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Posts posted by Fleaman

  1. I have never folded my Coiler I was just wondering if anyone has had the same experience. I was carving in the back seat today because of the slushy conditions but got caught a few times and the board pulled through.

    Is it Bruce's almighty power guiding us or are we just lucky.

  2. I have never ridden that board, but I ride with a guy who rides them all day. He is a monster in the bumps and steeps with it. he can lay down a nice trench too.

    From what I can gather is it a softer board.

    As for the Cateks, set your angles and tighten down the center bolt. then adjust your canting. when all screws seem tight, give them all a 1/4 turn.

    Make sure you check the screws for tightness after a few runs, sometimes they come loose. I have had no problem but some do.

  3. thanks for the encouragement Chubz

    Beavers are part of my life, I don't know what I would do without them.

    I am hoping in the future to start breeding hypoallergenic hairless beaver. There is a huge market for hairless attack beavers up here on the west coast. I have allergies and have to take a pill when cleaning out their stalls.

  4. yeah we have exchanged a few blood lines but I am looking for something a bit more maritime or western.

    When I lived in Ontario, Western bloodlines were sought after. Now that I am here I can't find any.

  5. Allee, I haven't met you yet, but we will someday at sunshine, so here is my take

    When you come home from work, your dogs are licking your face and would do anything to get you to pet them and give them a treat..

    I consider myself a good parent. I get home from work before my kids get home from daycare. If I am napping and my daughter can't find me, she runs around the house until she does.

    If I am in the kitchen cooking, she comes in running screaming DADDY!

    The best 3 seconds of my day.

    Some say you cant have a life when you have children. We strive to include them in every activity. We take them into the backcountry and camping etc. hoping to pass on our passions to them.

    Life becomes normal in no time. the inconvenience of having kids is far outweighed by the satisfaction and the hilarity of having little ones.

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/fleagalbaum/Kate%20and%20Matt/Picture005.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

  6. WTB a fresh blood line

    My attack beavers lately have been stillborn and with 3 front cutting teeth.

    I need some new beaver studs.

    I will pay top dollar for some fresh beaver sperm

    let me know. I will pay for refrigerated shipping.


  7. Got my board 2 weeks ago and have 3 days on it. Having ridden a 172 AM all year, I was stoked to open it up on some groomers.

    I had the stock board waist built at 21cm so my 30mp dogs would sit nicely without huge angles. I also asked for the tail to copy the stock AM tail, turned up and rounded corners.

    The first weekend, the conditions were really soft (springlike) and I was leery to push it too hard considering the amount of threads warning of broken boards. It took me both days to dial the binding set up in. To me, it looks like the inserts are centered on the board, not set back at all. I needed to mount the rear binding all the way back on my Catek olympics and the front one in a position to give me my 21"stance.

    I found the nose diving alot, but never folded (Knock on wood), this was due to the conditions but I played with my cants and screwed it right up so I went back to my original settings.

    This past weekend, I got a good day in on it. I was warm all week at the mountain with spring conditions. The temperature changed this weekend and it did not thaw at all. Western Boilerplate Icy conditions. Any run not groomed was closed. Anyways, I got on my board and railed turns. I had lots of edge hold, digging trenches about 1" (compared to 2-4" the week before) in depth in most spots. I did pop out a few times on some of the steeper icy patches but I was slacking off and lost my body positioning. If I was on top of my edge, it would hold but barely making a line

    The board rides smoothly, not a lot of pop out of the turn but it likes to finish its carve fully before switching edges. The one thing I did notice is that it is not nearly as squirrelly at high speed carving as my AM is. I was the only one on the mountain smiling today except for the Ganjala rider. :lol:

    The 11~M turning radius is perfect for the narrow runs at my mountain. Anything longer and I would be trimming wood on the sides of the runs.

