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Posts posted by Buell

  1. for those that may have missed the point, here are the five reviews to which the link in the original post led:

    Let those individuals start the thread and post their reviews in this forum.

    Is it actually you guys contention that anyone who sells a product for alpine gear can start a thread on their product in the review section. Provided that they have hand chosen reviews or testimonials of the product on their website?

    Again, I am not saying anything about the product, just the marketing technique. I am not in favor of Bruce starting a thread with all the great reviews he gets by email, or Donek, Catek, Prior or any other company providing links to testimonials in the review forum.

  2. It seems to me, that there are a few people here on BOL that have been giving T.Stoughton a hard time about his new product.

    I am not one of them and would not speak without trying it.

    The above posting of his website has reviews by some prominent BOL members that have only good things to say about the product when they used it.

    Yes, reviews on his website. Let's get real, those are reviews he chose to put on his website. Just like most every other company that has a website for marketing and puts up testimonials by customers.

    There is a significant risk of bias in the collection of reviews and it does not belong in the review section. It is marketing by a vendor and belongs elsewhere.

  3. I'm wary of rockered boards because I worry how it affects carving performance.

    If you get the correct rocker profile it won't affect its carving. You want one that places the full contact edge on the snow (or shop floor) as soon as you tip it on edge.

    At least find a board that has a decambered nose and tail. Old school cambered boards where the camber extends to the widest point of the nose and tail are harder to ride in chopped up snow. The nose camber bounces hard off the crud and the tail catches a lot more during the turn (for the pivoted turns). Rocker will absolutely smooth the ride.

    Tanker 172 as it turns tighter than you would expect for its specs, or possibly a Prior MFR hybrid rocker (but I have not tried it).

  4. Well I cannot disagree more. Do you really think if these boards were so superior, the other manufactures would be not able to do reverse engineering on them?:smashfrea

    Obviously they do, but the builders doing reverse engineering are always behind. Much of the design of most of our recently built freeride boards is directly copied from the boards and board makers winning World Cup races.

  5. The idea of calling something a spoiler because it has not yet been shown on TV is a dated concept. I don't watch TV, have no idea when things are scheduled, and am not going to worry about discussing something that has already happened.

    If you don't want to know before you see it on TV, don't look at the internet.

  6. When Rebecca and I started carving, we bought, tested, and sold all kinds of used boards (and new ones).

    Now we are down to only one custom Coiler each that we replace roughly each year. The board designs are improving so fast that there is a big improvement in each year's board. They are also so versatile that one board (of a well chosen turn radius) is all we need.

    I am about to test a Kessler SL courtesy of Hardbooter though. That could complicate things.

  7. Hey Two Ravens,

    Decambered nose and tail are really nice! The decambered nose really smooths out the nose over groomer imperfections and snow inconsistencies. The decambered nose and tail combine to make an easier handling board. I expect your own Coiler has them.

    Too bad I will miss you Sunday, but I hope you and Rebecca have fun. :biggthump


  8. not even sure about ligament damage yet...

    I was in the same boat with my broken femur at the knee joint. They did not know about the ligaments. Hopefully, like me, the bone breaking took the pressure off the ligaments and, at least, they were fine.

    Good luck!

  9. For me it was definitely not a bounce. Beckmann description sounds bang on to me.

    The bounce is between the top and bottom springs. The translation to the edge is a wobble / wavy lines. There is a distinct inability to make micro adjustments to the edge when your boots are too soft. At some point the board can flex your springs for you.

    As I said above, technique can alway be improved for all of us and there is a reasonable chance that is the issue as well.

  10. +1 to kjl.. that really sounds kinda weird.. not sure if I simply missed a joke since I'm not that familiar with BOL talk.. but "if you got HS problems buy a metal Kessler an blue springs!"??? you can't be serious.

    Of course the Kessler and metal board stuff was a joke.

    Stiffening up the flex on the boot by changing springs was not. The yellow springs are really soft and do not have the stiffness to power the edge as one rides harder. On top of that, there is nothing to keep a bounce from developing between the upper and lower springs. From what I can tell, this bounce is most pronounced when the springs are too soft.

    Of course technique can alway be improved for all of us and there is a reasonable chance that is the issue as well.

  11. You would be the expert wouldn't you Buell!! :smashfrea

    The red circle area? Damn, hate to see this happen.

    Welcome to the "Broken Leg Club". :barf:

    It looks like the knee is either bent to 90 degrees for the xray (but where is the patella) or we are looking at the back of the knee. I think you circled the bottom of the femur. Those knobs are the femoral condyles. I broke the left one (lateral condyle) off 4 years ago tomorrow from a hard compression.

    Yes, unfortunately I know something about breaking the knee joint.

    I think the break is on the upper right corner of the lower bone.

    Every thing I am saying could be wrong though. :cool:

  12. Looks like the tibial plateau to me. Break is in the upper right corner of the tibia. Sheeessh!

    How many screws did they put it back together with?

    Was it from a compression?

    Best of luck in your recovery.

  13. Buell, Would you go blue on both top and bottom? New metal board is on wish list for next season. This year I'm just getting better and riding a real race board. Have been on AM/FC type boards with lower angles.

    I did not experiment. I just went straight from yellow to blue top and bottom when I was having that issue. It worked. The problem for me also started with an improvement in my riding.

    I actually just ordered red springs because the blue just started doing it to me. If it is the same issue (sounds like it) there is no adjustment to my riding that I could find that would fix it.

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