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Posts posted by Michelle

  1. I am very, VERY worried for the US Alpine options going into South Korea in 4 years...
    Winters kids!


    And I think, and bigwavedave can correct me, but Mimi is going to try again for Korea. Not sure about Justin just yet, as I'm sure he's still reeling from all the excitement!

    We've also got a lot of young folks that are involved in the sport and training with a few teams around the country. Maggie Carrigan, Meghan Graham, and a few others are all potentials for Korea! What we have to do now is convince USSA that alpine snowboarding is worth separating into it's own discipline. We've got 4 years to do it.

  2. Germany is sending 5 alpine riders to the Olympics. We sent one, and barely not because they don't have the results, the willpower, or trained less. Only because as bigwavedave said, they have to live out of their trucks and beg for any funding necessary, or break the bank of their parents and family. It really shouldn't be that way and USSA needs to separate the disciplines of snowboarding like they do for skiing. Slopestyle, halfpipe, and downhill should all be separate then maybe there would be more space for just 24 SNOWBOARDERS total. :(

  3. Here's something I read today, that speaks to what you guys have been talking about.

    "You deserve someone who has arrived in their ability to be present, to Love you as best they can, to be as emotionally available as they can. You deserve it. And there’s no need to try to coax it out of them underneath the wounds, old stories and scars.

    This is your romantic partner we are talking about – not your client. You are not their therapist, life coach or mother. You are their lover and you deserve someone who can show up for you in all ways. And promptly admit their mistakes.

    So, do you want a project or do you want a Lover? It’s very hard to have both at the same time. I say, this Valentine’s Day – you deserve a real romantic partner.

    Honestly, have you turned red flags into a project? How’s that working out for you? "

  4. Here's something I read today, that speaks to what you guys have been talking about.

    "You deserve someone who has arrived in their ability to be present, to Love you as best they can, to be as emotionally available as they can. You deserve it. And there’s no need to try to coax it out of them underneath the wounds, old stories and scars.

    This is your romantic partner we are talking about – not your client. You are not their therapist, life coach or mother. You are their lover and you deserve someone who can show up for you in all ways. And promptly admit their mistakes.

    So, do you want a project or do you want a Lover? It’s very hard to have both at the same time. I say, this Valentine’s Day – you deserve a real romantic partner.

    Honestly, have you turned red flags into a project? How’s that working out for you? "

  5. this almost belongs in the 'heard it in the lift line' thread, but it wasnt really about alpine.

    Drifting into the take off zone on a t-bar (no queue first thing in the morning) after my first run, one of the cute lifties stepped forward and stopped me momentarily with a hand on my arm;

    liftie: "where are my flowers!?"

    me: "sorry, i left them on the kitchen table .."

    ski patrol dude, sotto voce: "smooth. Just like his turns."

  6. In good Valentine's news, my dear sweet dog Rabbit turns 14 on Valentine's day, and due to some changes in her life situation and food, she is healthier than ever, bouncing around like a pup (ok, she's an old grey pup with a torn up knee and a bad hip, but still acting like a pup again in spite of all that!!!) And the chickens are good company. And I have a new job that let's me go slide on snow one way or another every day - sweet! So I'm not out looking for Prince Charming this Valentine's Day - if he's stuck up a tree somewhere, he can just stay there. :)

    That's the best date of all!
  7. the one thing all these women had in common was a dislike/distrust of just about every male figure in their lives - brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfathers, you name it, but their Moms were all saints. I had NO chance from the beginning.
    I have seen this with men, where they think every woman is out to get them. If a guy respects his mother and treats her well, generally speaking they will be nice to their SO. If they've had issues with their moms being overprotective, disrespectful, etc, then more than likely they will have issues in a relationship. this is HIGHLY generalizing, but I've seen it too many times for it to not have some merit. And yes, in that situation, you have no chance. Glad you saw that and got out of them, and so happy you are recognizing it for the future!

    As for V-day, my SO is working so I may see him for and hour or two. I'll also be reliving my single days of doing nothing on V-day. Single ladies do a little dance! WHOOP WHOOP :p

  8. For a long time, I tried to act more macho, more like 'the other guys', and I only realized recently how deeply that hurt me. We can't reject part of ourselves like that without harming ourselves emotionally.

    If I could encourage all of my friends to do only ONE thing in their lives, it would be to learn to fully accept every part of themselves; especially the parts they are not fond of. I can't describe with words how liberating and empowering this is...

    Well said! So many people try to fit in, be popular, and do what is "expected" of them in their lives either from society or parents, etc. when people really understand and accept their loves and passions, that's when they become attractive.

    CO has been a bit cold, but not that cold! And you were still out riding? Crazy Canadians....

  9. Ian, you have a great attitude and way with words. I agree, so many people in this world are trying to impress others, and if they focused more on themselves it would be a better world. What a fantastic story! And I love how honest you are, in saying that you guys do have disagreements but you have made the commitment to work it all out - instead of just painting the picture of everything being rosy. That's awesome! As my boyfriend says, It's all in the approach and the attitude. So true.

    I, like floBoot, was waiting for the punch line LOL. It IS so rare to see a guy not only speak out about his spirituality but on a male dominated forum where (as girls) we don't ever see that. Just admitting that you know you have a spiritual side makes me think you are a super rare find and she is very lucky!

    Wavechaser, I'm with these guys in that you probably dodged a bullet. If the other person is not in touch with themselves, then they certainly can't be in touch with you. Sounds like she's checking out of her own life and is looking for any escape. Sounds cliche, but the right person for YOU will come into your life just when you are not paying attention. You're pretty funny - so I'm sure it won't take long!

    "I'm tired of dating a$$holes. You girls are all such sweethearts where can i meet a nice girl for once? LOL:rolleyes:" :lol:

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