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Posts posted by SunSurfer

  1. Just been reviewing 2015-6 Fis equipment regulations. Skiers are encouraged to wear protective equipment and alpine ski racers gloves can have plastic shields that slide over them. For snowboarders there is no regulation about gloves at all, while there are specific regulations for alpine, freestyle and ski jump skiers gloves. Hand armour may actually be race permissible in 2016.

    • Like 1
  2. if that was a lightsaber handle I'd be all over it :ph34r:

    Next iteration mods hmm.... ;)

    1/ Light sabre

    2/ Whisky/vodka/martini (shaken, not stirred)/antifreeze of choice compartment

    3/ Bling (mirrored finish externally)

    4/ Turn indicators

    5/ Paintball cannon

    6/ Smoke flares

    7/ Jet assist for cattracks

    8/ Hand warmer elements in the handles


    Suggestions welcomed.

  3. Hi Nextcarve, Thanks for your thoughts. :)


    In previous posts I've noted that I try not to touch the snow, and that these are primarily hand "helmets".

    In 2 years of use, and crashes, I've not had the problems you anticipate.

    I've not tried to EC with them, and have no plans to do so. At 57, I ride to carve but stay intact, and I've read too many tales of people's shoulder and arm injuries from attempts at EC.

  4. Pretty useless for Extremecarving.



    :eplus2:  :eplus2:  :eplus2:

    Nice bike, nextcarve. Yours? You're clearly "too cool", just as I said.

    My hands and brain are my livelihood. I cannot afford another hand injury that would have me off some aspects of my work for 3+ months

  5. Ligety goes far inside to 'surf' the dynamic of his turns. That's simply form following function.

    The skier in the original clip is 'going for the snow' as a matter of fashion. Stylistic affect, if you will.


    If your background involves engineering, design, or related fields, the former has value, the latter doesn't.

    Getting 'low' by itself is hardly a measure of 'expertise'.



    The original Ligety training video, stabilised in VirtualDub Deshaker, then the frame rate increased from 24 to 60fps and the intervening frames built with the "flux" function, then finally slowed to half speed, all in GoPro Studio.

    Now you can see the detail of Ted's technique.


  6. 1st to 3rd iteration photos - left to right






    The profile of the third iteration is much more like a ski tip than the relatively sharp curve of 1 & 2.


    Construction details for 3








    The original HDPE garden spray pot diameter was 125mm, anything in the range 120-130mm is big enough to take a gloved hand holding the ski pole handle. I've a size 7 & 1/2 hand when it comes to medical gloves, kind of average male size.


    The ski poles were a standard adult sized Gipron model with alloy poles.


    The thread on the top of the pot was cut off and a flat piece of HDPE welded to cover the gap using my soldering iron.


    Exterior plywood inserts were made for the top and bottom. The top one had the shape of the ski pole handle inset to hold the pole firmly. The bottom was drilled to take the alloy pole stub. Then the ply was coated in epoxy resin and allowed to dry.

    The whole unit was then assembled and checked, before a masking tape dam was applied and epoxy resin was poured around the top insert to set it firmly in place. The dam allowed the resin to be higher than the HDPE cut edge as can be seen in the photos.


    Note that they are different for R & L hands as were the previous versions.


    My riding has continued to progress. I now use them primarily as armour, and only touch down rarely. However, when I do touch down they slide beautifully and there is no strain on the arm or shoulder. No longer is there any need to turn them side on to avoid the catch.


    I've been using one version or another for the last 2 years and had many falls during that time. My hands and arms and shoulders are much less stressed by the impacts than when I was wearing wrist guards. I don't worry about touching the snow any more, nor do I wear out expensive gloves. Reaction from others has been varied. Most people "get it" as soon as I explain. Some thing it's brilliant, some of the young ones think it's cool.

    The reaction from other carvers has been interesting. Most behave as if they're too cool to try them. I had just one person at SES 2015 ask to give them a trial and had a Japanese snowboard instructor in NZ ask to try the 1st version.

  7. http://forums.bomberonline.com/index.php?/topic/37883-alpine-snowboarders-hand-armour/


    I broke a finger, requiring 3 screws to fix it, a couple of years ago. The cause of the injury was hyperextension against the edge of a wrist guard in an over the nose fall in a NASTAR course.


    The hand armour thread above was my response to the injury. I no longer wear wrist guards.


    The 3rd iteration of the wrist guard has just been tested and has much improved touch down characteristics, the more gradual curve of the leading edge resulting a no"catch" as the guard touches the snow. The earlier versions tended to catch and pull the arm/shoulder and make me a little off balance.

    In a crash the round shape first absorbs the shock, then the HDPE slides, dissipating the impact forces gradually.


    Yes, it's like Boone Lennon's Sliders, and slalom skiers gate punch guards.


    The photos of the third iteration will be posted within the next hour or so in the Hand Armour thread.

  8. Try Cardrona or Remarkables if you value your base grind.

    North Island fields don't open till early July.

    I'm hitting Central Otago in mid-August with a full quiver of boards to play with and the third iteration of my hand armour.







