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Posts posted by khoward

  1. Dave could aim it up the hill while he's

    waiting for us at the bottom.

    We did a half dozen runs tonight, mostly on

    Sky Hooker and Bindle Stiff. The groom was okay,

    but warm conditions brought out heavy, treacherous traffic with impassible

    groups of slow skiers and boarders and others coming up full bore from behind.

    We're gonna skip College Night tomorrow.

  2. May he see his shadow :)

    Jane, Russ and I were out for the evening session

    yesterday. It was surprisingly good despite thawing

    during the afternoon - maybe a bit crusty at the


    We're planning to go out again tonight, and

    I'm planning First Chair Saturday and Sunday.

    (we've almost talked Jane into a metal

    board and hardboots!)

  3. Surprisingly icy this evening - not much of a storm. Looks like it had been a busy day on Four-Pipe and quite sketched-out. Lots of people sitting around on Sky Hooker and Bindle Stiff for an extra challenge.

    Tonight's grooming and a sunny day tomorrow should help.

  4. First powder day (sort of) with 1-3 inches.

    Got out 6-7:30PM last night after work good carving.

    (freezing mist on the goggles added to the enchantment)

    Very little traffic on Four-pipe

    Started to become crusty by the end.

    We're planning another evening session after 6PM today

    If work permits.

    I'm planning to be there Tuesday afternoon:)

  5. We did a couple of pretty sketchy runs on Four Pipe and Sky Hooker after work today. Hit a lot of crusty spots and MLK Day traffic. The chairlift rides were again challenging with a 25MPH N breeze.

    Saturday and Sunday had great conditions, great weather and relatively low traffic. Did acquire a decent bruise on my left thigh after finding an icy trench parallel to the fall line on the middle part of four pipe on Saturday.

    Unfortunately, Spirit's running out of time and Snomax to build the pipe this season. Jane's rather disappointed since that's her favorite. According to the experts on things like that, laying a foundation with earth for the pipe at Spirit would not work well for a number of reasons (erosion, maintenance, quicker melting,..,etc.)

  6. A beautiful afternoon on FourPipe with the groom softening up in the spring conditions for some nice turns. Very few people out, except for a cross-country ski meet around the chalet. It began to get crusty as the sun went down and called it a day. We may try an evening session Wednesday after work.

  7. It's our final day at Copper and of our season. We're heading out to the blue runs off of Superbee as it softens up. Getting more confident on the steeper runs and will be trying out a few changes Scuff suggested to my set up. Upper Midwest Alt Series and the G-Team have dominated the podium. Later.


  8. Perhaps the best closing day ever at Spirit. The morning started out fairly hard, but not too difficult to hold an edge and improved through the morning.

    It was pretty soft by 3 PM, but set up as crud on the Gandy side by 4:30PM as the temps dropped. Jane and I took a break and watched kids in the pipe, and then did last ride for the season at Spirit.

    Closure was a party in the Moosehead with Russ winning the raffle and the Liftee Obstacle Course Race.

    We're looking forward to next winter and riding with Jim and Russ, and whomever else shows up. Jane and I will be off to USASA at Copper later this week, and we'll post a picture of the day of the Comps. Karl (AKA Scuff) is qualified for Men's Open Division Alpine events, and I'll try to catch it.

    Thanks for a great season, stay healthy, Ken and Jane.

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