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Hollywood 90210

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Posts posted by Hollywood 90210

  1. Check out the WV clip of the day for Dec 14th. I was riding with Elliot (one of the WV jr racers) and we both got a little video time. It was the third run on the new 176AM T Coiler. We are still working hard down in the minor leagues at Team 28, hoping to make it up in the bigs for Team 32. See you all soon. GC

  2. DSCF3682.jpg



    Sorry it took me so long to get these posted up, I was busy puttting more Madonna songs on my Ipod. You can't see the gost coiler in the pic, it is real faint in person. The nose picture shows the decamber in the nose It is flat for 2.75" and the board has a little less than .5" of camber. The hand flex feels good, not soft and not super stiff, more uniform than the Kessler (very stiff in the tail). See you guys soon.

  3. JD, glad to hear that you are working out, but I didn't see any mention of calf raises, both you and Enzo need to get on them, that was a poor showing on the B Room deck last spring. We went out for a lunch time ride yesterday and the weather was perfect, when are you coming up for another tryout? It has been a while since the first two tryout sessions, that we are starting to think that they were just freak substance inhanced efforts. You need to come up and prove that you are the real deal.

  4. I have a 176AMT on order. I am hoping it will be my go to board on the days it is a little soft or on the days my legs arn't up for the 185 GS beast. Keep me informed on any road trips, I always enjoy riding with you guys. Later.

  5. 2aaeoe8.jpg

    I bought it used in 99 with 1200mi. It is a fun bike, 130HP, with a little more relaxed riding position than the more recent superbikes. I also have a Slowzuki DRZ400, it is a great bike for short city rides, not to bad on the trails, but gets a little head-shake on above 70mph. I drove it to work today I figure it saved me $5 in gas over taking the van.

  6. How many of you guys ride? If you allow an in line four rice burner (YZF1000) on your rides let me know, I will try and meet up you. Enzo you should also get the Slush Monkey Award. Way to DTH in the crud last weekend you are the man.

  7. I should be there either Saturday or Sunday. I took last weekend off and visited colleges with my son. It was the first weekend I haven't ridden at least one day since before Thanksgiving. 50+/- days this year, I should be a better rider with all of the days on snow. See you in the Bunyan or on the hill.

  8. Last Sunday the riding was good and the crowds were light. The snow quality can vary greatly day to day or even hour to hour this time of the year. I will be at WV on Sunday. Saturday is questionable for me. Let me know if you are going to be there may be we can take some runs together.

  9. I should be there Sat morning. See you at 8. Hopefully some of you guys will step it up a little and stay and ride with the old guy after 11:30. If you need to I will take it a little easier on you in the morning session and buy the first round of BL's at the BR for anyone riding untill 3:00.

  10. They have posted the season pass info for next year. It looks like it will be a WV, Cranmore and Bretton Woods. $749 anytime and $649 limited. Loon hasn't posted the prices for next year's pass. Anybody riding this weekend? I will be at WV on Sunday. I will also be heading over to the ECES for thursday and friday.

  11. I saw Enzo and JD ripping it up last Sunday in some crud near the bottom of the Kanc quad. I will be at WV on Saturday and the razor is out for the rest of the week, the stubble should be lookin good. I will be hanging a burr on all of my boards and will try and man-up on the ice. I will try and get there at 8 but if not I will be looking for you under the main quad show-off run or throwin it down on the grit.

  12. Jack, For the past few years I have been moving my back foot angle around and also adjusting my cant lift to try and find a spot that alows me to ride all day with as little rear knee discomfort as possible. My left knee has always given me a little pain. I agree with the hands on the snow. Sometimes I do it a little too much and it can cause me to drop my inside shoulder and spin out on harder snow days.

    Polaris, I like the heelside shot. Way to reach for that up edge, good technique for keeping the shoulders in line.

  13. NE Critique Corner post your carving pics or videos and let the keyboard coaching begin. I will start with two of mine. Taken last year on a black diamond run with good snow quality (8 out of 10). I am riding a Madd 158-F3 with TD2 step ins. My angles are 65f, 56r with a 20.5 stance width. I am 6ft and about 205-210lbs.



  14. Enzo, I felt a little bad about taking you guys right to Grit. I didn't realize that it was you who had the big injury last year. All I can say is I am impressed with your riding and the ability to charge it as hard as you did last weekend. Great comeback, hope to ride with you guys soon. DTH

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