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Posts posted by AMK

  1. Well if you don't know already, Intrawest no longer owns Mountain creek. It is now in the hands of the Mulvahill family. Hopefully it won't be run as bad as the old Vernon Valley/Great Gorge was. As I recall back in the 80's and 90's season passes were around $300 when Mulvahill owned the place. With respect to the times, they were much more expensive than the last 10 or so years that Intrawest has owned the resort. I hope they don't raise the price to much.

    Lets just hope that Mt. Creek would get a bit better and new owner will make some changes. It's a lot to improve there and hopefully they wouldn't start from the tix price.

  2. Hey there fellow carvers!!!

    It's been so long since the last time I was on the site and chatting with everyone. I'm pretty sure everyone is looking forward to winter and of course SES 2011.

    Initially I was hoping to be able to come back to SES 2011 but I won't be back for a little while longer....I have a little carver on the way and he is scheduled to make his arrival on December 5th. Needless to say, I want to spend as much time as I can preparing him for his future days on the snow. I just wanted to pop in and say hey to everyone and to make sure you carve some arcs for me!

    Love ya!:1luvu:Carverchick

    Congratulation! :)

    So one more club member on the way. Wish you the best.

  3. thats funny, i was just on the phone with an old friend from college and she saw this goon on t.v, ultimate fighting in the octagon, she said she was convinced it was me, until they announced his name. last week the ex-wif said i looked like this tennis player rafael nadal, etc, etc. so i looked him up and i couldn't believe my eyes. richard grecko, etc, etc. i get it all the time.

    summer is very busy as always, cant wait until the fall already, 3rd day of summer, too hot and too busy!

    how's brooklynn in the summer?

    GFY's !

    Hey john deere,

    Brooklyn is cool in summer and where I live I got breeze from the bay. Good place to run and get out of city at night.

    So how many of "YOU" is out there? :)

  4. hey jd,

    nop, wasn't invited or asked. Who needs extra weight?.

    Don't get burn out there.

    PS u not gonna believe it but today at my work guy who looks like you showed up. My eyes was like @!@, not kidding so like a like.

    But when I saw tattoos I knew it's not u. Man, that was just something, u got there brother.

    How summer going?

  5. Hey there,

    so finally time to clean my apt. ( :-) ), that Donek was build in 2006.

    Still in great shape, needs to be tune.

    195$ with ship (to 48 states)

    Had it on snow like 3 times and have to say fun but it's to long and to stiff for me ;(, I'm 125 p. so that is more like for someone 145 p. and up.

    Lenght - 168

    Edge - 151

    Sidecut - 12.25

    Nose - 23.19

    Waist - 18.5

    Tail - 23.19

    Stiffness - 3.7 (?)




  6. (1st PIX) Saw skier made a sharp left turn - Decide not to finish my toe turn and made quick heel turn - Finally skier saw me but can't control his skies and stay on course.

    (2nd PIX) I can see his eye bolls almost pop (was so close) - realize he'll hit my base, I straighten my legs to have solid ground somehow board bent and made tighter turn - ski hits/nick at the tail end

    (3rd PIX) Cool down the skiier with a spray :eplus2:

    All good :ices_ange



    RT, its how u get girls phone #??????

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