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Posts posted by TVR

  1. Honestly, I would either buff the tip off (you would be married to those bindings) or do your original heat and bend... The challenge I see is, on the lift, the bar tee might hit and release it and / or it might get bumped and release.

    Personally, I would not feel comfortable with those myself and swap them out for a set of TD's or mod them.



  2. If the Bomber / Donek tent isn't viable this year with the USASA Nationals (March 31 -- April 6), maybe we could get some other board vendors (Like the OES manufacturer) to show?


    Due to the tent, I bought two boards last year and a few used ones as well, and settled in for myself on Donek as I got to ride all their makes and got to ~FEEL~ the differences. This makes the difference between a window shopper and someone willing to lay out the paper to buy one. I am now looking to see what my kids next GS board will be, as he is flexing the hell out of his Coiler and so it won't be used by him next year.


    I do wish the Donek guys and Bomber get it all worked out as it is not only a fun time, but I love the boards...


  3. This past week, here in NE, it was well below -5 F every single day, and this was before wind. Yesterday, it was -20 at the base when I started....


    With temps like this, would you even notice who was with you? All I saw was some mass of coats and helmet riding an Coiler who I expected was my kid while feeling the gear I was wearing stiffen up as it froze into a block as I plummeted down my turns.... On the bright side, it was like we had rented the whole mountain to ourselves as < 30 people showed up all day...

  4. Donek has done well with Ryan's videos... it keeps the name brand in the forefront of peoples minds.... many of the Sochi athletes were running TD3's (not the majority, but still) and that kind of brand placement is huge...

    Maybe if the TD series comes out with the next version and some well known riders show them off, this might put the spark where it is needed in Bomber... Same for the boots...All I know is, for my entire life the whole "new and improved" was pasted on all products and kids want what athletes do... If positioned right, this could become the phoenix and launch Bomber to a new level... once the dust of the existing ashes are blown clear....

  5. The TD3 standard or the TD2 had the ability to adjust angles without removal of toe/heel block, so this should be possible with the sidewinders, as I look at them. Also, although fewer may want them, maybe a limited run of 8 or 9 degree cants? Personally, I don't need them, but it would be interesting to have those options.... All I know is the sidewinders, although great, have the blocks get in the way.

  6. A theme I have seen here in the forums is where someone gifts an item, with the condition of either return or it is passed on to another with the same condition. In your case, if not used, you may want to gift or loan them to the museum so as they can show the sport and where it has gone. I guess the question comes down to, how much would you get on the open market, and how life altering would that much money be in your life?

    If it was for someone who was going to use them, I would say sell them, and get as much as possible, but since they are in such good condition, and since the museum will not affect that condition by having them sit for a year or two, and since you are not using them, maybe loan them?


    I picked up a Nidecker this way (son smashes around on it) and just recently sent a 90cm X-Games with bindings and boots to some stranger in CAD from a WTB post he did on here for free. Pass on the love of the sport man... (my $0.02 here man... not worth much)

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  7. I think Michael A might be spot on, and with the ability to create some of the composite plastics and polymers today, it makes sense that someone would create a coating that simply has a significantly low coefficient of friction with ice and snow. I always wondered about the use of ptex and wax, but never had any ideas of my own for improvement..


    Anyone in here tried it or have an old board and willing to try it?


  8. Selling my 2015/2016 Coiler as my quiver is way too full.

    Fantastic board by Bruce, but I don't ride as much as I used to. Minor cosmetic scratches with no big dents of gouges. There is some minor nicks of the topsheet from others contact standing in the lift line, but otherwise in very good, well maintained condition. 

    It has never had a basegrind or any repairs.

    NOTE: Added another pic, as there seems to be a scratch in the base

    Numbers on the side are T 174 NFCF 017 -FS 6.4 +5

    Built for 180lbs

    $400 + shipping OBO








  9. I am interested in either DeLuxe or Rachie boots...BTS is better, but not required as I have extras...

    Around 270mm to 275mm as will be printed on the boots.

    Beat up a little, and scratches are fine as they are for my kid.... and he will outgrow them in a season or so...

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