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Helmut Karvlow

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Posts posted by Helmut Karvlow

  1. you've come to the right place.

    the people here can fix ANYTHING, board,bindings,set-up,knee problems,helmet or no helmet,broken bones,sprains,cuts,scrapes,body armour,shootin blanks,mental conditions.ect.ect.:flamethro

    take it all with a grain of salt.:cool:

    welcome to the darkside, you must ride at the springs??

  2. old photos are like old newspapers ,,,, ;you wrap dead fish with them..

    you should be here to make new photos... I forgot my patch cord for my small camera... so we will figure it out..

    first night as expected... awesome.... to buxzzzeed ;on now to post...its late.. but looks like all are showing up Saturday 9:00am at chair 2... channel 5.05..

    whew.. nice fun tonight...

    You would forget your d%$# if it wasn't tied to you, weather looks good and you "can't" post pics. sounds like Shred's excuse # 357!!!

    Have a Great time,:barf: see you after the SES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you see the "fat man" tell him I said go F%$# himself;)

  3. All good points...........how about this if it works for you, do it.

    example: Jack, or Ack-no as I affectionately call him. (inside joke) ride two WAY different styles. what works for Jack is not comfortable for me and vise-versa. but we both can ride the same hills, same pitch ect.ect.ect.

    so try everthing people tell you, but keep what works for YOU.

  4. Any one riding in wisconsin, if you see a guy that looks like he could use help please help him out. his name is Mitch, he just started boarding. I took him out one time, he liked it so I gave him an old setup of mine to practice on. he's a great guy and could use some company and pointers.


  5. what thin skin you all have, remember what is intended to be said looses everything when it's typed on a computer. take a breath,what are you going to do when you meet face to face?? have a modern day throw-down?? :boxing_sm

    bottom line is everything fails some time or another, even us!!!!!!!

    It has been very entertaining though!!!! so if you want to keep attacking each other by all meen's keep it up.

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