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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Wheeeeeeeee!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR . . . The line above summirizes today (first day of KKF) all too well :rolleyes: . GREAT snow for carving - firm (but not bulletproof), crisp, groomed, empty mountain... -13F at 9am. -8 by 2:30 pm (when I had to cut out). Ken, Chris, Andrea, Patrice, Dave - had lots of fun today despite the temps!!! On the last run on Bunnybuster I had an epiphany of sorts - shoulders parralel to the ground. Knew the theory for YEARS, but today on that last run it just all FELL INTO PLACE for me - hands, shoulders, hips, edges - didn't want to leave!!! But at least the last run was sort of triumphant, and I like leaving on a HIGH note. Great thanks to all and hope to ride with you all soon!!! Stan
  2. Yes, definitely. I TORTURED myself to get to a semi-decent level of switch on plates, and when I went back to a softboot setup - boy, I tell ya - I was RIPPING switch WAAAAAY better than I can remember myself riding switch ever before . . .
  3. As long as the secret of making of KALEV chocolate is safe . . . :p
  4. It's a good board for someone heavier tan me (I'm only 146 lbs). I have my FP157 and it's kicking my arse ;o). I'd recommend this board to someone heavier than me and who likes a STIFF ride (get your mind out of the gutter NOW - FP's were made with B.O.B.S.I. of 15 (on a 1 to 10 scale . . .)
  5. Vin? Ken? Would you KINDLY post times and places to meet (for the benefit of people who haven't participated in the event yet). Jacek - other than the above info (which will hopefully be posted soon) it's just a fun event where everyone rides and stuff. No registration required. No fee (other than the lift ticket). Come and say "Hi, I'm Jacek, are you here for the Karvefest?" to anyone you see riding plates. Simple as that. Cheers!
  6. While I do not have any old boards I can send in at the moment, I'd like to point out that donations to NFP Organizations usually qualify for tax deductions. Folks - send in your boards that you don't ride anymore and get some tax relief! (Note: I am not a tax professional, so double-check this idea with your CPA). Stan
  7. Another way to get KINDA the same result but with more felxibility is to leave your boots in "Walk" mode and not lock in adjusters AT ALL. I got the idea from YYZcanuck, tried it, and I don't think I'll ever go back to LOCKING the boots. Leaves me much more flexibility and allows me to use my ankles more. Some changes to the riding style is necessary with that option to account for more forward/rear movement freedom. More appropriate for "freecarving" rather than super-aggressive racing-style carving, IMO, but that's all I do so it works for me. Cheers!
  8. 1) Exercise (no substitute for that) 2) Hydrate yourself (and not with beer - water or gatorade) 3) Stretch (before and after riding)
  9. Stan

    Windham, NY

    Take this from a DEDICATED Hunter rider - go to Windham on weekends, but hit Hunter on a weekday. Enuf said . . .
  10. Like a single ski, that's what it's going to look like . . . As for "hot" - 7 of 9. And I'm not talking about Jeri Ryan - she's OK, but 7 of 9 is HOT . . . Yeah, I'm a geek, so deal with it . . . :D :D :D
  11. I have a couple of screws loose . . . :D But beside that - what I do sometimes is to leave screws in the binding after I take it off - just put a scotch tape or other sticky tape over the HEAD of the screw onto the binding. This way the screw has no way of escaping . . . May make some bindings "dirty" (Scotch tape residue) after you take it off, so you may forgo this method. I do it cause it's quick, cheap, I don't care about the residue and I ALWAYS have scotch tape (unlike ziplock bags) :D
  12. AASI Level I certified, teaching as a part-time gig.
  13. Uhhh, I'm sure PARTYING will be plenty available at the Karvefest as well . . . Oh, well - I'm guessing I'll just have to catch Ronski at Hunta . . . As for ECES - I'm seriously doubting I'll be making it all the way up there myself . . .
  14. Killington Karve Fest January 9 -11, 2004! All - Details to follow, but put aside Fri Jan 9th - Sun Jan 11th for the 4th Annual Killington Karve Fest! Is it early? Yes it is; Vin and I met on Saturday, and given the proximity of SES and ECES, coupled with the unpredicability of mid-March weather, we decided to move things back in this direction in the calendar this year. So if you're jonesing for some serious carving and partying, join the crew at KMart! Drop us a line here on BOL! Vin and Kenneth (Brought to you by Out of Bounds Snowboards and the Kentucky Moses Band.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer - this post is copied pretty much as-is from the OLD FORUM. The original post was by KFOTS.
  15. ... I know that the mountain where I usually ride (Hunter Mtn, NY) has a "speed weekend" - where they have what you called a "speed trap". The fastest snowboarder I saw there was doing somewhere around 73 MPH (1 mile = 1.609 KM) or about 177 KMH. 220 kmh - that's probably on skis . . . :) I never bothered to find out how fast I'm going in terms of miles or kilometers because my only concern is that I go fast enough to scare myself enough to get the adrenaline pumping . . . :) Cheers, Stan
  16. not for me. However, if you do not like cigarette smoke - don't get on the same chairlift I'm on . . .:)
  17. Polls should be moderated. Not everyone and their brother (and their hamster) should have access to start a poll. I think there should be someone with common sense assigned as the POLL MODERATOR - any ideas for a new poll should go to that person, and creating or NOT CREATING a poll should be at that person's sole discretion. The name of such a person SHALL NOT be disclosed to the masses, as this person may end up being hit on the head by a heavy piece of 178cm (or so) equipment belonging to someone whose poll WAS NOT CREATED . . . JMHO
  18. 29, will turn 30 DURING the KarveFest!!!
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