That wide guy was the worst riding of all boards.. very slow edge to edge and took too much effort and I am size 12. Go with the regular width but increase the size to a 166 Munoz (older name, can't remember the new name they use for this top of the line model)
  21. Were you up there at Stevens on Presidents day holiday? I saw another hard booter that day when I was riding my Volkl.
  22. I don't know what it takes to ship outside US. I would but I do not know what to tell you about shipping charges - I am not out to make money on shipping and handling like some eBayers do-- I will charge you what it cost to ship - does this help? Al
  23. $160 is the reserve.. hope this helps..and good luck in bidding Al
  24. Zach: Looks like Art can't come and don't know about Sean. So I will probably not go - we'll have to try again another day for a ride. AL
  25. Anyone else.?? Sean what happened to your post previously-- it is gone???? Al
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