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John Gilmour

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Everything posted by John Gilmour

  1. bordy- can't wait to try your detune- gotta buy me some new knees first. great post.. JG ________ VERMONT MARIJUANA DISPENSARY
  2. Likely the decks will still be very expensive. As you know we laminate them in Italy- which instead of having the weak lire is now using the stronger EURO. Expect prices for the 158 to be close to $800, the 170's about $860 and the 180 around $950 We still have to work with teh numbers and quantities- but as of now that is about as low as I would expect. It is possible the prices could be higher. Of course with anything if demand was to really increase prices would fall...but still not by much- our materials cost and labor costs are just very high. All I can say is look at the old boards that have been riden hard for over a decade- only you will be able to determine if the value is there for you. I have two old 158 demo boards- countless days of riding on them in lousy conditions- still lots of edge left and nary a scratch on the bases. Full camber (like day one) no board twist and little to no binding suck after all these years. There are many other great boards our there for less money that will give you long term satisfaction and great performance- our boards feel very different and reward aggressive dynamic riding styles as well as Static riding styles and IMHO promote better riding by rewarding the rider who isn't afraid to punch a deck through a turn. ________ 500
  3. Figures, just when we have a new batch made- I'm out for the season with loss of 3 limbs. Madd Mike , Mike Banker, However went to SES with 20 new decks (5) 158s and (15) 170's I have a few back orders for these old boards and I will try to contect those who asked for them years ago. Hopefully there will be some left when Mike returns. ________ Mazda b-series (north america) picture
  4. If you flex the board into an arc...then any part of the edge that could contact the snow yet.....significantly "deviates" from this arc should be detuned....NO? I woulndn't wat teh nose part of the deck to be grabbing in deeper snow.... I've always done sharp tip to tail and only detuned after te full edge contact points. I was just wondering it peopoe actually go less chatter and higher performance if they detuned a bit on the effective edge parts...Anyone done some A/B testing? ________ Vermont Dispensaries
  5. I'm at Boston University Medical center in the Menino pavillion in the Harrison building. 617 414-3420. Would anyone be willing to pick up my mail and video camera for me??? I'd like to bring them to the hospital. I've gone through some surgery already.....only two more limbs left to repair. I can have those surgeries overlap though,,,,, You'll never out carve me on the slopes......nyha nyha nyha nyha nhya.....lol. To keep it interesting there is a cute 20 year old nurse for eye candy here. And Whit- it ain't Morphine- its dilladidin- the great white heat. Actually I refused any pain killers until after the surgery- then I had to take them or I could not breathe. I'm trying to find Rudy Wells to do my next surgery- anyone seen him????I know Oscar Goldman from OSI has his contact info. JG ________ Toyota sz engine history
  6. I think if the snow is firm up on the surface yet a little softer underneath....the nose can sink a bit and then grab again. That is when I feel a need for detuning. As for high speed chatter- how many people notice a difference when detuning? ________ Vino 125
  7. I want to go carve Japan- what is it like? I can get a flight to Narita for $409. Is there anyway I can do some demo so my lift tickets and lodging are covered? Here is my toeside formula. For goofy footers- reverse left/right for regular I just taught a Physical Therapist Ethan Jerome it yesterday- it seemed to work extremely well for him- even on an old Burton speed wide tanker- he even got a hoot from the chairlift. 1. Using your front ankle and shin, drive your front knee up the center line of the board. 2. Using your rear ankle and shin, drive the rear knee up the center line of the board. 