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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Good Question... I have TD1 and TD2s , I have yet to feel the solid responsiveness I feel in a TD1 compared to a TD2. It appears to me the little round bumper close to the edge on a TD1 gives solid edge feel and response. I have switched the TD1 and TD2 on my 4X4 Prior 179 and my Blast 178 and prefer theTD1. I will try the hard ring this year and see if that helps. Anyone got any other ideas, I like the step in and out of a TD2, just not liking the ride right now.
  2. A good LAST Run of the day at Whistler - time it just right so you take the Peak Chair at close... run down the Peak to Creek run - 5300 feet of vertical drop and when you finally finally get to the bottom your are right there at the Pub for a much needed beer.
  3. I wonder if it would be cheaper to offer $XXX.xx or XX cases of beer to an Instuctor for an Instructors jacket and then bomb the lines without the instructor. :lol:
  4. Dave* You still wearing the orange helmet? We'll be up as soon as the snow flies and it is open. Good info you wrote above. Dunno if I can get my GF on a board again.. she loves the new skis she got last year. CYA AL
  5. I agree with the Fresh Tracks Ticket on Whistler. I am up there at least once a month on weekends and there are places that you can go without too many in your way. Also.. it opens 8:30 or 9:00 AM and the place is pretty empty till about 10:30 or so. Go to Blackcomb and have a good ride and leave the softies at home. take up a couple of boards with you -- storage at top of mountain both Whistler and Blackcomb. Whistler easier for multiple boards due to Gondola to the top where storage is located
  6. Could be wrong but I don't think Ride is making these for them anymore.. If I remember right once Ride was sold years ago and moved --- Arbor found a place in Canada - BC maybe to make their boards. Maybe Option????
  7. Tough job ahead.. Trying to convice an anti gunner to allow them is just like trying to convice a pro- gunner to give up his gun. It is a lose / lose situation so it most likely needs to be approached from a middle ground solution which is where both of you need to co-exist happily. I would try to ask what if anything could you do to ensure the safe presence of a gun in her house. A gun lock doesn't seem to be enough to sway an anti gunner but a gun safe may do it. But these are very heavy and expensive. If it is a bolt action how about removing the bolt and giving it to her for safe keeping. Showing her how it can not be fired or operated if the important piece is missing.
  8. C5 Golfer

