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Willow 15

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Posts posted by Willow 15

  1. Kicking Horse is one of my favorite places in the world and I've only ridden there two times. Ditto with John and Neil about alpine gear, take your freeride equipment. I would suggest, if the conditions are poor, to wait for more snow. Also ride with someone who knows the place or get a guide cause there is so much to do and so much you could miss. I say this because the first time I went was with a guy who knew the place and I would of missed so much if it was'nt for him. Cheers Danny. Some of the terrain of CPR and Redemption ridge is just amazing(if you like steep).

  2. This was taken by Vahur:1luvu: at ECS09 and its the first photo of me riding I have seen for a long time. I love it but I think I should maybe riding at SES09 as I ride more race style than extreme carve. Also if anyone thinks I am doing something wrong, please tell me as I am always looking to improve.


  3. see this linkhttp://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5505 I am going back to soft boots, (Arghh get behind me satan). Actually DaveESPI is so right

    Its muscles that need conditioning to be used and it takes time and strength devlopment.

    when I had the time to board 24/7 ( 1987 to1992)and not give a rats ass about earning money for kids wanting new bmx's and so forth, I used some pretty poor equipment. There was no footbeds or custom liners you just rode what you could blag or borrow! But I was riding every day and my feet and legs got accustomed to it. My thighs were twice the size they are now and I probably could take on John Claude VanDame in a tree kicking competition. I guess the moral of the story is if you only have limited time to ride use something which is comfortable so you can enjoy the riding. Obviously I am a d$%ck and not listening to my own advice after 22 years of riding and still using new equipment which f*"ks my legs.
  4. Just been watching the worlds and noticed Rok Flander and Patrick Bussler were using step-ins. Is the racing world getting lazy or are they not needing the lateral flex of clip-ins anymore. Also looking at the results of this year I have noticed slalom winners tend to be riding SG and gs winners have been on Kessler. I know you have to take in the rider factor but its interesting.

  5. Looks like Mr Varsava has beaten mountain bikers at their own game by creating a board that will conquer the mountain everywhere, even those crux pitches. I guess if the X5 was a bike it would have 10" travel front and back, lock out the suspension as soon as bobbing was perceived and weighed 17lb(thats with pedals and a full water bottle). As to the asthetics it looks like a super model compared to the X4. X5 battering ram, X4 spanish inquisition! I don't need a new board this season but I know where my next purchase will be made. I will be in contact Mr. Varsava about Oct 09.:1luvu:

  6. Does anyone think that carving in softboots will ever be really popular?
    That's a strange statement, because if you have any idea how to ride a board, be it freestyle, all mountain or any board with a sidecut, you should be carving your turns. The term "soft boot carving board" is a bit of a misnomer as any board will carve, all you need is the knowledge and skill. Riding alpine boards help but I know plenty of people who have never been near a hard boot set up but can carve their freestyle boards better than some people attempting it on alpine set ups.
  7. Back in the late 80's early 90's there was a British snowboard company called Acid Snow. The boards were made in the Highlands of Scotland at a place called Laggan by two cool guy's, Al Flemming and Gus Gillard. The boards were good and they even made an alpine board (which was assymetric). So there's another one for the list. Sadly Gus is no longer with us, rip old friend and a big hello to Al if you see this post.

  8. Arosa psl Results 21/12/08:-


    1. H. Neururer (Kessler)

    2. M Gorgone (Oxcess)

    3. I Laboek (Sg)

    4. J Shaw (Kessler)


    1. S Grabner (Sg)

    2. R Fischnaller (Sg)

    3. Z Kosir (Sg)

    4. A Prommegger (Kessler)

    It was a good day for the Austrians and Sg Boards.

  9. Originally Posted by Pokkis

    Zinal, i mark you to reservation book, but be aware that i will not have all my full fleet on slope

    I am not suprised Pokkis, you would need a truck to transport the boards, and thats just the ones you have aquired in the last few months. But seriously though, I am looking forward to seeing some of those beauties in the flesh.:biggthump

  10. If money was no object I would get the usual cornucopia of exotic boards, but I would also find the original designer's of Northwave boots and get them to make some new moulds for .950's. Then pay for all the members of bol and extremecarving for a months vacation (resort to be confirmed) to try out each other's boards. After the lifts shut we can all compare notes and argue which boards are best at the free bar.:1luvu:

  11. UK guys, why not to join us for week 10 on March for Oppdal?
    I have climbed in Sweden and boarded in Finland so I really should make the treble and do Norway. I will talk more about this at Zinal with you Pokkis, after checking out that new board of yours.

    Hey Dantheman0177 would love to hook up, but already have three trips planned to Europe. What you doing end of January, do you fancy ecs09 at Zinal as I have a pass from the wife and have flights booked. Email me if you can make it. Is anyone else coming to ecs09 from across the pond?

  12. Global warming, if you believe in it has hit the UK real bad. When I was a kid, thirty years ago, I lived at a place called the Lake District which is a small hilly area in the north of England. In the winter there was loads of snow. I used to miss weeks off school due to the school bus being unable to get to my village (which accounts for my bad english). I remember things like skiing under a midnight moon, having to walk (no lifts) but having the time of my life. Now our winters are crap, grey and damp, and if it does snow it melts within five mins. So this little story brings me to FastsKiguys quote

    wtf is indoor snow?
    . When I am not in the Alps, I have to get my fix at places like this http://http://www.xscape.co.uk/snow/castleford/ A bit like Landgraaf but way smaller. Its only good for a few turns, but when a new board gets deliverd to your house in August and you can't afford a glacier trip its ok.

    So relax your immigration laws so I can move to your mountains and drink your beer and abuse all of your lovely snow!

  13. I don't race but i used to, so my style of riding is more race than ec. I have a Kessler 162 without kst which I like, but even though I've only ridden it on indoor snow i really, really like my new SG pro race t 163 (I am looking forward to getting to real mountains). I would like to try kst but i am guessing my SG is just as good. So my decision was nearly at Prior and now Tex1230 comes in with Coiler, forgot about that one. Custom is probably where its at, so now I gotta think specs. Like your new board Pokkis with 23 waist, what size feet/binding angles you using on that?

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