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Everything posted by Art

  1. Billy, I still you if that makes you feel better. Seems like people are edgy but that comes with the increase in numbers an unfamiliarity with some history and differing personalities (excluding the Mods, It's their world, I just post here). Not an excuse, just seems to be the trend. FWIW I like your perspective, I like riding with you (If I ever get to again), and I think you bring an unfiltered view that has value and is a benefit to many riders. And I think I still owe you a beer. Gawd I Billy Bordy!
  2. Just shipped one using D's instructions. Funny the USPS would not insur it w/o some sort of "INSULATION"but it shipped great just the same. Thanks fellas!
  3. Sturtevants does my boards. They do have some people who can do race tunes and one of the World Cup employees just came back to the shop and he has an extensive race tune background. That said, they may not have a race board back ground. Ask for Tim and see if he or Mark can help you out. Dont know about turn around but since there was a big sale last weekend, expect a backlog.
  4. Justin, I have some friends who were in their late 30s and early forties, lived in Seattle and were fed up with dead end jobs. They wanted to move to Sun Valley but were afraid of finding jobs and housing. Granted, They had a house here and would have a decent payment when it sold. They rented the house found good jobs and when they sold their home here were able to buy a house down the road from Sun Valley in Haley. They arent rich but as good employees are hard to find in resort towns, have been able to make a liveable wage, buy a house and ski at least 40 days a year on the mountain with trips to Utah, Canada, or Colorado for variety. Greg picked up a job with bennies at the health club and works in the ski/bike shop (bro deals?) and val works for a lithograph company. They get by, have a great life and live in a beautiful part of the world. Good luck, it can be done!
  5. Whistler is 41/2 hours from northe Seattle depending on traffic and the border, say 5 1/2 from Tacoma for the same. Crystal is about 1 1/2 hours from Tacoma, again traffic and conditions will play a factor. If it's Saturday morning on a pow day, good luck, leave really early.
  6. I believe they now have production off shore, not sure where. They are relocating the offices to Tacoma I think with Very limited production capabilities, so, yeah, something like that.
  7. http://www.k2vashonmovingsale.com/ Get there early.....
  8. Not sure what those looked like.
  9. Just some more pics of the construction features. This was the first run of Han's bag but due to the thickness of the foam, it ended up too narrow for Hans's requirements. His was redone and should be in the mail today. I planned to take pics of his too but my camera battery died. this is his color scheme and design though. There are pockets on the rear flap and nose, the deviders are padded and the webbing used for the handle and hangin loop is heavy duty. Also, Kenneth discovered that when he put the paddding in the dividers, he had to double up the outer seams and trim making a really strong final seam. we were also talking about having people send in board tracings for some of the more progressive designs like pow-sticks and such.
  10. I washington it is mandatory for the resort to let the lines be a free-for-all. Can you say merge? I would hope that when a mid-week pass goes up 100% in price over 4 years (Crystal) that the experience would improve. Im not sure their new plan is going to be all that cool. Same crabby employees, understaffing, etc. Just bitchin to bitch, but I dont see Snoqualmie (where I learned to ski btw and rode a board for the first time) really improving. The good news is that alot of the skiers there need new equipment and thats good for the local retailers. Oh and I love lines (I'm the upper left with the orange and white jersey)
  11. Woop-de-do, They dont even know if the passes will reciprocate for the resorts, maybe a discounted rate or limited visits per season. Kind of a joke if you ask me, Same crappy lines, slow chairs, with rising prices. Time to take some trips
  12. Queequeg, the boards sort of nest together near the tips. To be honest, I never tried a 157 with my 179, but the foam in the seperation sleeves starts and stops from 1 foot from the tip all the way to 1 foot from the tail to offer plenty of protection from the cant plates. It is hard to explain, but I have had a 168 with a 179 with minimal movement. If you intend to carry a softie with your alpine we need to know proir to putting it together due to having 2 sets of bindings mounted and those would need to go base to base. As it is this is set up for one full set of binders with one or two second board kits on the spare boards, or possibly two full TD set-ups base to base.
  13. OK, I went to the Phunnybaggs site and can see we still need to do some work regarding the flow for orders. I know it is being worked on, but if you want a bag, email me and I will forward it to Kenneth. Also, he does bags for ANY TYPE OF BOARD, softies, wake boards, surfboards, and even kite boards inspite of their faddishness. I have been trying to get him to update his site with pics of his projects, hopefully he will get it done soon.
  14. The first post has link to the phunnybaggs site or you can email me with the questions and we can get er done.
  15. Al, I hear if you order one of my bags, mother nature will give us tons of powder/groom, take your pick. Actually, sorry we never got that ride in. I see you email every day and just havnt been able to fit it in. Im actually doing cyclocross so that is where my riding has been focussed. There is a race at snohomish end of the month, check it out at seattlecyclocross.com, Ironically Ill be golfing in Chelan for my 40th that weekend. but doing the rest of the series. Been riding the road bike exclusively on the trainer......boooooorrrrring!
  16. Hans, your bag is on the table being cut as I write this. I hope to have pics posted as soon as it is done if you dont mind. Just a few notes that I discussed with Kenneth regarding some of the features for the bags: The tool pocket will be towards the front of the bag, enough room for a t-handle, stone, file, wax, and a compact edge tool. We had originally put it in the middle, but I did not like the way the board went in (the tool would catch slightly on the toe/heel blocks). Putting it near the shovel/tip minimized this. Keep in mind, you can specify where you want it but I think this works best. The seperator sleeves are insulated with the thinner 1/4" foam But this still offers plenty of protection to the base from second board kits on the reserve boards. IMPORTANT: If you have risers on the bindings, we need to know the overall binding height. These are designed around TD2'S and will accommodate the suspension kit, and will work for Catek, but blocks and plates need to be measured for overall height. Again, thanks to all for the interest, contact me or Kenneth at Phunnybaggs with questions/orders
  17. Sigh, pissing off the customers already :D . In case you didnt notice, I couldnt spell single either. Sorry BrYan, Ill get you some numbers today
  18. Brain, We can do a silgle that is padded with 1/4 inch foam any lenght/width you want. The lighter foam keeps the profile down. This was our first design, very simple but effective. The idea was to be a little more substantial than a "sock". Let me know if your interested. Art
  19. The idea was to try to keep it somewhat simple. In fact I have a Dakine Highroller, and I like the sleeve better, and if I were to fly, I would put the sleeve in the Highroller or tube and when I get to my destination, I use the sleeve as intended. I guess having "loose" boards in the High roller or tube sort of gave me the creeps. It may seem sort of redundant, but.....just thinking of another way to protect something we put so much thought into buying.
  20. Fellas, Thanks for the interest! Just a few things. With respect to BOL, I was asked not to list prices on the site. Fin has graciously allowed me to post this little plug so I respect his wishes. This enterprise is just getting off the ground, there are still a few wrinkles to iron out. Phunnybaggs is working on a pricing menu for his site so hopefully in a few days. While you could probably fly with these, I HIGHLY recommend that these go in a tube. It was designed more for home to hill type travel, but has done well in a tube. I sent one to the Session for the raffle last year but never found out who won it. If you know, I would like to hear from him/her. I would love to bring some to the '08 SES and hope to have a few more for the raffle. In the mean time, you can contact him directly with questions through the links on this post. Keep in mind this is sort of a two man show right now, but we wanted to see what kind of interest was out there. If you want to talk to me directly. shoot me an email and Ill give you a call. Thanks again, Art
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