    Big Bucks

    My brother stuck this guy last Saturday in Iowa.
  9. Not really a naked story but a slight embarrassment. I broke up with this fine looking tall lady who we’ll call Karen. She wanted to get married and have kids – since I had already been there and done that - we both knew this relationship wasn’t going to work. A couple weeks after a friendly breakup, I meet this goodlooking redhead who loved to ski and hike. We continued to date and after about 2 months she suggested that we go out to dinner with this guy friend of hers and his girlfriend. So we set up a Sat night dinner date to meet at a fine downtown Seattle restaurant, we got there first and were sitting in a nice 4 person table having drinks when they walked in. We get up to meet and greet and low and behold it is my old Karen with this guy. We look at each other and did not say anything except the usual nice to meet you – how are things. We have a nice dinner and then proceed to go for a walk in Seattle – the four of us. As the night goes on I am talking with Karen and we are laughing and stuff and my date and her guy friend says “ Well, it looks like you two are hitting it off well!” I say to them “We know each other! “ and then went on the tell them how and we all had a good laugh.
  10. Art, Phunny you should mention that.. I was just talking with a friend of mine who lives on Echo Falls course and we thought we could have a golf ball cannon on hole 4 or 6 -- the Par 5s and see if we could land on the green from the T box. Neighbors may complain but we know most of them and maybe they wouldn't be too pissed off when the thing launched specially if we let them light the fuse. Anyway see you at Crystal soon I hope... I know you want to ride my 178 Volkl and or my 178 Hot Blast.. what binding are you using TD1 or 2, and can you ride a 21 inch stance? I have 3° plates so it would be easy to just switch the top out and leave my plates. I can mount TD1 or 2s.
  11. Permit not required here --- are they where you are? If so where are you and how difficult is it. Also, what type of permit is needed.
  12. No I have not tried these.. look English to me. Any GB readers know of these?
  13. Neil, we may difer in what 'crowded" means but even on a Prime time weekend Sat I find BlackComb at the top not very crowded. Sure the lift line may seem long at times, but the line moves fast and in my ever so HO , the mountain is so big that the runs are largely wide open. 7th Heaven for example is busy at the cat track on top of the chair but turn off of that and it is wide open throttle on most runs. Or go around the hut at the toip and run down the glacier to Ridge Runner, wide open throttle again. On Whistler -- Peak to Creek run is wide open on most of the day. Anyway -- not being disagreeable here, just stating what I see at Whislter so often and I go there once a month starting November.
  14. If it is due to the aluminum on the board surface, I fixed mine by fabricating a disc out of .032 thick plastic laminate. (AKA Formica) Problem of marking is no longer there.
  15. Think about Whistler -- in Feb it is about the best anywhere. Go to http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/mountain/stats/index.htm I would have say that once in everyones lifetime you need to experience the Peak to Creek run. Which starts the top of Whistler mountain to the bottom @ Creekside thru some of the most awesome terain. You'll be tired at the bottom of the 5,200 feet of straight down vertical but you'll have one of the biggest smiles on your face and saying "Lets do that again!" Plus - once you are there you do not need a car or to travel anywhere - you are there at the base of two big a## mountains. one ticket serves both, 200 + runs and more terrain than you can possible see in 3-4 days.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by alpine meadows website Terrain: 2,400 patrolled acres; 100+ designated runs Quote: Originally Posted by Squaw Valley website 6 peaks, 4,000 acres and 2,850 vertical feet of terrain. Quote: Originally Posted by Heavenly website With 4,800 acres, we are one of North America's largest mountains So if you speak of SIZE -- and SIZE does matter sometimes. .. here is Whistler.. 2X the size of Heavenly or Squaw. Total Terrain 8,171 acres/ Vertical Drop 5,200+ feet - top to bottom Mountain Restaurants 17 with a total of 6,540 restaurant seats :lol: :lol:
  17. I think you already know in your heart the answer to that but as most americans they are afraid to admit it. It is called enforce the friggen laws you have instead of letting them go free in 3 months or less. Keep the perps in prison for 10-20 years minimum and the problem will be 10% of what it is today,
  18. Sounds like the the 50 BMG is the big boy here.. I have handled a beautiful .577 double rifle and a .600 Nitro Express double rifle but never shot them. I think the owner has not either -- collectors items worth about $40,000 each.
  19. I SECOND THAT -- well said!
  20. Alright way to go and hope you get one. Here is a small how to cook venison tip for you. First after you butcher and cut it up, before you freeze it , remove any membrane and bones, store the red meat only. this is because all the gamey taste come from these parts, not the red meat. then when you cook it it is a little like Bison, do not over cook, med rare is perfect with a little red. To help with a juicy steak on the BBQ which is superb, go to the local butcher and ask for some beef fat trimmings, slice this fat up into small little strips, chunks and then slice little cuts into your venison and add these little beef fat strips and hold in place with tooth picks. BBQ away and open a bottle of red wine and you will be smiling. this is time tested and true for me and have impressed so many none believers of how good venison is. Hope it helps AL
  21. Lets see how big the bores are out there. .30 Cal and smaller - no need to report in! In cartridge rifles 45/70 is my biggest dia but my .375 HH Mag Ruger #1 single shot is my most powerful centerfire. Beautiful piece of highly figured walnut was made for this guy. I shot a .460 Weatherby years ago but after 2 shots of extreme punishment did not see a reason to make an offer on it.
  22. C5 Golfer

    Ghost car.

    My favorite Chase is this Mustang. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9131460987467226554 I believe the cops were totally wrong in attempting this with all the other traffic around. Innocent drivers could have been seriously hurt or killed by the cops actions.
  23. From that report which was dated 2002, I found this info. 1974 - 1 incident 1978 1 incident 1985 1 incident 1986 1 incident 1987 1 incident 1988 1 incident 1989 1 incident 1992 3 incidents 1993 2 incidents 1994 3 incidents 1995 3 incidents 1996 4 incidents 1997 4 incidents 1998 4 incidents 1999 5 incidents 2000 1 incident HMMMM sounds like it is increasing. If I had time I'd graph that out, seems exponential to me.
  24. I can see gang violence up but where do you or did you find the info or stats on violence in schools being cut in half -- what dept of ed? I have a hard time believing that, even sensationalistic media set aside.
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