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Shred Gruumer

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Everything posted by Shred Gruumer

  1. Geez , Im pretty sure dare are a ton of options. On is take out the back window. Sure it will be a little cold but being a 1947 Cessna, It probabley has a cielling of only 50 feet! with a top airspeed of 80 mph, a lot less than a car. Anyway, you can pretty much get it off the ground by throwing it into the air so a board rack under the fixed gear or on top of the wing will not hurt it! it will still lift off the ground, or just put the vortex generators on the wing! or afix under the fuselage! it will take off trust me. Didn't know you flew, Family has two, a Cherokee 235, and a Beech Baron TC58 with the Vortex. Happy Landings! ps Im surprised you didn't strap some Burtons on the gear for winter landing, good use for them. Said Shred
  2. Hmmm? Intersting, yours Burns when you ride, and Vlad kant hold his in, maybe you too should see same doctor. Penicilin and a cork for da both of ya! Said Shred
  3. Vhat happened to Avatar for Link-N-Turns? not on list either. This is the Avatar to use! Link. oh ist dat a Piper Cub 1957
  4. Ja very gute advise! I have a Da kanin Dulley too awesome, just need veals! so I put rooler blade veals on it. but for hadling longer, I get a Volkl padded ski bag handle liku up to 215 and carries two mit bindings or four with out dem. Dat way day see ski at check in and don't hassle you like vith a snowboard bag! If you get wieghed den put backpack under da end dat hangs out to lift it off da scale just a little bit, day don't notice. Plus dem dam tings are not calibrated and are off as much as 15lbs! They should start enforcing people overage charges to, last flight back from Calgary, women took up half of my seat! needed two additional extensions, and ate the whole friggin time and made the women in front un-recline her seat so she could get the feeding tray under her chin!, yea it was a red eye to! I want to thank Helmet again for giving me that seat! Let the eating season begin! Ja Mari Kris Mass Dammit!
  5. What Happened to that Super Dooper Burton Board ? Ja, I vunder vhat happened to dat Burton Race board mit dat special race core that was appenently sold last year for like $5,000 Krones. Remember? it vuss on dis site last year! Well,, should not the guy who had to shnell out all dis coin has won buy now? If not I vood ask for money Back! Curious, of vare dis super board go! and the results? Mr. Morgan I tink you remeber dis Board? Burton! Burton! anyone! Burton!:
  6. Ja, I vunder vhat happened to dat Burton Race board mit dat special race core that was appenently sold last year like for $5,000 Krones. Remeber was on dis site last year! Well should the guy who had to shnell out all dis coin has won buy now? Curious, of vare dis super board go! and the results? Mr. Morgan I tink you remeber dis Board? Burton! Burton! anyone! Burton!
  7. Ja Gute tyre! vus on mienen AMC 1985 4X4 Eagle Vagon! Nokian Hakkapeliitta Q Ett friktionsdäck för nordiska förhållanden Nokian Hakkapeliitta Q håller utomordentligt väl också på de grovslitna nordiska vägarna. Greppet är utmärkt på olika vägunderlag och däcket fungerar i snö, is och slask. Däckets utmärkta egenskaper är ett resultat av det effektiva lamellskärningssystemet, kallat Spiral Sipe System. Nokian Hakkapeliitta Q är ett odubbat vinterdäck, vars grepp på is har maximerats genom en unik konstruktion med spiralskurna lameller. Tack vare denna nya teknologi är också däckets komfort och slitstyrka i en klass för sig. Den vattenfilm som bildas mellan däckets mönstrade yta och isen försvinner allt effektivare ju fler vattenuppsugande lameller däcket har. Ett konventionellt däcks lameller är rakskurna och böjer sig därför lätt, däckmönstrets yta blir lös och den slits snabbt. De spiralskurna lamellerna hos Hakkapeliitta Q ger varandra stöd och bildar inom varje mönsterklack speciella stödzoner. Spiralskärningen av lamellerna, Spiral Sipe System ger: bättre grepp, bättre slitstyrka och styrförmåga, låg ljudnivå Utomordentliga egenskaper under vinterförhållanden och vid risk för vattenplaning i sörja, tack vare det nya pilformade däckmönstret Tack vare den nykonstruerade däckstommen har däcket optimal kontakt med vägytan, däcket slits jämnt Tack vare den täta lamelldelningen är Hakkapeliitta Q så bra som ett odubbat däck över huvud taget kan vara Hakkapeliitta Q är ett odubbat vinterdäck som framför allt utvecklats för att bättre utnyttja fördelarna med ABS-bromsar http://www.motor.no/pdf/DEKKTEST.pdf
  8. Vell, zum artillery iz till mit me! Like the Stuka 201 and Zie Luger 177.11 Ja und how is my Alethia Doing, have you got her to on Bomber! vell tell her to come on and say hi to Shred! How are tings! Is it better snow now at Silver dan last year! I hope zoe! going back to Banff Jan 24th to the 31st. Try to make it if ja can. Have a bunch going! Alethia? where are you! Said Shred
  9. I vonder den Bob what the Donek modle "The Lara Flynn Boyle" goiing two look like! I Still tink she's hot, mit room to grow! Ja! Right said Shred
  10. Alex, What I have done in the Past on my SB325's even with the stiff tounge I wanted more! so I trimmed off the from part of another tounge and put it underneath the other one, "doubled up" As a last Resort. Right Said Shred!
