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Everything posted by eddie

  1. One good lesson that I learned from my rock climbing instructor was shut up and climb. Instead of pondering silly "what if" questions, why don't we just all do what we enjoy to do- CARVE. Go out and enjoy life.
  2. A family emergency kinda came up, my little brother called and wanted me to spend some time with him. Been out the last few days in a row but now it looks like I wont be out for over a week.
  3. Gonna be there till from 9 to 12. I'll be in Snow Canyon or somewhere off of Super Condor... aplande... kestrel... somewhere eddie
  4. I only have two boards and after taking a close look at the Burton the other day, it needs to get in for a repair. My friend said he will do it for me and since I am not paying anything I wont push him on time. All I have left is my Rossi 171. I have not been into alpine long enough to aquire a nice quiver. I only wish. But, I can hold my own on the mountain and its hard to find someone to ride with that pushes me, unless it's Billy. Billy and Phil (don't know the guy yet) will blow your mind when you come up for the WTC, then you can see why they used to race for a living. If you find something to ride, again, let me know and I will see what I can do to get out. eddie
  5. It was Feed the Need day; five cans of food and giving two hitch hikers a ride to the top got me on the mountain for nothing around 12:30. My little bro was already there and he was telling me another dude was out carving but I couldn't find him. I am lucky enough to have a job that lets me out early too or I can change it to where I go in late. Dude, if you come up around christmas drop me a line. I might be able to squeeeeeeze a half off ticket to The Canyons from my brother. Either trip you take, bring the Oxygen, I just got a Burton FP 185 and am looking for more people with GS boards that want to ride. eddie
  6. I just went did almost the exact same change. Rossi 171 to a Burton FP 185; no cant and Burton bindings on the Rossi to Cateks on the FP. Tip #1. Start with the Catek bindings on your Rossi first. It's damn hard to do two new things at once. Tip #2. Always keep the tools on you to make random on hill adjustments. (Just keep playing with the cant and lift all the time.) Tip #3. Ridding with 0* takes different technique (at least for me) than ridding with cant and lift. Try to find someone who can tell you what's going on. Hope that helps. eddie
  7. The board has a soft stiffness to it. I am almost positive that the radius is 10.5m or 11m. Its a fun board and I love to take it out on the super steep and narrow runs. The only down side I have to say is that when you realy lay down the turns the board dumps some speed. But then again, for some, that would be comfortable and forgiving. eddie
  8. Lots of fun today. We'll have to get together again with our smaller boards next time. Billy, Yea, how ironic was that, Saturday, ski patrol in front of the SLOW, but yet Billy gets the standing O for effort. I guess that's the magic of The Canyons. Learned much. Had lot-o-fun.:D Eddie
  9. Hey Billy, I found the lost picture of me crashing today. Well, maybe it wasn't today's crash. Eddie
  10. Can't remember your name. I used to see about two to three carvers sometimes at Mt. High. They would switch to regular boards when it got crowded (I only assume because they disappeared, maybe they were drinking in the parking lot). Also, you still planning on the WTC in Utah? Hope to see more people there. Eddie
  11. Just sent you a letter. I have a pass to The Canyons, nothing for Park City. Left a message on Bill's phone but I think he will most likely show up. He was telling me that he gets in trouble too quickly for ridding fast there. Eddie
  12. Mellow Yellow, they are kinda small but very crowded. If the snow is good you can also go to Mt. Baldy which I found is nearly empty during the weekdays and if it is an excellent snow year, the best free ridding steeps in So. Cal. Here is the links to the mountains. http://www.mthigh.com/ http://www.bigbearmountainresorts.com/ http://www.bigbearmountainresorts.com/ http://www.mtbaldy.com/ You can find all the information you are looking for. The best part about So Cal I think was surfing in the morning and snowboarding in the afternoon. Eddie
  13. I can't e-mail you through bomber. I am going to be there from 9 to 11. Just looking for another carver to ride with unless there is new powder (the you'll find me in the trees). That goes for you too Billy, if you have the time between work and studying.;) Eddie
  14. eddie

    GS or SL?

    I can't believe that anyone hasn't brought up the issue of the TERRAIN. One thing I think you need to take into account how narrow the trails are, how steep the majority of the mountain is, and how many people are on the slopes when you ride. Yes, the GS boards are fun and the slower transitions between carves make it easier to set each turn up, but, how are you going to navigate the people while learning on a 13m- 16m sidecut. A SL board with a smaller sidecut can allow you to easily carve a turn uphill to control speed but like many others have said, they can be less forgiving if your technique is not dialed. I suggest a free carve board with whatever sidecut is comfortable to you- do you want fast sweeping turns or quick short turns with the possibility of uphill speed checks (I found that most usefull for myself). Do you have many people to nagotiate or a vertically challenged resort where you know big sweeping turns would be fun. Also, most freecarve board have a flex that is more forgiving to learn on. Eddie
  15. If I still lived out there I would go. One thing I like about Big Bear is the Memorial Day garage sales/ski swap. I purchased my first carving board and bindings for a grand total of $80. I still ride them today. Eddie
  16. Seeing how the brace looks on the body puts a better perspective on it. I think I'll get it too. Eddie
  17. I may not be an instructor, but I have to say that within my work community, a reactionary person is slow to learn and least likely to make advances. I am not stating that everyone else suffers from narrow mindedness but sometimes it is necessary to supress emotion to understand one another, no matter the circumstance. Eddie
  18. Matt, looks like you found the web page but for anyone else interested, here is the link. The brace is supposed to be good for aiding people with shoulder dislocations and/or rotator cuff injuries but it still allows full range of motion. How it protects yet lets the arm still move freely, I guess we will have to ask someone who has used one. Eddie
  19. It wont help for broken collar bones. 661, the company that makes it says this- The SB03 is similar in design to the SB02 (the original EVS shoulder brace). 3 different length compression straps allow for a wide range of support options. Straps hold shoulder in place while allowing movement and range of motion Made completely from Airprene. I think the only protective gear for you wife would be something like a chest protector. Eddie
  20. Does anyone have any experience with any sort of shoulder brace like this? Any input appreciated. Eddie
  21. Don't know if I am good enough but would like to try. Eddie
  22. I have finals on that day. Oh well. Eddie
  23. How much is it to watch the Grand Prix? The 19th I am getting a part of the bone in my nose, that must have once broke, cut out along with a rotor rooter job on the sinus, therefore, I don't have to work the 20th and would be stoked to go (black eyes and all; woo hoo:D ). Utah Carver, I was at The Canyons on the 5th too. The parking lot attendent told me she saw Rodger (who is always there) and three other guys on alpine. Too bad y'all didn't post anything because you could of had more company. Eddie
  24. Where do you work at The Canyons? My little bro is working season passes and ticket sales. I'll e-mail you before the next time I go. Eddie
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