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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Still, even after the last storm, more snow is sure needed. Buttermilk crew says they cannot groom as they are used to because of not enough base yet. None the less, they will do their best for the World Carving Session & SES...

    Good thing Ajax is prime!!! :biggthump

  2. Not sure, you mean ride it that way? Don't! Chances are very high the shell will lock up because you will over flex it and the cuff part will hang itself with the lower part. Happened in Europe. Also, you might hurt your ankle big time!



  3. Heading back to Aspen. DJ'ing the Snow Polo championships this weekend- I DJ'ed the 2009 World Snow Polo Championships too,

    I'm a bit out of shape.. but a few days out there should fix that.

    Who's up for riding? I hope to get a replacement Kessler under my feet this year..and save up for a UFC too. Ray finally got me on a UFC and I really enjoyed it.

    So who's riding Aspen this year?

    Well, I have to assume our ways will cross each other during the first quarter of '12 ;)



    PS. Darn, and I thought it would be a quite/peaceful time on the mountain this season :D

  4. Don’t think so. Anyway, felt like sharing here that I rode my Virus Cyborg Bling (plain polished Titanal topsheet) with Cateks and “without” any Poly protectors for years and had zero issues at all :eek:

    The board was sold to a good friend of mine end of last season in still really great condition. No issues with the metal topsheet, still pretty much all camber... (I hope it will last many years to come ;)).

    So, maybe I am mistaken, but to me, I have to believe that not all metal manufactures use the very best quality out there :nono:, or they don't know how to work with it so it lasts.

    In case a new metal board I like comes along, bring it on!!! Plain polished or just clear coated, no diff :cool:



  5. Hmm, am I counting correct here, did only five people (including myself) so far post their own new toy for the coming season? It’s pretty much August now and I am wondering if this is really slow in terms of new boards. Maybe the big chunk comes between August and the beginning of the season. If not, it would really not be a lot of new boards and kinda bad for the already very limited industry of ours. Or, most who received their toys did not post, could be another reason. Anyway, just wondering.

  6. My girlfriend edit says: The model year written on the virus boards is 2011 but this is the board porn thread for 2012. That means to me:

    1. I need to check, what's written on my own board.

    2. Frank sold us the leftovers from last year

    3. Ray, Hans and probably myself have to get outta here with these boards.

    Do you really care what it says on the board? Hmm, mine was built in '11, it is '11, I am totally cool with that. It MUST kick arse, all what counts!

    And even more importantly, you pack your stuff in time and make it out to Aspen so we have some fun ;)

  7. Wow, nice finishing touch, congrats Ray. We must organise a VIRUS 'SLAYER' weekend :eplus2::cool: with all these beauties around.

    As for the "congrats" go they sure belong to Frank. Yes, I really wanted it this way, but Frank put the extra work and skills into it and delivered a design masterpiece! Everyone who saw it so far says, too nice to put in the snow. Yea right :eplus2:

    So, why not make it a week or even longer and you come to Aspen next Feb. As it seems there will be a nice group of crazy Euro riders coming together again, now that will be fun!


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