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Posts posted by AMK

  1. Za tydzien do Wloch (Livignio) :D Jak na razie bardzo slaby poczatek sezonu w Polsce, planowalem wziac pierwszy tydzien w styczniu wolny i posmigac w Sudetach ale boje sie ze nic nie spadnie, to przesunelem wyjazd do 17tego stycznia.

    Hej, tesz moesz to robic, deski mam zasmarowane bo to latwo mozna samemu robic ale co do ostrzenie im wiecej czytam to wiecej sie glubie.... no, jak widac.


    Livignio:lol::angryfire , lucky one. I wish but I'm about go to CO, so I should be fine and again in January 3rd.

    Co do desek to chyba w tym roku chce to zrobic sama. Musze poczytac o tym wiecej. Te informacje na BOL sa bardzo przydatne. Nie jest latwo sie uczy tylko z thread's. I need to do some research on it.

  2. there's lots of reasons why, the US is different both good and bad.

    costs of back country rescue is going way up with more people in the wilderness and with "yuppie 911 beacons"


    so it looks like we have to pay for me, you, our friends and family and "yuppie's 911" or just deal with you own personal insurance or savings ( if you got some). Future might look expensive for some of us.

  3. IMO, you should be. there should also be a easy out for it. in some states a hunting or fishing license includes back country "insurance" don't remember which ones but one of guys I went to school with brings his sleds out west and that's what he does.


    well yes and no. It's insurance for it. I got one since I know how it's to need some help. But how about all taxes we pay, and SS. How US can't do it and all Europe can. Just asking not trying to shoot anyone. I believe it should be better way out of problem.

  4. Am I hearing you correctly? You are not willing to put up some cash for your own search and rescue, but feel that everyone else should be required to pay for it?


    not so fast. I'm more than happy to save my own a..., and I got insurance for it, plus I always buy extra for "high risk winter sports", even if I go for one day trip. In my thread I was just saying that on the day when I lost my partner it was just bad accident, not his not my fault. I don't think so, (how many time you can get hit by thunderbolt). And I didn't pay for it, and helicopter to.

    But I was left up there along with extra backpack and they didn't even take my info so they can look for me later on. No check on me, no nothing. Maybe if I pay they will do something, maybe they will take me on board. And I wouldn't have to drag my tired, stressed a... down the mountain along. ( but it's just wrong, "if you pay we will be nice") It was no SAR need it.1; But my point is some people have not good enough insurance and they might need help some day and we do pay tax, I do. Lots! ( here in US and in my country). In Europe part of your SS is going for it. I'm for some type of charge, some but not 10,000$.

    And if you are definitely guilty of negligent, yes. 2; we all taxpayers need help form time to time, or someone close to us. Today it's me, tomorrow it's you or my/yours friend. 3; close to 90% of US SAR operations are volunteer based. So how does this work. ( we pay and they work and got "0"?)

    In my opinion this problem need to be look at very carefully. It just not that simple.

  5. I don't really know ( more or less) what to think about charging a victim for search and rescue in backcountry.

    I came a cross few notes about case in NH ( 10 000 $) but according to

    M. Faber 3 states ( HI, NH, OR), can bill for SAR if you are deemed "negligent".

    In NH case " man had an aggressive hiking itinerary" ( ????)

    So right travel-insurance policy might save your $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    As far as I know California, Idaho, Maine, Vermont and Colorado look to charge the rescued in certain situations.

    Maine can charge without proving negligence. Idaho can charge 4000$ on land closed to the public.

    93 % of Colorado SAR missions conducted by volunteers (PRICELESS).

    I have been solo clambing, skiing, hiking and trekking for years so far only one really very b..., very b.... accident ( and I wasn't alone). Got so so help. Was left alone with extra backpack and ... well ... left along without my partner anymore.

    I wouldn't pay a dime for it. Have few more story's but I can't see myself paying for what yours ( our) govermant should pay. Maybe if you are on 100% guilty of being stupid and careless I guess yes, but how you can tell.

    .... thinking loud....

    Anyway what do you think?

  6. If you're looking for powder, I'd suggest Snowbasin or Pow Mtn. If you're into carving, I'd suggest Solitude. IMHO that is UT's best carving secret. Great terrain and great grooming! All the resorts are really lacking for snow at the moment though...


    thanks for info. I'm looking for both ( powder/carving).

    Your info very appreciate. I see we all have a little snow problem.

    Hope by January it will look better. Thank again.

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