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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Honestly unless I have an idea about what kind of specs a board has I wouldn't even consider riding it...I might trust a builder to build a board for me but I still want to know something about the board other than the length before I set foot on it

    Sure, and that's also part of your homework anyway... Frank spends plenty of time explaining to his customers what he has in mind before a full custom board goes into production... at least to the new ones. The ones who trust him for many years already are really quite relaxed and always look forward to that very first day of riding. Always SO exiting :D

  2. Haha. I will have to win the lottery to make it to any SES in the foreseeable future. :(

    Jack, actually thinking about it, I feel you are not committing enough. You know, life is too short and to let such an event pass by again is one of those things you will sure regret in a few years when your body isn’t able anymore to shred like 20 year old. Especially somebody like you, who has such a passion for our sport! I really hope you will consider and somehow make it possible. Also, your wife is probably happy to get rid of you for a few days and, she knows you have a blast with the boys. What we all need!


  3. Haha. I will have to win the lottery to make it to any SES in the foreseeable future. :(

    I'm not saying what's the right way to carve. But there is a better way to handle ice. And I mean real ice. There would be no point in having a "carve-off" in Aspen or anywhere west of the Mississippi, it would be like pro baseball players having a home run derby in a town little-league field. I don't mean that to be snobby (in fact I'm jealous), it's just not challenging enough. Maybe on Ruthies, but still, hero snow is not the best place to judge skill.

    Oh man, Jack, sorry to hear you’re not coming, really!

    You know me, I am the last who would even mention a “carve off” since I am a strong believer that nobody could win anyway (at your skill level)… you know what I mean...btw, Ruthie’s is kinda out, we leave Ruthies to the beginners these days and use it to get over to Aztek ;)

    Cheers! All good, just fun :ices_ange

  4. What happened Ray, you don't use words anymore, only small icons? I think I should try this in my office with my colleagues..... :biggthump

    Istvan, its fun to read but this is probably going nowhere, as most times. I know too many really good riders and everybody has their own style. Styles with no names. At a certain skill level there is no right or wrong in style anymore for carving. Riding with fellow carvers from all around the world proves that.

    So when I read some like this:

    Not that that is the only proper way to carve. Top-down and/or cross-over carving can be lots of fun when conditions allow. The best carvers know how to do both. Carvers who only know top-down haven't mastered the sport yet. Ground-up technique will always be better on ice because it keeps your upper body more still and balanced.

    I have no words and rather get the popcorn and listen in...


    But I have an idea.

    Jack, I assume and really hope you come to the SES/World Carving Session. (You skipped the last one already and said you would come to the next one again right?)

    Pogo, I think you are coming right?

    So you two can go ride together and show each other the “right” style ;) I will follow you guys with my skinny Cyborg and play judge as well, oh wait, there is nothing to judge because you are both highly skilled riders with your own style :D

  5. He is a very bad rider, that's why he needs two. Just as Ray he has even three Cyborgs now:lol:

    Geez Hans, are you counting my boards? ;) :)

    "Ride" on budy!


    PS. Btw. the Zylon (Gladiator) board I got 4 years or so ago probably has more camber and torsional stiffness (if not the same) today then many others ever had :o

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