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Hollywood 90210

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Posts posted by Hollywood 90210

  1. Absolutely correct Mr. Polaris. The self scoring rule has been in place for a few weekends now. It was put on the books just for situations like this. It is OK to admit to a deduction but claiming positive points is a big no-no. BTW Mr John Deere, good job for helping out. 

  2. I wrote a review on the 174 Contra a while ago. Since then my 174 has been my go to board and I probably have close to 80 days (ok half days) on it. I love that board, so much so I have another on order for when this one needs to be retired. 87 deg side and 1 deg base with a slight de-tune in the tip and tail. For me the ride has been very easy to adapt to.  

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  3. CPS week #2

    It was good to have nearly a full squad on Saturday. Gleb….Gleb…(Mr No Show). There is a rumor he is coming up soon. In attendance BD6, Polaris, Spicoli, McGuyVa and your humble point keeper Hollywood.

    Points carried over from last weekend: BD6 10, The Guy (Polaris) 10, Spicoli 0, McGUYva -20, Hollywood (Chappy) 0 and Gleb -40

    This week the snow was very fun on Saturday warm and a little soft. Sunday was firm and fast. Some may call it icy but that would be a deduction. While complaining about the groom is ok, complaining about ice is not. Acceptable terms for ice are: firm, very firm, wicked ****in hard, hey bro you got your panzer with you?

    Gleb adds another -40 for another no show. His new total -80 (ouch). He always has a chance of racking up big points filming and buying pitchers of beer.

    McGUYva started out the day strong, He was first in the lodge (7am) and he brought the team breakfast burritos. Those things were awesome. I ate half mine in the morning and the other half at lunch. That is worth a solid +20. While on rode hard but used the “I have to go check on the timing excuse” to pull out early, -10 for that little charade. If he can bring a note stating he actually did some work, we will readjust. His trash talk was landing a few solid blows +10. Iron man points for skinning up on Sunday +10. His new total stands at 10. It is a little tuff being the new guy on the team.

    Polaris (the Chuck Norris of alpine) was crushing on the hill. He was loving the snow and making it work. He was giving Max “the mini team tag along, and comic relief” BJJ lessons throughout the day. +20 for the quality of riding and +10 for distracting the munchkin. Total for the season +40.

    BD6. Made a self-proclaimed rule that looking like a castoff from MCC with an bright all green outfit is not a deduction -10. Trying to make his own nick name while wearing said outfit “incredible hulk” -10. The team settled in on “Kermit”.  As usual his riding was outstanding, +20. Bringing his side kick Max for comic relief +10. Giving my wife equipment advise +10. Total for the season +30

    Spicoli. While he was on time for the first lift, he did miss the burrito session. His on the hill presence was outstanding, while he is on soft boots, he is killing it with his new K2. His carving has improved, I like to think it is because of the constant beat downs, trash talk over the past few years.  Riding performance was a sold +15.

    Chappy. There has been a little push back as well as questioning my integrity with me assigning my own points. I will let the team captains BD6 and Polaris chime in on this and take my point tally like a man. Total TBD.

    • LOL 2
  4. Last weekend the snow was too soft to give out many "on the hill" points but all points will be in play next weekend. Time to bring the "A" game. Just so you are warned riding down Seven Brothers trail is -10. If you come in from Picaroon, LMP or Springboard you are ok. Don't ask me why this is a rule but it has been since the beginning.

    • LOL 1
  5. Well Carve points system (CPS) has been activated.


    Big Duke 6 (BD6), Bad Dad #1, Cully, just don’t call him Joey (only his mom can)

    Polaris, Guy, The Guy, Our Guy, Guy Father… ok you get the idea

    Spicoli, Bad Dad #2

    Keith “Richards”, Mc”Guy”ver

    Hollywood, Chappy

    Gleb, No Show, Camera Guy

    Cps Totals for Feb 4-6. Read-em and weep boys.

    BD6: sleeping beauty points -10. tinker bell points -10. ripping Gondi +20. Not getting caught ripping Gondi +10.

    Polaris: figuring out how to get the work ski trip to fall on the best POW day in 2 years +20. Bogarting the Lazy Boy for 3hr nap -10.

    Spicoli: Getting pitcher #70 +20. TML (too many layers, when you exceed 10 layers on either the upper body or lower body) violation -10.  Getting lost violation (am I at Babes or PBR???) -10.

    Richards: Tinker Bell points (there is a 2 board per day allowance, board changes for broken gear do not count, board changes showing off “look how many boards I have” will be penalized) -30 or was it 4 boards -40??? Carrying a NH steak knife ready for BD6 tinker bell session +10

    Chappy: 3 hood violation -10. Half pours out of the pitcher -10. Duct Tape violation -10. Reactivating CPS and keep totals +30 (Ha! I like this game; the only official rules are: I get to make the rules).

    Gleb: MIA, no show either day -40. Come on dude, come up and get on the board. Video of team is big positive points.

