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Hollywood 90210

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Posts posted by Hollywood 90210

  1. I will be there. It isn't a very big hill but it is fun to skate, so don't be afraid to come down and give it a try. If you are new to slalom just ask for some pointers, everyone is usually happy to help out new racers.

  2. 5/11 @ 6:30pm. We can start at a hill in Rowley in the industrial park behind Winfrey’s fudge. It is off of RT1; if you are heading north it will be on your left. It is a fun hill with reasonably good pavement. I will bring some extra boards if anyone new wants to give it a try. Pads and helmet are recommended. Gleb is planning on coming down; let us know if you are interested.

  3. I will put this out there for anyone that may be interested (including you Noah). We will be skating Slalom this Sunday May 6th at Sheepfold Park. It is a soapbox derby hill so there are no cars to worry about. It is however a dog park so you need to watch out for the pups. We plan on meeting there at 9:30 and will be skating by 10:00. Parking can be tight; you may have to wait until someone pulls out. It is 15 minutes north of downtown Boston, right off 1 93 in Stoneham. Bring your boards, full skate pads, wrist guards and helmet, sooner or later everyone falls. We usually skate for 2-3hours so bring something to drink.



    Once you get to the parking lot just park and walk up the hill and to the right.

  4. Ben qualified for racing but has too much school work to take the time off. Maybe we will all go next year. He will be a senior and his school work will be winding down by then. Have a good week.

  5. Noah,

    Keep a look out for Millie (riding in Youth Women) this year, she will be out there with her Mom, it is my turn to stay home and make money to pay for it all. She will be riding all around so it will be a busy week for her. Wish I was out there to have a beer or two with you. See you next season,


  6. Gleb, Sorry to have missed you this weekend. I would love to get out and take some runs with you the next time you are at WV. Saturday, we race trained GS on Lower Utter Abandon. Next weekend the race team will be heading to Ragged for USASA GS/SL on Saturday and a BX on Sunday. We will try and have another open training day this season and I will post the details here.

  7. This Saturday 2/3/07, the WVBBTS Snowboard Racing Team is offering an informal opportunity to come to a gate training / riding session.

    We will be meeting at Waterville Valley at the WVBBTS Club House. Arrive around 8:45 and plan on hitting the snow at 9:00. The Club House is located above T-Bars restaurant. The entrance to the club house is located to the right side of the building when facing the main entrance to T-Bars. You will need to either have a pass or purchase your own lift ticket. I will need to get you to sign a release so if you are a minor bring someone who can sign for you. We will be looking for a donation of $30 to help offset the cost of running the race program. Bring both a GS and SL board if you have them. If you are a soft boot racer don’t worry, we have racers on the team that train and race with soft boots. Look for us on the hill if you arrive later than 9:00. Our lane space moves around from weekend to weekend but start at High Country.

    For further info on our club go to http://www.wvbbts.org

    If you are planning on coming email me at glenn_chapman@comdel.com and we will look for you. If you have further questions give me a call 978-927-9753.

    See you on the mountain, Glenn Chapman

  8. I was helping with the WVBBTS team this weekend (I was wearing a black coat and was riding either a Donek or a Madd), we ran SL gates on High Country on Saturday. Worked on free riding on Sunday. I thought the snow was the best that it has been all season. I was still able to find good carving terrain as late as 2:30, at that time my legs then cried "no mas". Is there any interest in masters race training? If there is interest I will talk to the club and see about either a perdiem rate or a price for the season. We usually get hill space 1/2day on both Saturday and Sunday and on some weekends we get a lane both morning and afternoon.

  9. My two kids and I arrived back from Chile on Sunday and it was a great trip. The weather was outstanding, 7 out of 9 days were perfectly blue skies not a cloud anywhere. The temps were 25-45, I rode most days in either a shell or a sweatshirt. The first three days the snow was total hero snow, after that it was firm in the morning softing up to perfect spring conditions after lunch. El Colarado is a great carving mountain; we had a variaty of training spaces ranging from steep to mild. One of our days we spent at Valle Nevado, and it is an spectacular place. We spent the day just free riding and exploring. The more adventerous in the group were hucking of every feature that they could find. Four of the afternoons there were back country expeditions that found some great snow and challenging lines. It was a great trip and an awesome adventure, I would like to thank Phil and Anton for putting on the camp.





  10. My two kids, Ben (16) and Millie (14) and I are signed up to go. We went last year with Anton and Phil. They are both great coaches; the race training was great and the free riding was off the scale. It was the best on snow experince that I have had in 34 years of snow sports. If this year is half as good as last year it will be worth the trip. I know what I will be dreaming about for the next 6 weeks, then it will be time to live the dream. You know what Warren Miller says "Do it now because next year you will be one year older when you do".

  11. I haven't ridden a hypercarve but that is what I use my Insect for. It is nice to pump, turny enough to carve the hills and sidewalks but the way it is set up it is not great at high speed. I feel it is hard to set up a board that is both a good pumper and stable at speed.

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