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Everything posted by !MaineCarver!

  1. Ouch that had to hurt!! You should have thrown one of his skis down in the woods!
  2. Okay my email is 12mbraley at gmail dot com
  3. I am new to this whole classifieds thing I am just wondering what a bump is? I like the board though. ^_^
  4. Thanks it looks to be in good shape. Burnanating the country side...... TRAGDOR!!!!!
  5. Could you possibly put up pictures of it. And I just have one question do you run the RIDEMASS facebook page?
  6. I was just wondering if you could put up pics? I am just looking around to see what there is!
  7. What are the stats for the board? i.e. effective edge, waist width....
  8. What is the effective edge of the board?
  9. I am just putting my two cents in here. Set the bindings back lean back and just go with the flow!! :cool: _______________ Go Fast, Haul Ass
  10. Awwww....I wanted to do this! But I can't come up with the money right now. ^_^
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