    • LOL 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. Joe, You may not want to go in there just yet.

    Needed to put the E350 in 4WD to get up the driveway on Sunday. Epic pow day. Loon on the weekend, perfect place to get un-tracked runs. Waited 15 mins for the Gondi to start loading. Was at the top within the first 15 cars. Could not find 2 clean turns on my first run! Total tracked out at 8am.

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  7. Charged up the clippers and beard is coming off tonight. The stash style is TBD and I will be game ready Saturday morning. Bring a beverage to the lift line in the morning. We will stash it at the top and have a toast at the top of the lookout tower at the end of our riding session.  Scotty boy if you see this this is all for you. We will make jack@sses out of ourselves (not hard to do with this group) in a hope to make you smile. We will give you a call on WhatsApp on Saturday so you can take part in the festivities. Take care Bro, looking forward to taking some epic runs and mt bike rides with you soon.

  8. Big Duke 6 will be providing fashion and accessory advice at roll call. Dana will be giving an on snow toe side carve clinic Saturday morning.  The Brofessor AKA the Chuck Norris of alpine will be sharing his beard and stash grooming secrets in the afternoon. Refreshments will be served at the team club house (van) between the the morning and afternoon sessions. Reserve early there are only limited number of slots for this highly rated clinic.

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  9. On 3/9/2021 at 9:27 AM, MR. JOHN DEERE ! said:

    I ride with a tough crowd, so the opinions start right away. 

    tough crowd??? We are the most thoughtful and caring group around. We just try and help you from making poor choices.

    WinterGold, loved your riding style, thanks for sharing your video.

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    • LOL 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. The riding was good last weekend. Firm and cold just the way we like it. There was some major trail damage by the heavy hitters. Even if one of the guys has lost all of his gains. There has been talk of getting team boot gloves, They will match the mittens pictured above. Mr John Deer is putting in a group order so let him know if you want a pair.

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  11. We used a $10000 Flir thermal camera. They are down to about $5000 now. If you know anyone that has one, use a wax iron on the base and get a little heat in it (you don't need to get crazy here just waxing temps). You should be able to see the thermal difference on the top sheet. We tried an ultra sound thickness gauge but the results were inconclusive. I also remember we had a treasure map of sorts, we kind of new where they should have been. It was a while ago. 

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  12. T174 CONTRA 020 CTB 6.4 +9

    Well the season wrapped up quicker than I had hoped but I did get several days on a new 174 Contra. First a little about me. I am 6ft and weigh in around 210lbs. I am 59 years old and have been riding Alpine/Race boards since 1995, road my first snow board in 1984. During my career (ha, I even had to laugh at that), I have had the opportunity to ride many boards from several manufacturers. I talked to Bruce and told him I was looking for a board that was a little more forgiving on my abused body (59 years of bad decisions are catching up with me). I asked for a 174, 11m SCR and 20.5 wide. He said he had just the board for me. He sent me out a beautifully made board with top quality construction and graphics. Based on the way it rides he sprinkled it with a large dose of Bruce Voodoo. If you can decipher Bruce’s code, the flex of this board was perfect for my weight and ability. The last few weeks of the season I only needed one board and the Contra was it. The thing could rip tight turns but also could handle some speed. I could make close to SL board radius arcs, but its natural turn was like a Kessler 168 (I know because I was tracing turns of a friend who was riding one). I let a couple of friends give it a try and they first thing they both said was “that board is grippy” and they both had big grins. When riding stale NH snow that had been through some freeze thaw cycles (with most of the other skiers and riders slipping their way down), the board was sick, it was sticking like glue on a couple of very firm black diamond trails. It gave me a ton of confidence to charge hard. I did get two days of hero conditions; the snow was great, and it gave me a chance to play with the board. Load up the nose and make it slow down on steeps, CHECK, did it well! Hammer on the tail and really force it to finish a turn, CHECK, all good there! Pop out of turns, CHECK, like a boss!  The extra width helped in the crud and didn’t seem to give a big lag in edge to edge transitions. This board CHECKs a lot of boxes for me. All in all, it is a keeper, if you get a chance give one a try. If you see me out riding most likely I will be on it. Tip it and Rip it!

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  13. Hopefully our boy Chomp is right on with his forecast. The van will be heading up 93 from MA in the morning, shooting to be on the hill for the 8am roll call. A new board will be on the hill this weekend. It is a custom from our friend in the Great White North. He guaranteed it would rip, and said "if it didn't, the board is the source of the problem". I will bring tools if anyone wants to give it a ride.

  14. It was a good weekend at Loon. You had to be aggressive and show no fear. The firm surface had a ton of grip if you were brave enough to get after it. Rode K board SL on Saturday and Coiler 182 on Sunday. The Coiler is the most damp board I have ever ridden, I had to get used to running it fast and jamming the nose in on the initiation, that board is a ripper on ice. Already looking forward to getting out next weekend. Goon Wrecking Rules! 

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