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Everything posted by grobm

  1. I am interested in this board. Can I get a reason why I should buy this over a Swoard? I am looking for a carving board not a race board.
  2. Consider the price on your asym prime. I bought one on eBay for only $30. eBay tends to trend higher then here since people collect older boards from eBay.
  3. I am researching SnowFlex ski areas and for anyone that has tried snowboarding on SnowFlex or other Artificial surfaces? Here is a link for reference: http://www.snowflex.com/ No, I do not actually work for these guys. I am interested in maybe investing in this kind of technology or building a 356 day a year site. Any comment?
  4. Mountain Creek, in short: Morning was amazing. Mid-day was melted snow and crud. Four o'clock was pretty much run off snow and mud. (switched to my Jib Board) MountainCreek is pretty much done. Unless we get some really cold days and snow. Hunter or far north.
  5. She will be happy to hear it. :-) Cheers Bro.
  6. I know Ron at Tuxedo Ridge, he is the owner of Orange County Snowboards. :lol: They have a satellite Shop at Tuxedo Ridge (were the OCSnowboards started). I also heard mention of the Ski "fun" Racing there aka the Beer League started by the instructors. Never actually participated in a race there. To my knowledge they have no boarders doing the racing. I have on occasions "accidentally" ran the gates. I am happy to meetup there, it's a short ride in the evenings from my Bus Commute stop (Monroe Park & Ride), maybe get discounts on tickets? I would need to talk to Ron about that. If it is a regular things and we can get numbers I am sure they would be happy to give the Bomberonline crew a special rate. PM me if you want email information or a formal introduction to Ron.
  7. I bought my F2 from Evan last year and it was in mint condition no racer beatting on it and it was a gem. This looks like another great deal, unfortunately my wife won't let me buy this one. :-)As a prior customer of Evan's your getting a great board at a good price.
  8. Thanks for the info. Since my shop pass let's me ride for the season I will head over there on Wednesday unless we have some major increases in temps or Hunter gets a big drop of snow before then. I will report conditions on Weds ride. :-)
  9. jtslalom should be the one to answer that. Here is my answer/opinion: Great Question! Unfortunately you are asking a bigger question then I think this thread. I think you are in the Masters or higher levels for Racing, which in the US = "no racing" on the East Coast. Maybe someone else will say I am wrong. I would love to do the same... I am 35 and I am not a Pro Rider nor do I wish to be (i am a dad).
  10. Any truth to the Twitter statement or are the just being Twits? :-)
  11. That's a great clip... I want to attend :-)
  12. Hey anyone around Wednesday 3/7/12 at Hunter? I will be hard booting with a bud. Prepping for a slushy day. Will be on the K side in the morning. Maybe Belts or more West side later in the day. Hope to meetup:cool:
  13. Choose a day midweek and I will meetup with you. If anyone is near Middletown, I can offer a ride to and from Hunter.
  14. Interest in meeting up this week? It's getting warmer, the snow is fading fast. Any interest in a meetup this week at MountainCreek? Or maybe we need to talk about a Hunter Mt. meetup?
  15. Very bummed that I found this Thread after passing on ECES. I hope you make this more public next year... or do the same clinic. I am going to now cry at my computer Desk.
  16. JohnnyLo needs to post it. I only have two clips. :-)
  17. Here is some of the old video we did a few weeks ago. Yeah the guy spinning out on his @ss is me. :-)
  18. Nice! I have to check out taco hombre. I might be on the mound on Wedsnesday (bad snow day) or Thrusday (if I can reschedule meetings). Is the feeling generally that the mountain is getting worse or that they are going to close soon? -Mark
  19. I am interested in a Swoard that is a 168 and has M or H Flex. I am ok with it being 1st or 2nd Gen Extreme Carver. If you have one that you rarely use and are looking to sell it to someone that will use it as their primary board in a good home (my shop takes good care wax/edges, etc.) Please PM me.
  20. I am interested in helping out as I can.
  21. I would be really interested in assisting not sure if I have the time to actually coach.How are they going to handle the "customization factor" of race snowboarding? Are they going to commit to new equipment? Or are they looking for donations from the community to start a team?I suspect most of the people on this list would actually have relations that would go out for the team.
  22. 2-3 inches of POW today anyone going to MT Creek or are we all writing it off till we see some good snow?
  23. grobm


    Anyone have comments on this event? How does it compare to the Rocky Event? I was thinking of taking a day trip up for the session. Looks to be low key since I am not seeing much on posts in the forum? Thanks in advance.:D
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