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RyanKnapton last won the day on January 14 2018

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    Breckenridge CO
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    Home: Breck, Fav: Beaver Creek
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  1. SolRosenburg... Please Please Please try to tell me that the first 5 seconds of this vid isn't carving. Please. (I'm daring you).
  2. Yup, I have footage of Bryan talking about this for the vid but didn't use it as his facemask was up and the audio wasn't very good. Will probably include it as a random tip in a future vid.
  3. Here's my best tips for it once you are already making killer toeside turns... Also, a chance I might hit Loveland tomorrow... would love to meet up with the Sunday crew for a couple runs if so... Mario, you going? will you message me your # if so?
  4. Kinda hard to stop once ya start...
  5. The Russian guy on hard-boots with a freestyle board has been a fan of my vids for years. I'm stoked to see his progression into a more powerful form and getting smoother and smoother with it. Previously he was on a normal freestyle board (of today), which was way too soft and noodley IMO. On this board and setup and his progression, I cant wait to see how those same tricks and carving look by the end of the year. Anyways... I can't truly say its 'worth watching'.. lol. but got back on an alpine setup a couple days ago, and it's so much easier when its better snow! :)
  6. For sure, hit it up on an old jacket or hoodie... and I'm betting it'll be your new favorite for when you're doing em. I also use these knee pads under my jacket for a softer feel too. :D https://www.burton.com/us/en/p/burton-basic-knee-pad/W18-102891.html
  7. Just wanted to share this... I know there's been massive threads on using shoe-goo, and other types of product to both help clothing last longer or either slide in the snow better. Since late last spring I've been gluing slabs of fabric vinyl on the bottom side of my jacket sleeves, and when using a similar color, I think it ends up looking nicer than some of the other options. Previously I was using Gorilla tape, (cheap and easy), but it really stuck out and was a visual eyesore IMO. I know a lot of you purposely don't ever want to touch the snow... but for those that like to lay it down when its velvety.. I've been really pleased with doing this. (tip: watch at 2x speed till the shred part). :) Ultra sad to hear about Bomber. :( I was nervous AF when attending my first ATC (knowing I'd be pretty much the only soft-booter attending an event for alpine riders), and when we arrived, Jim welcomed me with a beer and told me I wouldn't meet a nicer group of people. He was definitely right. Will definitely miss shreddin with ya'll there.
  8. Thanks for the feedback all. I definitely feel I could have put way more energy into the board and gotten a lot more aggressive with it after the first days (or even on the first day), but the snow really rode a lot worse than it looks. Frozen slush groomed in between parts that never refroze and were way too soft. I kinda took the approach of.. 'if I get hurt on this, that'll be a terrible endorsement for alpine riding!' Ha. I'll definitely try to do it some more during the regular part of the winter and explore how differences in stance widths, angles, and lift feel. I just went with how Jim set it up for me. Mostly I think just making tons and tons more turns in snow that I could trust would make the biggest difference to start with tho. Thanks again, and happy shreddin all!
  9. Big thanks to Bomber Alpine Outfitters for letting Jeff and I use this gear! Was nice to be able to ride it numerous days in a row and start adapting to get it riding a-lot more fluidly than the previous 4 runs total I had made on Alpine gear. With being so use to low stance angles (15,-15), I think these wider boards and lower angles helped make it feel less different too vs. the 18 or 19 cm widths with higher angles I tried the first times. Looking forward to giving it another go in the future!
  10. All on the edge... but not much carving... :)
  11. Turns out Ron was right. Need more tape. lololol (pic of my jacket after working on em today). Eric, I'll try the 24, 12 soon. Today I was going to today on my last run, but by then the snow was so slushy I was leaving 6 inch trenches and it wouldn't have been decent enough snow to fully try to get the feel of what can happen with those angles when I'm sinking in that much. Please understand those angles will suck when I try to do it switch tho... and yeah, since I still ride some park and am always doing buttering stuff riding switch... being completely symmetrical on a twin with a wide stance is where I'm at for now. I completely understand my stance angles and width are not ideal for what I am trying. I played around with forward lean quite a bit today, and can't say anything with certainty other than 'need more tape'. lol One of the major problems seems to be all the pressure on the nose and tail when I get the board too high on its edge... and then the middle just isn't in the snow so the board starts doing weird things. I'll keep working on em and try a larger radius board next weekend at Nationals and report back if I figure out anything better than how they are now. NeedMoreTapeRK
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