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Everything posted by 1xsculler

  1. Thanks for all of the good tips. I had a pretty good day today with awesome conditions riding my 172 Coiler Contra. Friday I’ll ride my 168S Swoard which is very soft but wider than I like at 22cm.
  2. “Legs come back” doesn’t seem to apply to me unless we’re talking thirty years ago. No problem, I’ll forge on!
  3. I’ll try some of these suggestions on Monday, hopefully, as well as try to make comparisons between my Swoard 168S and a couple of new Coilers. My Swoard is the softest flex board I’ve ridden and I think that is why it’s my go to board along with my 166 Coiler Contra prototype which I got last spring. I’m trying to get a new 172 Coiler Contra dialed in too. My stance and technique are probably contributing to my quads issue.
  4. Correction. I have been doing squats, not dead lifts. Sorry for the game changing mistake. I edited my original post.
  5. Thanks for all of your comments. Pat, I tried Sportlegs a season or two ago at your request and I don’t remember being able to tell any difference but I have most of a bottle left so I will try again. I really thought those barbell dead lifts would at least help a little bit as I have never done any resistance training for my legs in the past. I do, however, row 7k (40’) about five days/week, both aerobically and anerobically which you would think would help. l have no interest in sending a vid until I can link up a half dozen pencil-line big arc turns like I could in 2005. Sending a vid of a bunch of skidded out turns would be too embarrassing AND whatever stranger I found on the hill to vid me would probably run off with my new iPhone. I board 2 to 3 days/week for ten runs (2hours) and am home by 1:00 to work on my honey do list until my wife gets home from work about 4:00. That’s my routine and I’m stickin’ to it. I’ll take some of the advice you guys have offered and try to figure it out. IF I can find a person to take a vid I might do it.
  6. At the end of last season I made a commitment to strengthen my quads as they were limiting my time on the hill so, every other day since mid March have done 3x10 dumbell squats , not deadlifts as previously stated, with 52.5 #s in each hand. I went up to Crystal on Tuesday (awesome conditions) and my quads burned just as badly, or worse, than last year. It was very disappointing. Any help would be welcome.
  7. Thanks for the recommendations. I hope C-19 complications don’t derail my trip.
  8. I just learned that Crystal is offering their own season pass which I always bought prior to them only offering the twice as expensive Ikon Pass. I can get a refund on my Ikon and buy the Crystal pass tomorrow which I will do.
  9. I'd like to make my usual annual trip up to Whistler but if I can't, I can't.
  10. Ikon and upper parking lot permit for Crystal Mt for 20/21...keeping my fingers X-ed! If it's open I will be there every day my wife goes to work, i.e. Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, when we're not on Maui!
  11. Are there some well groomed, moderate, blue circle, good, hard boot carving runs at Jackson Hole?
  12. I will only be in Jackson Hole with my grandkids those days but thank you for responding. I will be doing Crystal Mt as many Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays as possible the rest of the season.
  13. I’d like a hard boot carving lesson for a couple of hours any morning or afternoon January 15-17 in Jackson Hole.
  14. I show my friends and relatives my watch face or my computer screen saver, both of which show an awesome heel side carve, and NOBODY cares and yet I think is the coolest thing on the planet! Based on my experiences I don't think Alpine stands a chance of growing I am sad to say!
  15. The only thought that comes to me is Roy Orbison's, It's Over. The alpine carving season, that is. I hope, the word over, that the Covid-19 pandemic can be contained with a minimum loss of life and treasure. A lot of people are really hurting at this time. Stay safe and healthy!
  16. WOW! The season is, for all practical purposes, over!
  17. When is this pic going to come out in a magazine? I’d like to get a copy of it.
  18. IMHO, guys who have skied for many years and who worked hard at developing a rock solid style for everything from heli deep pow to firm hard pack are the most likely to want to try Alpine hard booting. For the most part they grip their poles correctly and firmly, stabbing them in the snow at their tips and pulling them out on EVERY turn; never letting them fly past their bodies. They use their entire bodies for every turn and they generally find the most solid platform in keeping their skis pretty close together no matter the terrain and depth of snow (may not apply to the super skiers who jump off cliffs and make death defying runs for the camera). I see most skiers with zero style pointing their skis one way then the other, no knee or upper body movement to help them in their turns and rare use of their poles. They couldn’t turn if they faced a foot or more of powder. They couldn’t care less about stylish, powerful skiing. Most of those people will never get the attraction to Alpine hard booting. Of course neither will hardly any of the other group. I guess I could be considered to have too much time on my hands to post this dribble. I think I read that sometime ago but I figured enough time had passed that he wouldn’t care. I originally found it on FB so it’s certainly in the public domain. It’s my computer and watch wallpaper as my inspiration and constant reminder of my goal. If Larry still doesn’t want it here let me know and I can take it down.
  19. Jack can take it down if he wants.
  20. Crystal has just made the gondola and all dining areas closed until further notice AND all schools are closed for six weeks so, even though the conditions are super up there, I expect lots of out of control straight-line speedsters to be clogging up the runs and my run, which I usually have to myself, will now be clogged up because of the gondola closure. I imagine I will be checking it out on Monday anyway, with grandchildren in tow, but I won't stay if it appears to me that me or my grandkids have a good chance of getting speared.
  21. I ride one daily and if you get one, ride it on grass for your first few sessions so WHEN you crash you will have less of a chance of ending up in the emergency room and you won't ding up your OW.
  22. I have tried to get my skiing buddies interested in carving since 2000 and only one showed any interest at all. He bought the gear way back then and went to a carving camp at Mt Hood, took a hard fall and it was over for him. He still occasionally asks me if I am still “long boarding.” I used to wonder why I thought hard boot carving was the coolest thing on the planet and almost nobody, except you guys, showed even the tinyest bit of interest. I’m over it now, just do my thing and go to this site for camaraderie as it ain’t happening on the slopes. I even have Larry Castruita on my Apple Watch face and when I show it to people they say “cool” and then change the subject.
  23. You’re probably right but I am making satisfying progress.
  24. It seemed the best carved turns I could make in 8" of fresh were tight drifts where the tail did pretty much follow the nose. I couldn't force the edge deep enough to fully engage the firm base. Probably my bad and inexperience.
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