    I also found that I can ride bumps and steeps with this board. When I ordered it I was hoping that I can use it as an occasional All Mountain board when the groomers are in good shape. This way I can still ride the rest of the mountain instead of concentrating on the groom without switching boards all the time.

    I have yet to try it out in powder but I suspect it will be left in my workshop on those days as it has a nose similar to the "Shred Gruumer Designed Nose"

    But I will give it a shot if it snows this week or maybe next year as my season is coming to a close after easter.

  8. I had the same problem the cants would move around so I thought I tightened them enough and glued them in place. They got loose again and I actually snapped one of my cant screws at Sunshine. Anyways I ordered new cants because I had to drill out the old ones ( I saved 2 of them but the rest were shot.) I browsed the local hardware stores for some similar replacement parts but all they had were the hex cap screws) All the teeth on the white plastic parts were worn down too. I put in the new cants with epoxy like in the hiroshi thread. I also used hex cap screws with washers instead of a allen head cap screw. You can put more torque on the screw with a wrench without worrying about stripping. Also the bolt head protrudes a tiny bit so you can use vice grips on them if needed.

    I am thinking that if the epoxy wears out, I might make larger backup nuts for the screws to take up all the play.

  9. I rode a rossi alpine 165 for a LONG time. Then I saw a narrow Coiler in the lift line. I had to have one. I worked with Bruce on 3 Boards and have to say other than the wait, The buying experience and quality is top notch. I even had the opportunity to view the secret dungeon that he built board in Toronto, definitely doing it for the love of the sport.

    I haven't had the chance to ride many boards but I think once you find someone that works for you, you should stay with them.

    As for mass produced boards, I think they make good backup boards when your Custom is being waxed or the conditions are too poor to ride your bling.

  10. The racing footage is good but that Host guy sure makes us Canadians look Pretty lame. He needs to tone down the gansta and bring out the snowboarder.......Or maybe I am getting old?

    Was there a reference to you there Phil at the end of one of the clips when they were asking about what they like about Quebec?

  11. I also work (volunteer) at the mountain for the Ski patrol. we only have to work 3 or 4 days days a month (weekends). Sometimes we are busy with accidents and sometimes you are on the wrong side of the mountain and can't respond to any calls. The rest of the time, I can free ride or patrol if I like. The length of your service to the mountain depends on the benefits you get. This year I get a paid family pass and some tubing tickets. Because my children are under the paying limit, I chose to get a spouse pass and 10 day tickets to give away. Our patrol has it's own cabin where we can stay overnight for free also. So other than gas (35 minute drive) and food and gear, we ride for free. :biggthump

    Oh yeah.....Being a Patroller we Always get first tracks :cool:

  12. All this talk of gorbs and bystanders getting hit, I noticed today I pulled some emergency carves to avoid people and can't help but wonder if the extra force sprays them with snow. No one has ever come up to me and bitched, as I have done it on many occasions (feeling really really bad). Has anyone ever experienced this? or have been confronted?

  13. I have been involved in a few collisions. I find skiers try to mimic my lines but can't turn as tight at my board and tend to speed up and cross my line. I had a friend of mine ride up on my board by accident, I didnt even know he was on me(nearly humping me haha) as I kept on riding, I switched edges and popped him into the air and thats when I felt and heard him we both skidded down the run under the chair. Lots of hooting for that one. I am fortunate that I ride at areas that aren't crowded. I usually wait but sometimes I will sneak in a few lines then skid to a stop and let people by. Like everyone said whether you are downhill or yielding, the fact is, I am 240 lbs dry and probably 270 with my patrol gear on and boots and board. If someone hits me they will probably get hurt. If I hit someone, They will feel like they got hit by a truck.

    LOL, I just remembered one time I was showing off in front of a friend and tried to do a layout carve in front of him. My board lost it's edge while I was laying it out and it hit him in the legs. He did 2 flips in the air before he hit the ground. I was so appologetic and he was brushing it off but I am sure he was pretty sore and didnt tell me (the kind of guy he is)

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