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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Indeed I am. Looking forward to it. This year we are coming as a group of 12 from Greece. I am missing another 278 otherwise we would come as the 300!!!! But rest assured we eat and occupy as much space as 300.

    Alex, looking forward seeing you and your wife(?) in Aspen again!

  2. Ray-

    The black one on the right is the one you were riding at SES last year.. correct? I remember seeing it leaning on the demo tent and having to scoop my jaw back out of the snow. As everyone else was just standing there starring at it, I couldn't resist picking it up and giving it a flex... you whipped around and gave me the evil eye like I had just taken your baby out of it's crib. :p I enjoyed very much watching you ride it. You must have something else very special to let it go.

    Yea, I remember. I just got the Undertaker a couple days before the SES together with all the other Virus demo boards... Man, when I first looked at this thing I was speechless :eek: I mean 192 (I am 170 :-) with a 14cm waist looks pretty stunning. Even my wife got jealous (and she usually doesn't) when I didn't stop raving about the small waist… must have sounded kinda like talking about a supermodel… :p

    Speaking of my wife, she will be on a custom built Nightmare 165/15,1 (in flat orange) this season, probably kikkkinn my aarrrrsss, as always...

    But back to the board, I am not sure if I have that exact one or another one, but still riding the Undertaker as one of my favorite boards there is (Cyborg my numero uno).


  3. someone needs to pony up the $$ for a texalium version, I have yet to see one, and I understand that the material is very similar to Zylon, but more like carbon.

    I had the Terminator in Texalium and in Zylon, night and day difference, 2 totally different boards. The Zylon board was for sure the better version in my opinion... Texalium sure looks cool, but the material by itself can not be compared with Zylon. Texalium is also much cheaper... But, please don't get me wrong, I am not saying Texalium is not good, its different.

  4. Do I have to buy an 1800.00 Virus to ride them on?

    Well, I don’t know your riding skills, but maybe that Virus would be a good match!

    Hey, at least get yourself a $300 custom foam injected Strolz liner to accommodate the $56 X-Socks :p

    I thought the same 4 years ago when I bought a pair of the Carving model in Whistler. Geez, $50 bucks for socks!!! Well I still use the same pair today, and it’s the only pair of socks I used (Yea, I was em a lot ;-) !

    Last month I finally bought two more pairs of the adrenalin model (had em shipped from Germany) and I know, my feet will be extremely comfortable. This $100 spent will not change my life, but the pleasure I have while I am out there…


  5. LOL - Good review Bob. I'm sure I'd love it. However $1800 is simply beyond the realm of any reasonable justification for me and a lot if not most people here. I'm not poor, but this is a board for people with 4 bedroom slopeside condos. Or d.i.n.k.'s, or single professionals. I can see spending a grand on a custom. Almost twice that is just... wow. The pretenders with their ebay FP's as you so succinctly described them aren't even reading this thread, or if any are, not for buying advice.

    I disagree. I hear people talking about their 5 to 12 (or even more) boards. Huh? :confused:

    I rather have 2 top notch carving board instead of a garage full of ... well you know... just my opinion! And it seems more and more people agree...


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