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Posts posted by snowburn

  1. 5 hours ago, barryj said:

    Thanks for all the info guys..........

    Thinking about this I think my problem is anatomical.  I've been told by more than one professional bike fitter that my right leg/knee drifts/falls to the outside on every rotation. I attribute this to compensation for a vast amount of broken bones (all on the left side of my body)  over the years of competitive sports..... dislocated ankle, tib/fib, radius/ulna, wrist, collar bone and of course last years torn rotator cuff.

    I'm going to try BB's  suggestion and rotate the rear 3' cant disk ever so slightly counter clockwise so there's  some of that 3' ramp to the outside of my knee instead of directly behind.  That adjustment will hopefully provide some resistance to my knee trailing behind on heel sides.    We will see what the results are when I go back out next week.. 

    Well that's settles it we are a freak of nature and what works for some doesn't work for others. Each and everyone has their own journey. And bodies are not built alike. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, 1xsculler said:

    Injuries that interrupt our activities totally suck!  So sorry...hoping for your speedy and complete recovery. 
    My wife just got done telling me I was practicing risky behavior and If I keep it up I WOULD get injured and then to read this... I don’t like it because she IS ALWAYS right, just ask her!

    Yes or No. Or how about never leave the house cuz you might die in a car wreck, get the Rona or etc. Life ain't worth living without risk. That's not living. 

  3. I was riding my Thirst SC in 4" of powder on my first run and I was leaning back with a surfy style. It didn't like that at all. Just about sent me in the trees. I gathered my thoughts and started riding centered again. Rode great after that. I didn't bother to go to the car for my powder board. Thirst likes powder!

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  4. 5 hours ago, pmorita said:

    I should I try to teach more?

    I had a close one last week. Rider was attempting to pass me during a carve I saw him coming in the corner of my eye and pulled out of my turn and luckily he did the same. We both said whoa. Good thing I was wearing sunglasses bc goggles would of blocked my peripheral vison. When we got to the bottom of the run I told him "FYI carvers take up a lot of room and if attempting to pass to give us lots of room". He admitted he didn't think I was going to turn that fast and turn as wide even though my speed and turns were consistent. This reminded me that usually the bottom can get congested especially as the day progresses and to be extra careful in the busy zones. Then later that week I was skidding to a stop at the bottom when a skier decided to turn way left to a stop suddenly in front of me a bit back from the usual stopping area. I wasn't expecting her to cut in my way. We collided at a slow speed but both didn't fall down or get hurt. My board hit her ski boots so minimal damage just a pair of chips on my edge top sheet. 

    Spring Break is next week so be careful out there. Its going to be busy up there. Although our local college will not have a spring break this year due to CV19.

  5. No matter what, keep looking up hill for speed demons. At least every few turns. I had a guy coming in hot on my tail as I was laying down some turns and in my side vision I saw someone coming in hot behind me. Thankfully I was wearing sunglasses verses goggles or I would of not had seen him coming with a definite collision. We both said "whoa" as it was a fairly close call. Another reason I will never wear headphones while riding. Can't hear them coming. Hard of hearing as it is anyways. I gave the snowboarder some solid advice in the line. When you see a guy carving be aware he will take up more slope than usual and give them plenty of room.

  6. 1 hour ago, bigwavedave said:

    Mark's SF is really astonishing to me in that he designed it, built it, and to my knowledge, has never ridden one

    His daughter has for sure. I'm still hoping for a demo to ride before season end. I love the Super Conductor a lot. I wanna try the 162SF for comparison then decide if the XC171 is more to my liking or not. I really like the Donek 163 Metal free carve for tight turns. I can't wait to put both to the test to see which one is superior to the other. I have a good feeling the Thirst will surpass my expectations from all the great reviews.   

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