3. Center your hips forward 4. Get low putting your rear knee right behind the front knee. 5. Fold your body sinking over the middle of the board. Ass Down directly over the center of the board 6. (We'll do this one early IT IS IMPORTANT- or you might forget to do it later- and after the apex of the turn it is wayyyy too late) with your rear elbow raised as high as your shoulder- and remember that you have brought this elbow more forward as your hips are turned more forward to the front of the board . I have found the more ridiculous the imagery- the easier it is for people to remember it. I'm sure everyone will think I'm nuts- ha ha ha- at least those who don't think so already. lol. I want you to pretend you are carrying a Goldfish in a small sandwich ziplock baggie in your rear hand. Your mission is to keep that baggie away from the snow . If you hold the baggie directly under the elbow- you might burst it, if you hold it too close to your armpit it could get caught there and burst, so keep that shoulder up and that baggie halfway between your elbow and armpit but lifted wrist (remember it is a ziplock) down to near arm height. A picture would be worth a 1000 words. (It I teach this drill at the expression session I might have to use live goldfish- you burst the bag...Its FEAR FACTOR time. (In Japan that might be Sushi, :p ) A picture of that might be worth a $1000 . 7. Now bring your rear pectoral muscle (Janet Jackson would snag her piercings) forward and down as close to the snow as you can- all while saving that goldfish! Rember WRIST DOWN- but baggie up! (it will protect your shoulder from too much external rotation!) Try rotating your arm up while sitting at your keyboard with your shoulder in this position- you will see what I mean. Its wacky body mechanics ....I know. Your goal is to get that rear pec as close to the snow as possible while in this compressed position while saving the goldfish. Feel contorted? You are probably doing it right. It is really hard to do this statically without being on a board and moving ( you thought yoga was hard?) 8. Now we are ready to tip the board- you have been centered the entire time doing this. Quickly and agressively tip the board using at first the tops of your boots. Then when nearing the apex of the turn attempt to drag your rear outer shin on the snow - it is okay to move your knee out towards the snow- but more so focus on dragging that shin. Keep that rear pec forward and down! 9. Concentrate ALL ALL ALL your weight on toes 4 and 5 (that little toe was good for something other than stubbing it into chair legs) in your rear boot as if trying to press the front of those toes into the ground (not the underside of the toes- but the fronts. (> Analyse that super deep sicko trench you made. See if there is any waviering after the apex- if so add more rear shin and knee. You'll be doing a super u-turn up hill with this manuever- YOU MUST MUST MUST give people extra room and time to react to you as your distances will vanish astonishingly quickly as you move uphill. Head on collisions are not what you came to the resort to do. If you try this I guarantteeeeeeeee you will feel the effect of a deeper trench and a more laid over carve. :cool: IF you lose this thread- you'll always be able to find it again through search word "goldfish" ________ Club of america
  8. fleaman- what board are you using? Do you find different amounts of detune work better for you on different boards? Do some detune asymetrically? I've been considering this that my detune might work better is I detune more from the front on the heelside and less from the rear- but the opposite on the toeside. Figuring that the points of pressue are further back on the heel side. Anyone done this with favorable results? ________ HONDA Z-SERIES
  9. zero bottom 2 degree side bottom bevel has a vague feeling before engagement. I would be interested in peoples experiences with different amounts of detuning though. ________ Honda Z50J history
  10. I have an Old 158- but there may be a reason for you to demo it...... ________ CANCER - RECTAL / COLON ADVICE
  11. If it is so steep that by the time you get your nose pointed downhill you are going too fast to carve....its jump turn time. ________ Starcraft 2 replay
  12. It's 2 for one day at Sunapee. I'm bring up a broadcast quality 3 CCD chip camera for carving footage- Bob Lawliss is bringing up another camera. ' I encourage everyone to bring their video equipment as it makes it really quick to get tons and tons of shots if we have 5 cameras working at once. Bring your motorola radios as well. We'll toss the footage to Bob to host. ________ MODEL T ENGINE
  13. 2 for one Wednesdays at mt. sunapee. Tuesdays is women ski for $32 and get a free buffett lunch. ________ WIKI VAPORIZER
