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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Just wanted to add here, people get creative and some come up with all kind of ideas to change the look of existing boards ;) … I am pretty sure this particular topsheet does not add any better handling or performance of the board, only looks.

  2. What I know from Virus. Frank is using the Texalium topsheet for cosmetically reasons only (rarely these days). It sure looks cool, one of my first Virus (Terminator) had it and I really enjoyed the look. Carbon as a topsheet on the other hand looks cool, but sure will be used to create certain characteristics of the board in the first place. As far as I know, Texalium is also the least expensive material of the so called exotic materials… if it matters…


  3. Touching the snow is a crutch, it causes friction and reduces speed.

    The Racers know! so what is it that makes you guys think it is correct?

    You spend big bucks to get Da **** and then you drag your bodies all over the hill...whats up with that?

    and then there is the Carve back up hill group stopping and laying all over

    the slopes...try doing non-stops OK ?

    Bob! Hey hey hey, chill a little, u r almost getting personal here ;)

  4. Very nice shots, very nice turns. Softboots or not. Only thing is you are far away from reaching what many hardbooters consider the maxed out turn/thrill. Material would just not allow it. I.e. boots/angle would make you boot out… just too many week links with a softboot setup… Not saying softboot are a bad thing, it’s just not providing what most hardbooter are looking for.


  5. Ray, we drove together 1.3 years ago and I hope that has stayed in your memory so you can evaluate this comment



    Eric. Man, my memory is sooooo bad, I can’t remember at all :rolleyes: I guess only way to check, you HAVE to come back to Aspen next season :D

  6. Ray,

    I really love Franks boards. But as always when looking towards the podium SG and K are dominating. I wish there was a bigger mix of board up there but its clear whos prodects are winning races.


    Hi there Billy! Yea, that is the case still. Will it ever change, who knows. Frank is working hard for the first time in a long time to provide some race sticks to some riders. Mostly in Europe so far, but also being tested in the US soon… Will see... You know, VIRUS was so far mostly concentrating on the best possible fun free carve boards, but as he received more and more demand for some race sticks, so he started to implement his ideas – you saw/rode one of his very first protos in Aspen...

  7. Well, "accessible" means many things here. 1, being able to just go to a website and order it in English in the case of Donek and Prior; 2, not having to pay for shipping across the Atlantic (whether that's additional or rolled into the price) and any additional EU fees; and 3, the biggie, not having to pay $1500+. Coilers are about half that money, and Donek and Prior two thirds and I think that's about the limit for 90% of us. I'm 35 and until just this year a $1500 board would simply be out of the question. Even now it's still a stretch. No knock against the well known quality of Virus or SG or Black Pearl or anyone, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

    Come on Jack, point 1 is a joke. Bola and Frank both are pretty good in English. Sure good enough ;) to listen to a customer and make sure the board going into production is exactly what the customer expects to get… the people how don’t make an effort to call them up to consult them and to explain what exactly they are looking for, should not order a $1500+ VIRUS to begin with in my opinion…

    Point 2 and 3 are always relative. I know several people who now own 5-6 VIRUS and can’t wait to order the next one… if there is a limit for 90% of all members here, hmm, not sure (I can’t speak for them), but also not arguing that part.

    In your personal situation (you brought it up), again, I sure understand and am not judging. Everybody has to do whatever they can and want to do. If you have to draw the line somewhere, I sure understand.


  8. Prior, Coiler, and Donek are the most accessible high end boards for freecarvers here in North America.


    Logistically speaking maybe, but I or anyone can have “any” VIRUS model custom built and in my/their hands within 1-2 weeks either via Bola or Virus direct (unless Frank is on vacation!). How fast can you have any or all of the models in your hands from the brands you mentioned above Jack?

  9. I am so with Jack on this! Too many times I see people whose only purpose is to touch the snow ASAP, with their entire body completely unbalanced and in such a position they cannot flex it properly anymore.

    Totally agreed. I see way too many people these days just “reaching” for the snow and totally bent in the upper body... it totally messes with the balance and in my opinion looks dumb on top of it… only time, lots of time on the mountain will bring the rider further to the ground, if this is actually the goal at all. It seems these days for many it’s the only goal… YEAHH I AM TOUCHING THE SNOWWWWW :biggthump


    PS. Ah, why do "regular riders rule"?

  10. Alex, wow, applause for your efforts!!! Congrats to get this project started!!! :biggthump :biggthump :biggthump

    Nils! Life is a two way street, “give and take”. Sorry, but this magazine only promotes events which are open for “everyone”, not “closed” events (for all other manufactures, besides swoard) like yours!

    Just kidding ;) but maybe you guys consider to open you event for everyone at some point, at the end of the day, it should be good for the sport!!! :1luvu:

  11. Softbootsailer; Step into those hardboots and that could be you.

    YEA, I agree with Bola, come and join us, it's about time now. Not that we see you next season in your rubberboots again all the time ;) Hard enough to live with the fact that John Gilmore is... well, don't want to get started something new here...

    (Btw. I consider it the "sunny" side)


  12. I just switched to a full face, fulfilling all of my youthful Darth Vader fantasies.

    Watch out, a full face has its good and bad. It sure saved my nose/jaw years back in Mammoth when I caught an edge which resulted in an unreal face plant...:smashfrea but had to deal with a whiplash, concussion and neck pain:barf: The chin guard has the tendency to push the head back in a frontal collision. Not sure if it has the power to break the neck (who knows!), but make sure the helmet is designed with a chin guard not protruding too much out/away from the face.

    Another annoying issue, the chin guard gets contact with the snow (when low!) and creates a very "surprising scary noise" on hard corduroy… it can also rattle your head a little ;)

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