  9. Forgive me, but I don't think that a board with a 17cm waist is in any way a skwal, or am I misunderstanding what it is? Isn't it just a modestly narrow Alpine board with a short radius, even if it was sold by Skwal USA? Riding this with typical Skwal angles will result in severe underhang and zero leverage. Even with my 12.6 and 13cm Skwals I use angles between -3 and -10 degrees to ensure that I can modulate edge pressure.

    Forgiveness not required. The board is a Skwal USA Propaganda 167cm powder Skwal. See the website for special (specifications) and a picture. I got the chance to ride it properly on an indoor ski slope 2 days ago. F2 Intec bindings set at 90 front and about 75 rear on the outermost inserts and with the bindings slid as far apart as possible (measured C-to-C stance 44cm). 3 degrees out ward canting front and rear made the whole set up very comfortable from a stance point of view. Ski poles for the first few runs, then into HDPE hand armour. Leaning into the turns like on a bike and carving easily from the second run. And with the wider waist no boot out issues plus I could use standard hard boot bindings. Edge to edge transitions were very quick. I can confidently say that you don't need to go super narrow to ride skwal-style. I will be experimenting with skwal style riding on my standard waist snowboards. Now there's a heresy for you that might need forgiveness!

  10. OIA.

    And my point was that if you'll buy "reverse osmosis" water to drink you'll buy just about anything.

    I'm very familiar with distilled, deionised water from laboratory work. Di/De water is not for drinking as your first reference points out.

    Secondly, reverse osmosis is a misnomer. Water will follow the net effect of solute or pressure gradients across a semi-permeable membrane. That is still osmosis.

    Standard water filter systems do not produce Di/De water. If Americans can be conned into thinking that, and that they need "reverse osmosis" water systems, well, a fool and his money are soon parted.

    As for your 4th reference, I hope you're not implying our friend with the blood pressure problem is an alcoholic!

  11. The board won't be nervous but you might be the first few times out. As your speed increases your stability will increase as well. Once you get over the basics and become more confident with increased speed it will feel more stable. Until you get spoiled riding a newer titinal board the Thias will serve you well. Learning on a short sidecut board is not a bad thing. But you will probably want to get up to a 9.5-10 side cut on your next board unless you ride only huge groomers and then you can really open it up with a 12m and really scare yourself.

    About to step onto the narrow path to nirvana. Will be giving my Skwal USA 17cm waist, 167cm Propaganda (8m SCR) freeride/powder board a few turns on an indoor snow slope. A trial run last year on the beginners slope at Turoa was fun. Just need to get the stance set. I note that the waist on my Riot Supercarve 180cm is also 17cm (approx. 12m SCR). Once I've got the feel of the Propaganda, I may try the Riot skwal style when I head south to Otago in August (& lowrider, I may even leave the isocline plate on!).


    Update: Just been doing some carpet carving to work on those binding angles. The greater width has given me a wider range of options. I could even ride it the 65F 60R I ride my snowboards though that would be cheating. Will be riding it skwal style but some experimentation is planned.

  12. Just to check that it's not the plus diuretic version, losartan hctz ?

    Diuretics can play havoc with your electrolyte balance, especially if you don't get enough minerals, drink reverse osmosis water etc.

    Reverse osmosis water......? Who didn't go to school on the day they did science? Can I sell you some pills that will remove the Higgs bosons from your butt so it doesn't sag as you get older?

    Losartan all by itself messes with the excretion of sodium and potassium and water in your urine, as just part of its' mechanism of action for lowering blood pressure.

  13. Hey SS -

    Yeah, I saw that in the data sheet as well....but I polled my biking forum on bikeforum.org and 9 out of 10 responses on the same med had unwanted weight gain....which got me on this train of thinking.

    Additionally to pick your Med experience - I had a cardiac heart scan/CT Scan and scored a 7 ! A score of 7 says I have less than a 10% chance of any heart related disease the next 5 years! Cardiologists here don't even start worring about heart diease until the score is over 400! So with high BP, low heart rate and a CT score of 7 do I even have to be on a Hypertension med??

    Also I just ran out of the Losartan today/Sundayand I see my Doc this Tuesday.............you see any problem just stoping taking it?

    Your poll suffers from selection and reporting bias.

    Your doc has all your relevant information and I am not going to give you any advice about what to do with your medications.


    Edit: (The last line sounds harsher than I intended. It is not good medicine for any doctor give you advice without all the relevant information.)

  14. I Am Not Done With Winter! .....but my options are norrowing fast!!

    What's lift resorts are left open and their closing dates??

    CA - Mammoth, Squaw - probably done Memorial Weekend




    NZ snow is just starting to fall. Earliest planned opening is early June, but a very warm autumn may delay things a bit.
  15. I'm 59.......ride 100-300 miles a week on my road bike and have been on Losartan for a year now after trying two other meds that robbed my performance badly. I youst to ride allot of centuries before all these meds.

    Since the Losartan I'm still a little slower but the bigger problem is I have gained 20 uncomfortable lbs. that I can't shake even with all the miles.

    Have any of you guys on BP meds had an unwanted weight gain??

    What BP meds are you guys on and any side effects you noticed??

    Losartan is not recognised to cause, by it's mechanism of action, or be associated with weight gain. Likely to be coincidence rather than cause and effect. (wearing my anesthesiologist's hat)
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