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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Ray:

    Hopefully, I'll see you soon but plans are constantly changing, just got an invite that is too good to pass so that early Dezember might be Solden to be followed by some sun and sand way south.




    Cheers to all of that!

    Hey, plan to come to Soelden for the Carving Masters!!! Would be really great. Btw, we will be in Europe (Switzerland, Austria, Germany...) as of 3/1 ;)

    Time to dig some trenches with our friends overseas :D

  2. Hmm, I only hope Frank (Virus) does not grow so much (Sorry Frank!!!) that one day he has to outsources the construction of my board(s). I know the same guys at Virus put together my boards for the last 5 years, means they selected and laid out all the different sheets of material, hand selected the wood core and put it all into the press. When coming out of the press, checked the boards flex and overall quality and make the final decision if this is really what Ray wanted! After that, it will be send to me... Not sure or even closely convinced if I would get this kind of product when a board is manufactured in a big production line… But that’s sure why Virus is a true custom shop, "individualism to the highest level" when requested by the customer. What I am looking for!

    Good luck to everyone!


  3. This makes sense Ray. Finding the ultimate Cyborg is an exciting quest.

    Oh yes, it sure is :)

    A Cyborg or a UT is also on my radar and looking at you there is a serious chance of getting irreversibly addicted...

    Go for it, you will love it!

    But don't you feel sometimes that different slopes and conditions (mainly steepness and number of people on the slope) require different boards?

    Not at all, I have great days and really sick days on my Cyborg(s) :D

    Yea, I switch between them depending how the conditions are. Soft snow, or tired, Evo I, hard and fast, Evo II... now Evo III, just moving all up the ladder a notch ...

    Maybe its just me.... but I always have 3-4 boards in the trunk when I go snowboarding and I pick the one that I believe would suit the slope the best on that day.

    Sure, me too, Avalanche or La Glisse for powder, Cyborg(s) for the rest :eplus2:

  4. If I would match the boards to my pants, they would all be simple black :cool:

    Now seriously, all these “Cyborgs” have totally different riding characteristics. When I got used to my first Cyborg, the Zylon and switched to the Evo I, I first thought it was 10cm longer and had a much bigger SCR… When switching to the EVO II (during the last SES) same thing, felt like a 200cm+ board first, with much more snap/pop, took me at least 20 days to get it dialed in the way I want it… actually to the end of the season, last day, I remember Copper Bowl, all of the sudden, OMG heaven here I come!!! So now with the Evo III, no idea yet, the camber scares me. I have to be really careful and it will be very strange at first… Kinda like breaking in a good horse! I sure could just by a totally different model and get a totally different ride that way, but I strongly believe I found “my” personal best shape of a board and therefore can really fine-tune with just the materials being used… so far so good, every board Frank built for me was a new challenge, but after a while a fantastic experience… Setting my personal bar higher and higher, that’s what I am after…


    Oh, and btw, if someone is interested, I am giving up my “Zylon” while in Aspen…

  5. Ok, here’s my Freeride stick. Virus Avalanche FLP (F**king Light Project), 162cm, weighs in at 2.54kg = 5.6 lbs!




    And since I just packed up for Aspen, received my “Blings” back from a friend who polished them for me (he had a machine), I took some more pics...

    After all it’s the Board Porn Thread… :)




    Evo I, II and III


    Some people asked for the difference between the Evolution I, II and III. All three have some sort of different construction and I don't know exactly what the diff is ;)but one big difference is the camber for sure. The picture shows my 3 Cyborgs, the one in the very front is the Evo I, second behind the Evo II and last the Evo III. The pictures says it all! Funny is, when I first rode my Evo I, I believed I am riding an insane agressive board... That's probably why it's called "Evolution".


  6. Nothing against the East Coast but out West it is the Waxroom. If it is good for Nate Holland, Lyndsie Jacobellis, Seth Wescott, Tommy Moe, Graham Watanabe, Sean Palmer to name a few, then it is good enough for me.:biggthumphttp://www.waxroom.com/ is my hangout. Curtis has never let me down and even under extreme deadline due to international transport, he delivered a WCR tune to Chapelco in time for an WC event.:cool:

    Also, my local shop has a proprietary symmetrical pattern that we co-developed and totally rock. Recommended you handle with Kevlar glove cos knife very sharp and very fast.


    Bola, it should be good enough for you, correct ;) but not really sure if this has anything to do with East Coast vs. West :confused:

    Since most of us would have to ship their boards for either one of them anyway, I think it doesn’t really matter.

    What matters (to me) is that I have had my own experience with Mikes work and have never even heard from anyone of the Waxroom before until you just now advertised them in this thread here. Impressive list of names, agreed :biggthump

    What I know, and that really became a rule for me, I will not hand a $2k board to someone anymore I have not worked with before, no matter how good their reputation is… The last time I did that and I had a so called reputable shop in Aspen tune one of my boards it was simply ground through the base :angryfire:boxing_sm Yea, really good list of people who have had their stuff tuned there (including Chris Klug :eek:)… So I learned my lesson and am now a little hesitant. Too bad I had no time back then to pack it up and send to Mike and wait for 10 days because it was still during the season, well, lesson learned. Would have saved me a lot of money… Anyway, I am not saying this will happen at the Waxroom, or it can not happen with anyone else, it’s just that I and tons of many bomber members have had very good experience with Mikes work :1luvu: That is good enough for me!!!

    Hope to see you in Aspen, time to rip and test those amazing tunes, right Bola? :eplus2:


  7. Did he increase his prices for Virus boards?

    I sent one too him last year, and he said he was going to raise his price for that particular brand board after he tuned mine.

    A lot more work goes into it, and I think they take more of a toll on his machines.

    Ace, Not sure if he changed the price for the Virus boards :confused: the last time Mike did mine, was the season before last and I don't know what I paid back then... None the less, yes, he confirmed it sure takes him more work...

  8. I just received three of my Virus boards back from Mike/SkiMD (www.skimd.com). His tune job once again, absolutely incredible :biggthump The base perfectly took the new stone grind structure and the edges, MEGA ultra sharp!!! The last time Mike tuned my Virus Undertaker and every time I rode it last season I immediately reminded myself to get all my boards done by him again for the next/this season… Usually I ride my new Virus boards for at least one full season with the original factory tune, which I like as well, but since I had two other boards “in need”, I also did send my new Cyborg Evo III out... Kinda scary, with shipping and whatnot. So much stuff can go wrong… Anyway, in this case everything went perfect. I just unpacked my babies, looked at them and immediately knew, I would do it again and again… Worth the sweat and sure enough every penny!!! Now it’s time to rip some turns… well soon!


  9. I had some problems with this, I think I was setting the bindings up correctly and all but I kept having slippage between the disc and the power plate. Catek was really nice and sent me a new disc, as mine was somewhat beat up from all the slippage.

    I believe this problem was due to a bad batch of screws... The thread did not go all the way so they did not tighten up quite enough... Everyone who still has this issue should get them replaced by Catek...

  10. I can only speak for myself, but I have had no issues at all so far... But that's maaaaybe because I am not pushing really hard, who knows :p

    The only thing I could think of is that they had a bad batch of hardware, which I assume was replaced by now... Catek, so I believe should/would cover their products under warranty... right Scott?

  11. Ok, look at some of my board pics, nough said!?

    For me, at this time, for my boards and binding angles/settings, there is no other product out there which fits my needs any better and I am very thankfull they exist!!!

    Yea, customer service was lagging for whatever reason(s), but it did not hold me back to purchase from Jeff again... and it seems Scott is on it now and hopefully things will get better for everyone out there.






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