  11. Ja, have nut ting left, so need to start from snatch! Help please I know some vun has some Doneks or Burners or Coilers they don't use or don't no how to ride. danks, for help pleeze! Right said Shred:(
  12. Ja, I poor unemplooyed now, wuz ingineer but now not. Can anyone send me a board and bingings looking fur, a Donek anything over 185, simms burner 188 or 197 F2 Speedster 186 or 182, F2 Silberptfiel 172 Coiler pure Race. Anyone of deez vill do. oh and boots too, Raichle AF900TFF would work or the Deluux Formula boot. Danks let me know what you can donut and I give address. Danks so much, und Hoppy Holidaze! Right Said Shred
  13. Ja I called phone again? call my work number if you need to! vill take care of dis ja! Is dat what you mean or do Zometing else mit Paypal? Hmmm Said Shred:confused:
  14. Ja, danka Curtis, check email when home and call me please! Danks everyvone fur al jour help! Right Said Shred! :)
  15. Still de-siding on what she wants to do, also still trying to get what an actual fit would be for her she's a womens size 8 1/2 and measures 25.5 Any Input on this? I heard Mondo 25, but that don't make much sense to me, cause measurement is measurement, maybe then I don't understand? Help said Shred!
  16. Ja, haha you funny, of course not form me, I Shred Gruumer you not no heard of da infamous Shred Gruumer, Shame on you! hahaha!:D No dis is for a girl friend of mine, Just like to get her into a good boot if I can! me riding now over 15years on alpine
  17. Looking for Raichle any modle actual foot zize iz 25.5 for a female rider. Need helping hand out. do ya got anything? Let me know details and cost if ya got! rthut@parker.com:rolleyes:
  18. Paul, is the 172 new? what year, color ect and any pics? same with the 178? if price is right be interested Trade what you trade and or want. Shred rthut@parker.com
  19. I see cleveland, what year, condition x-cetera I email you hope you get. Vill see, Still look for closer fit, but maybe it work?
  20. Thanks for the reply. I will consider them, I really am looking for Raichles though or UPS. only because of my experience with them and know the mechanics. Not out of the question though I would like to get into a Raichle if I can. Got picture of them? also actual size of foot is 25.5 so how would this fit, what was the actual size of the foot that used them and what was the feel Thanks again, Shred
  21. Looking to find a inexspensive pair of boots either new, this year, last year or year before or very slightly used. For a new rider so even SB223's would be good, already checked all the sites, looking for a bargin, any help? actual foot size measurement is 25.5 Thanks Shred, can't give email big brother watching but please reply thanks. Shred:(
  22. Ja, I zee I must be walking sleep at night, did knot no made film mit me at night. Any good? Right said Shred:confused:
  23. Nine! nicht kanst make it, me worky on Fridays, if take day off den it wood be ven hole huge mountain of springs is open like in January! Sorry, nicht Swanson Sausauge! das ist fur guht fraulein ja! Richteg sacht Shred!
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