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Posts posted by Allee

  1. Border closure extended again today.  With the Canadian side saying that it things will remain closed "until the situation in the US is under control", I'm not planning on getting to anywhere in the US this winter.  With a bunch of vacation I have to burn, it might be a good season to take a road trip to BC ... more than a few hills there I've yet to hit.


  2. At least you won't be getting the usual Canadian numbers this season, with the border closed, and not looking like it's reopening any time soon. That should cut your weekend and holiday numbers significantly. I'll wave to you from up here, because I don't think I'll be visiting this year.

    I can't see you skipping a season, somehow 🙂

  3. On 9/15/2020 at 5:58 AM, Jack M said:

    I wonder how it's going to work here in Maine if Governor Mills does not relax the travel restrictions on Massachusetts travelers in time.  This could be a real problem for the ski resorts.  A negative test immediately before visit, or 14 day quarantine is still required.

    How immediate is immediate? Test results here are taking up to five days to process due to the backlog, and wait times sure aren't going to improve if a whole bunch of asymptomatic people are lining up every weekend. Not sure if your situation's any better there, but there's a finite number of staff, labs, and hours in a day anywhere.


  4. RCR posted guidelines this morning.


    Face coverings in the lift line? Guess I'll be buying a bandana this year, because getting a mask on and off with a helmet is impossible. And social distancing on the lodge at Nakiska on a busy weekend just ain't gonna happen, because it's packed to the rafters at the best of times. Thank Dog the carpark's only a short walk away, because I think tailgating will be a thing this season.

    I think I might be doing more snowshoeing this winter.


  5. Unfortunately there are plenty of crunchy-granola types out there who see any sort of recreation or tourism on "their turf" as a problem, and themselves as Batman. There was an elderly woman jailed a while back for booby trapping mountain bike trails on Mt Fromme. There's been any number of similar cases and some of them have involved not thugs, like you'd imagine, but psychiatrists and school principals ... generally respectable people old enough to know better.

    I hope that they catch whoever did this and throw the book at them. Although I have to say I'm surprised their insurers didn't insist on video surveillance after the first incident.

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  6. Just got the reminder emails about early season passes for RCR. I'm really not sure what to think. Our local hill is a zoo most weekends and if they think anyone's going to be social distancing there, they're dreaming.

    I just can't see how anything is going to change from where it is now for at least the next six months, and if that's the case how are they going to handle lodges and lift lines? The same way they're handling the schools, I guess ... yikes.

    I'd like to buy a season pass because I think it's unlikely that I'll be travelling much, if at all, this winter, but I think I might take my chances with the discount card instead, and make a call in December.


  7. Keenan, I had a similar trip to Panorama a few years ago. Drove three hours to get there, did three runs on my weekend pass (if you could even call them that) on sheer blue ice, and called it quits. The motel that I'd booked was at least decent and the town is cute, so I stayed and wasted the afternoon rather than driving home. The next morning when I went to leave both the main routes out had avalanched overnight, and it took me nearly seven hours to drive home. Ugh.


  8. 10 hours ago, Pat Donnelly said:

    I read an article where they traced Patient 0 (and 1.2 and 3) in Iceland back to a group that had gone to Austria to ski. They even traced it back to a specific bar, and then discovered that people from the bar that week had gone home to 9 different countries. Oy vey.

  9. RCR stood down all their resorts for a week from Sunday Mar 15. I bet they don't reopen. I'm happy that I got a good day at Nakiska yesterday. Whitefish also closed, so much for Beerfest this year.

    Louise, Sunshine and Castle look like they're still open. Wondering if I should take a vacation day this week and hit Louise while I still have the chance .. although everyone expects Trudeau to declare a federal state of emergency tonight (3/16) and close all non essential services.

    Fun times indeed.

  10. Fintecs are definitely a step up. I had constant issues with the cables fraying on my Intecs, but I've run my Fintecs for five seasons now and they're perfect. Yes, they're awful to walk on (so I avoid doing it as much as possible) but they're solid and well made.

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  11. 13 hours ago, hknz said:

    It was a wide blue/red slope approx 60m wide. I was carving quite slowly, my turn aws not big & extreme, say about 5-8m wide. I always look around to clear all skier/sbers before beginning of each slope. The crash happened approx 30 second from the top of that slope. It is clear that the skier hadn't allowed enough clearance space when he planned to bypass me.

    I've been hit from behind and knocked right down the slope by someone doing the same thing, and I'm sure others have as well.

    I downloaded a phone app a couple of weeks back at my roommates prodding ... he wanted to compare stats from his skiing and my riding. On the day we went out, I only hit 54 km/h as a top speed, but that's kind of frightening when I think that was probably going across the hill. I don't ride fast compared to most of the guys here, who are carving at speeds significantly higher than that. Skiers simply don't expect you to be travelling that fast cross slope. Given that my roommate topped out at 95 km/h that day, it;s not hard to see that's a bad combination for people who don't see carvers too often.

    However, that in no way excuses hit and run.


  12. I can't get over people these days ... that someone would hit you hard enough to do that sort of damage, and then take off to cover their ass and leave you there, just boggles my mind. People can totally suck, and I'm sorry that happened to you. We can only hope that karma is truly a thing.

    Healing vibes coming your way. I hope that you can rehab well enough to enjoy your summer at least.

  13. I had the chance to ride a couple of Exegi boards at the MCC, and loved them to the point that Carl will be building me one next season. I was looking primarily for a replacement for my ageing Madd BX, a 159/24 waist with a soft flex that does everything pretty well and carves like a piranha. It's my go to board for when I don't know what the mountain has in store on a given day, and it's especially good in chop. The 158 I tried was pretty much a clone of the Madd, and did everything equally as well. The biggest difference, and one I liked, was that the flex was so progressive that I could control the uphill turn and scrub speed in the carve on steeps - something I struggle with on the Madd, and on my pure carving boards. I either jam the nose so hard I stall, or I let it run away in the turn and take off on me. The Exegi was super friendly, and it did wonders for my confidence.

    Lovely boards for sure! Can't wait to get my new one!

    (PS I do not ride like James 🙂 )

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