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Helmut Karvlow

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Posts posted by Helmut Karvlow

  1. Well you can't forget it, like they say what happens in Aspen......................................is on Bomber in about two minutes:eplus2:

    and video will bring back any thing you may have over looked or forgot in a drunkin-stuper.

    oh yea and my compaint is that Michelle did not Babysit my drunk a$$ which allowed this to happen:biggthump

    still laughing about it, what an IDIOT!!!!!

  2. CENSORED. PG13. What happened to the footage of the body writhing on the floor?

    I don't remember that part.......hell I didn't remember the 2nd shot either.

    for those at home that's snort the salt shoot the tequilla and lime in your open eye.:freak3:

    Jay was on the floor at some point but I don't know why.

    Let's see what Dave will come up with for next year!!

  3. Quick review from the airport as I wait patiently....



    15 or so years riding

    Loves smaller sidecuts, going slower than faster.

    Lots of turns.

    Boards: Coiler 173 FC, Burton R17 65.

    Demos this week.

    Prior WCR 177 metal. 20waist? Brought it home with me. Forgiving ride, cut thru chop with authority. carved the steeps with confidence. OK slalom turns, better GS turns. Great in hard conditions, great in mixed conditions, not good in soft conditions(too stiff to be fun without burying nose). Graphics were plain white...good for me.

    gotta go...more tommorow night.

    Donek 171 metal rocker.

    Coiler171 schtub

    and the B-squared...............which in a nut shell was the Shiz. I had no idea it was as wide as it is untill I looked at it, felt small and quick and I had no problem at all finishing each turn..............now for Pauls review on it.:AR15firin

  4. Hey Snowman, put on your depends I just got word the video will be up some time tonight.:eek::eek:

    I'll wait till morning to re-live it again. here's lime in your eye!!! have a good laugh, I never laughed as much in a week then I did at the SES this year. I had a blast.....even the day after when I was licking my wound's on the hill, I still made 1st chair and almost the last one. Paul called it a day and I didn't put up any fight at all :p

  5. Sorry BlueB if I sounded like I was suggesting that carvers--generally--are a "closed" community. I know there are many people across the country who regularly support the sport by helping new people get into it.

    I was mainly talking about SES, and as I said earlier, I understand that the intention for SES was probably never to make it an educational/instructional event...but rather a fun gathering of peers---which is totally cool!

    maybe if you didn't go off on your own you would have seen how most everyone at the ses left the ego at the door and everyone I know would help out at just a mention of it.

    each rider's style is different so a book would be basic at best.

    The poo has offered to ride with you I would take him up on it...he was taught well ;)

  6. PaulK does not get tired; the mountain gets tired of PaulK*

    *plus he rides really slow, so it takes longer for him to get tired

    yea, but he is the SMOOTHEST rider we have ever seen:cool:

    smooth = slow:eplus2:

  7. 18 plus years with toe clips and no failures:biggthump

    crap, I just jinxed myself:eek:

    Hey Doc,I know I'm not going to Big Mountain but how bout breaking out the chicken feet and cows blood to reverse the jinx I put on me-self, ;)

  8. Shred

    What run did you test it on at 7? Giant steps or Avalanche out front?

    We were on all the north face runs, Shred dug the nose in on every turn, he is in the hospital with multiple broken bones in critical condition,:freak3: but the board is fine:biggthump

    No one else would like that board!!!

    Now for the truth. the board tore the hills apart!! it was smooth and fluid on all the run's. it was fun to watch:lurk:

  9. Ken, if they are not broken then leave them alone. you will make yourself more of a problem.

    stainless will not react with steel as aluminum will. stainless threads will not stretch when tightened,they will gaul, that's why all stainless bolts have to have a lock washer to hold tight.

    if it ain't broke don't fix it.

  10. Hey, sorry to get that thread off on the wrong foot, I was in one of my wise-ass moods I guess. Not trying to put you down, just talkin' a little schmack. Welcome to the Coiler club! One of the best boards out there, IMO. Have fun.


    Akno, you knew exactly what was going to happen when you posted that!:AR15firin

    by the way BOTH of my new Coiler's have f2's on them. my Madd has Td2's. no problem for me with either one.

    will you make the SES this year? it would be good to ride with you again!!

  11. Ever make it out to Louise much? Some phenomenal runs to carve. Men's Downhill was always my benchmark, but it gets scraped off pretty fast, and while I had at least a couple solid runs on it, I can't say that I ever completely charged it.


    Great run and Great place to ride, ever try norquay????? small but some really steep runs.

    for the question, for me it's the rush of the speed the added G's in the turn,knowing if I don't do everything just right it could end up bad! and honestly green runs are like kissing your sister:eek:........................ don't do it poo, I know you have a smart a$$ comment!

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