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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Ray,

    Any idea about the difference between Evolution and Evolution II series?


    Sorry for not getting back to you, but I heard you spoke to Frank directly so I figured you got all your answers...

    Btw, are you exited? I heard your board shipped. Mine went out today as well and should be here Thursday. Pray that UPS does their job well !!!

  2. I ALMOST broke my Undertaker on that run.

    I also ALMOST broke my fingers on that run too, along with other body parts.

    I had a frickin' blast carving in the summer.

    Yikes! Sounds like you went down hard. I hope all good (???), including the Undertaker!

  3. Thank you all so much for all the information, really appreciated.

    Not sure yet what the plan is and when exactly we will make the “exploring” trip to Tahoe, but will keep you posted… In general, the idea is to look out soon enough for the next “stop” in life. Since snow is still a big factor for us and we are pretty flexibly we like to find a mountain place, or a place close to the mountains for now… CO and CA (Vancouver) are also on the list, maybe even NZ one day, but that sure has to wait for for some more time…

  4. Ray you said: "Even though I go though a pretty intense leg workout through the summer"

    Can you give more details on that intense leg workout ?

    I was thinking of that for years ... but never really get into it besides drinking beer and mojitos.

    Nothing out of the ordinary, regular gym stuff… squats, leg presses, lunges, leg extension, leg curls twice a week, plus Spinning 3 times a week. The closer to the winter, the more intense…

  5. Hopefully I'm fat enough to handle my new every day ride. There's just one thing missing: I can't imagine any pretty nice colour, and Frank needs to know soon... :confused: So Ray, you've got this "painted carbon design". Wonder if this would be possible on the long stick, maybe some nice orange, or green or... :)

    Oh, and another problem might be, that I need a bigger car, or take a convertible to fit it in... :eplus2:


    Max, you are confusing me, is there another color, besides black :confused:

  6. You're right Ray, looks like a death sentance and I like it. None of us get out of this alive, might as well enjoy the ride!! Looking forward to seeing you drive this beast.

    Ohhh, nooo, mine is the Cyborg (very left, next to the Undertaker) which is still my ultimate ride for now. I would need to demo the Executer first (SES?) before I would commit... You know, I have to be realistic here, at some point my 5'7 and 165lbs will not be good enough (Even though I go though a pretty intense leg workout through the summer) to get this one moving around the way I want it... I hate to be just "passenger on board" and make lazy turns… I might be wrong and it sure can be build to my specs, but as said, I like to demo this one first. But if I would be 20+ lbs heavier, it would already by on its way. Sooooo tempting :eplus2:

  7. Cool, I remember that run in the vid very well, my favorite cruiser in Portillo... broke in my first Cyborg there :1luvu:

    I am glad you guys have a blast! Even though I broke my finger in Portillo I remember it as a super nice trip! Loved the wine and their food a lot.

    Do they still have that little off site bar where all the employees go after work (that was fun!)? Please do me a favor, check it out

    and have a couple of Pisco's for me, will ya!


  8. Hi!

    I was hoping to get some feedback to my questions in regards to Lake Tahoe and what better place to ask than here. Well… so, here we go

    Which mountain does provide the best carving resort/conditions (Grooming!!!!!!!) in general?

    Which of these resorts are on the Nevada site, if any?

    What is the best town/area “of your choice” to spend/live a couple of years on the Nevada site?

    That’s basically it, quite simple. I am planning a trip soon to explore the area, but believe your insight will help me to plan my trip a little better.

    Thank you in advance!


  9. So I learned that there are no direct connections anymore from LA to Santiago (what I had last time) and it would take me now about 15-16 hours total vs. 11 last time :mad: wow, it’s just too much for one week and considering that I am back in CO by 12/1 already and have several other trips lined up between now and Dec I made the decision not to go. It hurts, but is the better for me… :confused:

    You guys enjoy and have fun down there, stay save!!! :biggthump

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