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Carve Fathers lose one to the hill

Bobby Buggs

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Thanks for the message Buggs.

I was riding down Lower Wolverine with Ward, Had, and Decker making some nice turns along the right side of the trail. Next thing I know I lose my heal edge and just started skidding on my butt towards the tree line and came to a stop after hitting a tree just above the boot cuff. I pretty much knew it was broken immediately despite not hearing any crack or feeling much pain.

Both my tibia and fibula were broken however the tibia is in perfect alignment so I was told that casting is an option.

I saw two orthopaedic surgeons today and both recommend inserting a titanium rod in my tibia. Has anyone else out there had a similar experience with either a full leg cast or a titanium rod?

I'm leaning towards surgery as it is less likely that the bone won't set/heal properly and I'll be back on my feet much sooner and I won't have to deal with a cast.

Have fun at the ECES, I'm going to miss you guys!

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to hear of your injury.

This is not medical advice: any weight (even momentarily) will displace the alignment of your tibia, which is the weight bearing bone (the fib serves as a stabilizer / ligament attachment site for knee and ankle)

You need an aligned tibia to walk / run / carve

#1. Ask the ortho's how long until weight-bearing in cast vs IM rod

#2. Ask how long 'til IM rod has to come out

Check out for lay advice / info


Best of luck.

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The rod will be permanent and would not come out unless medically required, infection for instance. I was told that with the rod I would be able to bear some weight on the leg immediately. With a cast I understand it will be 2-3 months before I could put weight on it.



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Busted my tibia some times back couple of years ago hardbooting at Vail. Had Dr. William Sterett (yes the same doctor for US teams at Olympics Tornio) perform surgery on my leg, immediately at my request. Titanium rod's been bored into it. Since then, its' working pretty well. Its been 4 years or so, and Im happy with it. No, make that three years. Not a problem. Only pain in the ass I have is sometimes I feel sore on my knee after several days of hard riding or dirt bike motorcycling, due to the incision required at knee area to install the rod in my tibia. Good luck to you, sir.

EDIT: PS If youre interested, I could send you photos of my x-rays.

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Ask questions about risk factors. bone infection is a big one with rods. Also ask about leg length issues etc. in either case you may end up with a leg length deficiency that requires an orthotic in your shoe. many of the joint issues later can be attributed to unequal weight bearing due to a short leg. Sort of like running your car around in need of a front end alignment wears the tires. Once the orthopedic gets you patched back together get your alignment checked at a good chiropractor. you will avoid a lot of joint issues down the road and maintain your active lifestyle. Personally if you can avoid the surgery do it. But like anything else its a numbers game you have to weigh the odds and make an informed decision. good luck with the healing process

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