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Helmut Karvlow

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Posts posted by Helmut Karvlow

  1. Two Madds up for grabs,

    The 180 has a total of 11 days on it, its the stiff flex... make me an offer

    The 158 is the original I bought it new last year, it was stored by Shaggy. he waxed it along the way. I put f2s on it and rode it 400 vert. I waxed it.

    it is still like NEW, never based ground or sharpened.

    I was offered 3 new Madds at the 08 SES for it. make me an offer.

    Last is a new set of Catek's

    E-mail me.

    give me time, I do not have a job that allows puter access every day, I will repond in order I get them.



  2. Crap Billy, your just beating the sh-t out of yourself :smashfrea your not as young as you used to be!!

    by the way, whats NOT listed is the f2 196 hmmmmmmm why is that?????

    never mind don't list it, just e-mail me first :biggthump I miss that board!!!

    heal up quick, I would like you to attend the SES again,it would not be the same with out you and what ever crazyass toy you would end up bringing.

  3. Hey Doc, maybe you can break out the cows blood and chicken feet put on your head dress and conjure up a spell to bring the SES to the Big.......crap I mean Whitefish resort. damn that name change SUCKS who is the brain that came up with that one:AR15firin as for the pow all the icecoasters don't hate it. :1luvu:

    You should make the trip to Colorado this year it's a hoot!!!

    All you back woods Montana monkey's should come, dig up that coffee can in your Mom's back yard, spend a little and come to the SES :ices_ange

    we all still luv ya Doc.:biggthump

  4. Cuban, the horse is dead and rotten,the fly's are gone, the maggotts have left, but keep beating it!!!!! :barf:

    you are a creature of habit, you like what you know, which is fine.

    I am a creature of adventure, I like new and different, also fine.

    I don't allways get the Dort. but it is nice to fall back to it if the other beer's suck.

    lets agree to disagree :argue:

    Paul, you lucky Bast_rd. that trip sounded Cool, blank.................blank...........edit............edit.........

  5. HMMMMMMMM......lets see the Same place we have been 15 times or some place new, a very hard choice........I do not know what to do.................what do you think you transplant wana-be-redneck North Carolina rock smacker.

    Big Mount....oops Whitefish, maybe we can see, maybe all the lifts will run, maybe we can get a day of carving out of 7. or maybe just maybe the SES with Brother Paul........I don't know. crap it's 90 degrees outside bring it up again in Oct.

    The cost of everything is going up and my pay stays the same.

    ( big mnt. is not as bad as I slam it, however it can be, depends on the weather, same as any resort you can go to.......I'm just tired of the same place over and over and over.)

    you won't see me at Whitefish.:nono:

  6. it takes a certain kind of person to make vague, baseless, 10 year old slams on someone on the internet from behind an anonymous username with no history. reeeal brave, tenorman. :rolleyes:

    Wow, it's been alot of years since Bomber was this good. entertaining, keep em comin.....who's the best rider? whats the best board? hell what color jacket is cool? :smashfrea :smashfrea :smashfrea

    Just let it go McCloud, there just sucking you in like the c_c days!!

  7. Helmut, which Zylon model did you ride? If it was the Gladiator and it did not want to turn, then I think you missed something.... if it was the Berserker Zylon and indeed at low speed, then it sounds reasonable.... but just add a bit of speed and it will rip the hill into 2... :lol:

    Istvan, as I said the Virus railed at a good speed and it would hop the turns if you want it to. I was in no way saying one was better then the other.

    I'm in Ohio so the Coiler is beter for me. It's a choice each rider has to make for himself.

  8. You just have to pay to play..........thats why I work......to buy Madds, Coilers,TD2"s, ect. it's a choice we all have to make for ourselves.

    just because I choose to spend thousands of $$$$$ on equiptment does NOT make me better than anyone else. it's my choice.

    There now stop with the Burton thread !!!! it's making me sick :barf:

  9. I was on the Coiler schtubby and then went right to the Virus zylon at the SES and.........just my opinion so don't :flamethro me. :nono:

    The virus was great going fast but was hard at a slow pace it just did'nt want to turn.

    The Coiler was great at everything I put it through.

    It depends on what your looking for.....a high speed cruiser or an everything board.

    again my opinion.

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