  14. Feb 27th Wachusett has its Red Cross blood drive. Give blood and get a lift ticket voucher. ________ Taurus x
  15. For next year wachusett runs a "Century pass" deal...no you don't have to be over 100. Pre season pass for anytime but SAT and SUN days (all nights and all weekdays ) is $199 ________ AMC AMX-GT SPECIFICATIONS
  16. Gunstock Magic mondays. (Except feb 16th) buy any full price lift ticket and purchase up to 3 more at 1/2 price. ALSO---- Prime Time Ticket Tuesday through Saturday, every ALL DAY lift ticket is good from the first run in the morning to the last one under the lights at night. That's more than 13 hours of sliding and riding fun FOR THE PRICE OF A DAY LIFT TICKET ALONE! This plus the "noon Groom" makes this the best "got a late start" carvers place. Even if you show up at 1pm there is groomed snow....and again later in the evening. ________ Vaporizer
  17. Most of the problems you seem to have with Ski Patrol could be ironed out if they were to change the name. I can forsee a "She Patrol" where attractive women without high level skiing abilities try and chase us about. I can see Nikki Cox pulling me over at teh lift area to say I was overtrenching a particluar area. "Sir?" me- "yes????" "I noticed you were getting really low at speed. I know you are trying to increase your leg strength for something....perhaps we could cross train together off the slope after this shift? I could use some help with squats." me- "well.....uhhhh...sure...Why not? And uh... I won't get you in trouble...I'll slow down.....here, look at my pass so you'll remember my name and know how to reach me." NOW THAT would be a lot better. The only problem I could forsee is if they Synchronize (And I don't mean sychronized skiing) then watch out! ________ Herbal shop
  18. "It's falling with style" -Buzz Lightyear ________ Toyota Corona
  19. Can anything can be too big for Colorado? ________ CHRYSLER N PLATFORM HISTORY
  20. Best plate? "NO PLATE" issued to a guy by accident.... he never got parking tickets as a result. ________ EASY VAPE
  21. They are now running the bus earlier- and I will push them to go earlier still...should they listen to me. JG ________ Variable Universal Life Insurance Dicussion
  22. I'll go if Bob goes- you going bob? ________ Dodge ram srt-10
  23. I'll be happy to teach people at Wa- I used to teach there before. My concerns as always- lift tickets, gas food. Carpooling is the most desireable option. I helped teach Carve Master Curt and Vin Q. so likely I can help you ride. BTW joe Cerra is also from RI (helped him out today) lets see if we can get a group of 3-5 people together.....its a lot more fun with a bunch of people- I'll have you ripping the deepest fastest trenches you never thought possible before. ________ REVIEW VAPORIZER
  24. No- its a WBCN ski bus promotion (WA-WA dollars aren't likely to be valid, aaaand you might be not wise to ask- like double discounting). Call WBCN to be added to the list. you can pick up tks at customer service if you are on the list. Which means you can be there at 4pm and ride without having to wait for the bus to arrive. If you are going to grab the bus tonight, you need to call our BCN contact, Adam Moscatel, at 617-587-4682 and let him know you heard of this trip from BU Ski and Board. He will give you the details on where the bus will be picking up tonight. He can also put you on the list for $15 tks. Man it was sick today! ________ DISPENSARIES
  25. Who's up for some night skiing?! Should be a pretty good night for it. Here's the deal, I've sent the list of names over to BCN that have signed up already and our contact has agreed to send the bus over to the GSU. He has asked that you be there by 5PM so that the bus can leave at 5:30. It sounds like there will be more room so even if you haven't signed up online come on over and hop on the bus with us!! Just $15 for the whole night....rock on If you want to sign up for tonight or other nights just go to http://people.bu.edu/skiclub/wach/info.htm ~your loving officer ________________________ Some info for you guys. I already hit Wa today........EPIC! 36 degrees- full coverage- cord and planar all day. Sunny No wind. One of the best days of riding this season. Apparently you can either go to WBCN to get on the bus or go to BU's George sherman Union (across from Guitar center on Commonwealth ave.) ________ Re5
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